He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2615 Six major factions besieged the Ninja Village?

"Is there another novel adventure inside~!?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up and he rubbed his little hands.

The two golden rings last time teleported him to the place of violent thunder drums and rippling water, completing two good adventures.

So when encountering this strange scene again, Xiaozhi didn't have any worries, but instead became excited with anticipation.

Just do it, Xiaozhi looked at his three Pokémon.

"How about it, do you want to go in and find out, everyone?"

Pikachu and Frog nodded immediately, but Fat Hali shook his head in fear.

This energy portal looks unreliable.

The most important thing is that the entrance of the hole is only half a meter, and it seems that my big belly can’t fit through it?

But it must be embarrassed to ask the frog to cut the hole wider.


Even Z2 in its body was confused. It was the first time I heard that this place was connected to a portal from another time and space.

"Then go straight ahead!"

As Xiaozhi gave the order, the frog jumped up quickly, as if jumping into a pool, merged into it, and disappeared into the green light hole.

"Fat Fat Hali, hurry up and follow~"

Xiaozhi held Pikachu in one hand and jumped up, not forgetting to remind him.

But as his friends all disappeared into the portal hole, Fatty Hali swallowed his saliva.

Finally, he took a deep breath and tightened his abdomen, then gritted his teeth and jumped up.


But there was no accident. Its big belly just filled the hole, making it unable to penetrate smoothly.

"Nima niima.!"

This left Fat Hali's upper body still in the cave space, while his lower limbs were constantly struggling and swinging, trying to squeeze through.

Damn it, the croak-headed frog was staring at himself and deliberately cut the width!

Unbiased, it happens to be one size smaller than my own measurements!

But now Xiaozhi and his party are no longer here, and Z2 in the body does not need to hide anything.


His eyes flashed with green light, occupying Fat Hali's body again.

Then the palm that controlled Fat Hali held the hole, jumped out suddenly, and fell back to the bank of the dry river bed.

This kind of time and space portal of unknown origin, it has a stable character, and has no intention of going in with it.

It’s still important to find Z1 now!

Thinking of this, it turned around and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

The other side, or in other words, is already another time and space.

The time and space portal was still located three meters high in mid-air. The figures of the frog and Xiaozhi appeared out of thin air one after another, and then fell.

clatter! clatter!

However, the two of them were strong and landed firmly on the ground.

The Frog immediately took out the Iai Slash Blade and looked around cautiously. Ash also put Pikachu back on his shoulder and looked around.

"here it is?"

This seems to be the mountainside of a high mountain, with sparse vegetation growing there, but more of them are oddly shaped stones, mixed with some yellow sand.

The greenery doesn't look very good.

Xiaozhi scratched his head. The time was similar to the time in the previous world. It was one or two o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was shining brightly.

However, the environment is quite harsh. The vegetation on the mountain surface of the Terminus Cave where he was previously was extremely dense, and there was also a beautiful environment of waterfalls and streams.

"Is it still the same world?"

Xiaozhi is not sure either.

Like the time and space that the Shipwreck Golden Ring traveled through, they were different places in the same world. Afterwards, he contacted Xiaoxia and Ajin to confirm that what he saw was not Xiaoxia or Ajin from other parallel universes.

But the time and space traveled in the Mirror Cave Cave was obviously a different world, and he even saw a cowardly version of himself.

So things like portals are completely uncertain.

"Also, where is that guy Fatty Hali?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his head vigorously, feeling helpless.

Just now, he seemed to have seen Fat Hali's lower body emerging from the portal, but it was stuck halfway, and then the lower body was pulled back again.

"I guess you've gone back and are waiting for us outside."

After waiting for a while, he didn't see Fat Hali coming down, so Xiaozhi simply ignored this guy for now.


The croaking frog shouted lowly and gave Xiaozhi a gesture, as if he had discovered something.

One person and one frog hurriedly squatted behind a big stone and looked around quietly.

But there was a flat open space in the distance ahead, which should be the top of this mountain peak.

But there are a lot of people gathering there at the moment.

What makes Xiaozhi strange is that the clothes of these people are obviously not modern.

Some are made of coarse linen, and some are tight-fitting ancient practice clothes, with some traditional elements such as shoulder armor, long scarves, and straw sandals added.

Just like those seen on TV, those ancient ninja costumes.

"Traveled to ancient times?!"

Xiaozhi looked shocked, so is this a fight scene of ancient ninjas?

But he was not completely sure yet. According to Sanpei, the genin he had contacted before, there was a traditional ninja village in the Carlos area. The villagers there were isolated from the world, and their clothes and customs were the same as in ancient times. .

"Cat-headed frog, let's just wait and see what happens."


One person and one frog simply hid behind the big stone and observed secretly.

At this moment, nearly a hundred people gathered in the open space on the top of the mountain, a large and dense crowd.

But it can be roughly divided into two parts.

The ones on the east side seem to be of their own kind, and they are all dressed in the same style. They should belong to the same ninja sect.

There are more people in the west, but their clothing styles are different, and they can roughly be divided into six factions.?

Their clothes were embroidered with some patterns of their respective schools, and they even held flags.

"Are these Koga-ryu ninjas here?"

Xiaozhi is not very familiar with ninjas, but he vaguely remembers the faction pattern of the most famous "Koka-ryu ninja" among the ninjas, which is similar to the patterns and coats of arms on the bodies and flags of this independent group in the east.

The six groups with different styles and patterns on the opposite side are probably from the other six unknown ninja schools, right?

The smell of gunpowder on the field was strong, and the men and horses on both sides were facing each other tit for tat. The ninja tools and knives in their hands were also clenched, ready to go.

"Look at this posture, are the ninjas of the six schools besieging the ninjas of the Koga school?"

Ash muttered.

And these ninjas are not all real people fighting hand-to-hand. Each ninja also has a partner Pokémon standing next to him - even the ancient ninjas fought like trainers.

It's just that this group of besieged Koka style ninjas seems to be completely at a disadvantage.

Not only are there fewer people than the other side, but most of them are standing swaying at this moment. It seems that they have been injured before and are unable to exert their full strength?

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