He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2614 Another time and space gate?

Although the power of the waveguide lost its effect, while walking randomly in the end cave, Xiaozhi unknowingly came to this end cave.

The environment is obviously different from the cave outside, and there is a strong aura of God in the air.

"Is this where legendary Pokémon live?!"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed and quickly quickened his pace. Sure enough, he saw the dry river bed composed of countless purple and black plant vines.

And a big fat hedgehog standing on the edge in a daze, with its back turned to him.

There is no legendary Pokémon, just a fat Hari!

"Fat Hali! You guy, you came here!"

Xiaozhi quickly came over, breathed a big sigh of relief, and couldn't help but laugh and curse.

Then Fat Hali turned his head, and the obvious green light in his pupils gradually dissipated, turning into dull and confused eyes.


Fatty Hali woke up leisurely and rubbed his head, completely unaware of what happened.

The Z2 in the body has restrained its aura and is hiding again.

Although it has been traveling with Xiaozhi and his group for two months, these humans seem to be somewhat different from the humans it has known before.

However, humans are best at pretending, and Z2 doesn’t think Xiaozhi and his friends are good people.

It's just that this time I took the risk of taking over Hali's body. There are still some risks in controlling the control and leaving the team alone. I won't be discovered by this Pokémon.

"Nima niima~!"

However, the next moment, Fatty Hali came back to his senses, rubbed his belly, and giggled.

It must have fainted from hunger just now, or even lost consciousness, and its body subconsciously ran here looking for food.

Z2: "."

It seemed like he didn't have to worry about this Pokémon at all.

"You guy"

Xiaozhi could only helplessly pat Fat Hali on the head, indicating not to run around like this next time, and then turned to look at the strange environment around him.

Based on his experience of traveling to so many places and coming into contact with so many legendary Pokémon.

In all likelihood, this should also be the nest of a certain divine beast or phantom beast.

There is a high probability that it is the local ancient god of Kalos, the Pokémon named Zygarde.

"So Fatty Hali, didn't you just come here by chance?"

Xiaozhi squinted his eyes and glanced furtively at Fat Hali.

Was he attracted by an aura similar to Zygarde, or was his mind manipulated and brought here by force?

Although it seems that there is no problem now.

"There must have been a battle here before?"

Xiaozhi knelt down and inspected this strange dry river bed.

He also reached out and touched the purple-black rattan below, which was about half a meter thick. They were densely stacked. People with trypophobia would not be able to see this.

However, when touched, it is not exactly like a plant, but rather has the rough and hard feel of a rock.

"weird stuff"

Xiaozhi didn't think much about it. After looking around and finding nothing special, he was ready to go back with Fat Hali.

This time, the purpose of entering the Ending Cave was to conquer the Sonic Dragon, and it was now complete.

As for exploring Zygarde's secret, it's just a side mission, if not, forget it.

But just as he stood up to leave, a poke ball in his waist suddenly trembled.


The next moment, the elf ball opened automatically, and the figure of the frog appeared in front of Xiaozhi.


Xiaozhi was stunned. Wasn't the frog practicing outside the cave just now? When did he return to the elf ball?

"Nima niima!"

Before he could think about it, Fatty Hali was the first to jump up. He immediately started yelling angrily and even hugged one of Xiao Zhi's thighs, arrogantly.

Ending the cave is an adventure between it and Xiaozhi, and has nothing to do with you, the frog!


However, the frog didn't look at Fatty Hali at all. Instead, his eyes fell solemnly on the dry river bed in front of him.

"Did you find something?"

The frog never joked, and Xiaozhi's face became serious. He covered Fat Hali's mouth with one hand and dragged it back, and asked carefully.


The frog turned his head and nodded solemnly towards Xiaozhi.

Although it doesn't know exactly what happened.

But faced with this rhizome, which is both plant-like and rock-like, it seems to see something extra.

This is an existence that makes people dislike and hate it.

Makes it want to chop?

The frog even put one arm on his waist, and a shining white light of Iai short sword condensed in the void, eager to try.

"In that case, let's do it, frog!"

Naturally, Xiaozhi supported the idea of ​​the croaking frog unconditionally and immediately spoke.

At the same time, he glanced sideways at Pikachu, indicating that the latter was ready to attack at any time.


Pikachu patted his electric bag. Its power was full today. Even if an ancient god-level being appeared, he could give it an electrotherapy on the spot!

Everything was ready, and the frog didn't waste any time. His pupils shrank and he landed on the dry river bed.

And with the sword raised and lowered, Iai slashed directly towards a raised platform in the center where all the plant roots gathered.


This puzzled Z2 in Fatty Hali's body. Isn't that where Z1 usually sleeps? What's so special about it?

But Z2 also cheered up.

After all, the croaking frog is not a crane tail like Fatty Hali. He must have discovered something to act like this.

Sigh! !

Surprisingly, these seemingly extremely hard rhizome rocks turned out to be like tofu, and were easily chopped in half by the Iai Slash of the Croak-headed Frog, very easily.

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. These strange plants didn't feel so crisp just now, more like

He was restrained by the moves of the croaking frog and defeated easily?

Whoops! Whoops! !

The frog raised his knife again and slashed several times, flattening half a meter of the raised platform in the middle of the dry river bed.

Xiaozhi and the others couldn't see it, but at this moment, the frog's eyes saw many novel things.

These plant rocks seem to be alive. The frog can see through the hard surface the flow of some blood-like substances inside, which are all gathered on the small central platform.

With its Iai Slash at this moment, it actually cut a hole directly!

Like a flat wooden pile, but filled with flowing energy green light, it is very strange, like

"Like a time and space portal?"

Xiaozhi blurted out and exclaimed, it was the same scene as the two golden ring portals he discovered on the San Annu.

And inside the green hole in front of you, there is also a mysterious atmosphere that is obviously different from this world.

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