He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2616 Take action to save Koga-ryu!

In the open space, the large group composed of six ninja factions in the west is obviously the dominant party and is aggressive.

"Hmph, Koga-ryu. Today is your day of death!"

One of the men wearing a green monastic robe looked angry and stared at one of the Koga-ryu people.

This is a ninja from Uesugi-ryu. He originally had an unmarried wife, but unexpectedly he was ruined by this man and even gave birth to a daughter.

The hatred of seizing his wife is irreconcilable.

Especially when he saw that the daughter he gave birth to had now grown into a beautiful female ninja and was protecting her with all her might, he was even more angry.

"Yang Xiao, you must die here today!!"

This person, identified as the "big devil" by the six major ninja factions, is named Yang Xiao, and he seems to be the current temporary leader of Koga Ryu.

"Damn it. If we hadn't been plotted by a gangster yesterday and lost all our strength, we wouldn't have allowed you to speak loudly!"

The Koga-ryu jounin, Yang Xiao, punched the ground with his fist, his face unwilling.

He was obviously a strong man, but his pounding action seemed very weak, as if he had suffered some internal injury.

Together with his ninja partner beside him, an Elledo also sat there limply, unable to get up.

Furthermore, almost 90% of the ninjas and Pokémon in the Koga-ryu ninja behave like this, with unwilling expressions but empty and powerless bodies.

The only person still standing in front was an old jounin with two white eyebrows. He looked rough and heroic.

His partner is a warrior eagle, which also looks like a Pokémon that has fought countless battles. There are many scars on the feathers of its body.

"Tianying, you have left the Koga-ryu and established your own business. This is the grudge between us and the Koga-ryu. You should leave as soon as possible!"

Although this green Uesugi-ryu ninja was jealous in his heart, he was still upright and said loudly.

However, this white-browed jounin did not move even a step, standing firmly at the front of the Koga-ryu ninjas.

He and his Warrior Eagle were breathing heavily, and it was obvious that they had fought fiercely for several rounds.

If we were to face the powerful Uesugi-ryu ninja in his prime at this moment, as well as his opponent's partner Rikiroji, they would only be able to finish eight or nine times.

Although ancient ninja battles also focused on one-on-one solos.

But after the battle, it wasn't a polite nod and a handshake, but a real sword and gun attack to take the enemy's head.

"Amazon, that's enough. You've done too much for our Koga-ryu!"

Behind them, leader Yang Xiao and many Koga-ryu ninjas were begging Tianying not to protect them anymore.

However, the heroic Akyo still did not waver and decided to devote himself to Koga-ryu first.

"In that case, the strong chicken will tear its claws apart!"

Seeing this, the Uesugi-ryu ninjas stopped being polite and commanded their powerful chickens to rush out, intending to completely obliterate the white-browed ninja in front of them.

At the critical moment, a light blue energy water ball suddenly flew down from the sky and hit the center of the clearing.

Boom boom! !

The wave of water burst into contact with the ground, causing the water mist to scatter and impact, pushing back the fierce and strong cock.


"Dare to interfere in the affairs of our six major sects!"

The sudden change caused a lot of discussion among the six major ninja faction alliances.

And as the mist dissipated, a boy in his early ten years dressed in extremely strange clothes appeared in the center of the battlefield.

There were two Pokémon beside him, Pikachu and Frog.

The one who suddenly took action was naturally Xiaozhi.

Although he didn't know what specific grudges there were between the two parties, this white-browed old man from Koga-ryu was high-spirited and willing to sacrifice his life for those behind him.

Xiaozhi couldn't sit idly by and couldn't help but take action.

It was just that after the urgency came out, Xiaozhi didn't think about the opening remarks for a while. He could only rub his head and said in a slightly weaker tone:

"Well, everyone should stop fighting. How about we sit down and talk!?"

A strangely dressed outsider suddenly intervened, which naturally made the people of the six major alliances angry, especially the ninja sect of the Asuka style——

This seems to be a school that only recruits female ninjas, all of whom are beautiful kunoichi ladies.

Moreover, the partner Pokémon are also Pokémon with prominent feminine characteristics such as Big Mouth, Poison Rose, and Miss Skirt.

The leading middle-aged kunoichi had a fierce expression:

"A demon from Koga-ryu? If not, get out of here!"

The kunoichi who was raped by the Koga-ryu was her disciple.

However, her partners are quite special. There are two in total - a queen bee and a single scabbard.

In ancient times, Pokémon like the Solitaire Scabbard were quite rare. When Queen Bee held the Solitaire Scabbard in her hand, her slashing moves were extremely powerful and almost unrivaled!

"I'm just a passerby. I just can't bear to see so many of you gang up to bully an old man."

The vicious tone of this middle-aged woman also made Xiaozhi quite unhappy, and he fought back hard.

However, these words made the white-browed Jonin behind him smile with relief and gratitude.

"Thank you for your help, little friend, but this matter is our own business, Koga-ryu, and we don't need help from outsiders. Ahem!"

Before he finished speaking, he started coughing violently and his breath was confused.

When his eyes were confused, looking at the back of Xiaozhi's head reminded him of his grandson who died young.

In his early years, he was beaten by an unknown ninja's partner Ma Xuanla with a freezing punch and was frozen into an ice sculpture on the spot, unable to save himself.

"Huh, you kid, you have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth!"

Among the crowd, the middle-aged woman belonging to the Asuka style had the most violent and cruel temper. With a sideways glance, she immediately commanded her Queen Bee to attack.

If you like to be a hero, then just kill him!


Queen Bee's eyes were glowing red and she rushed towards her. One of her arms was spiked, with a dangerous purple light attached to it.

Poison attack!

"Pikachu, use iron"

Xiaozhi just wanted to ask Pikachu to stop him, but the frog had already taken the initiative to meet him.

This is the home court of ninjas, so naturally it will be solved by someone who has practiced ninja scrolls!

"In that case, croaking frog, Iai kills!!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi became more competitive and counterattacked loudly.

Just in time to test the strength of these ancient ninjas.


Pikachu sighed and stepped back helplessly.

Only the frog that has defeated its little brother is worthy of fighting with him!

Bang bang! !

The Frog condensed the white light short blade and collided with Queen Bee's poisonous thrust. The strength was equal, and the two Pokémon fell backwards at the same time.

Xiaozhi probably has some basic understanding of the strength of this group of ancient ninjas.

"Not very strong."

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