He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2623: Commander Xiazhan or General Sword? !

As a rebellious ninja of Koga Ninja Village, Ankun naturally knew the route and mechanism of how to enter this hidden village, and he easily led a group of villain men to enter.

"Jieyang Xiao, is this the only strength you have?"

The rebellious ninja An Kun had already strolled over, not forgetting to taunt him coldly:

"Are the elite Jonin of Koga Ninja Village only at this level? What a joke~!"

Along with this, there were bursts of sarcastic laughter from the rebel ninjas in black around them, and many Koga-ryu ninjas had been defeated.

"An Kun, you killed the leader back then, what do you want to do now!!"

Yang Xiao couldn't help but yelled angrily, but felt a little powerless.

I didn't realize how strong the opponent's partner, Commander Pi Zhan was, before. Why is it that now that they fight against each other, he is no longer an enemy at all?

"Hmph, whatever you Koga Ninja Village owes me, I, Ankun, will pay you back tenfold!"

An Kun stared with eyes filled with hatred, as if he wanted to completely wipe out the Koga Ninja Village.

"You are really unlucky. I managed to seriously injure all of you, and then I waited for an opportunity to arouse the anger of the six major faction alliances. They came to attack you collectively, but you are still like this, and none of you were wiped out!"

An Kun's eyes finally fell on Xiaozhi, with the same look of hatred.

"It's all because of you. You don't know where you came from, and you don't know the heights of heaven and earth. You ruined my perfect plan!!"

Not only did he want to destroy Koga-ryu, he also wanted to make Koga-ryu's name a joke.

Being wiped out by the six so-called upright ninja schools is the perfect scenario.

His script is perfectly constructed, and all the plots proceed according to his ideas.

As a result, Xiaozhi suddenly appeared, completely disrupting his chessboard.

"If that's the case, then I'll come and kill you Koga-ryu with my own hands today!!"

Veins popped out on An Kun's forehead, and he suddenly shouted angrily.

We must take action now. In one day, all the masters of Koga-ryu will have recovered their strength, and it will be difficult to deal with them.

"You kid with unknown origins, you can leave. This is a grudge between me and the Koga-ryu. But if you still want to be a hero, just follow the Koga-ryu and be buried in this valley today!"

An Kun stared at Xiaozhi with his sinister eyes.

This kind of hatred of ancient ninjas is a real sword and a gun that will kill the opponent, not a simple battle between trainers.

Even so, Xiaozhi still stepped in front of Yang Xiao and Elle Duo, and replied loudly:

"The Koga Ninja Village invited me to dinner, so I must at least protect them!"

An Kun's eyebrows were twitching wildly. What kind of logic is this? Will he become a loyal thug after only one meal?

It didn't matter, he didn't want to let Xiao Zhi go in the first place anyway.

Now all the people of Koga-ryu have become lambs to be slaughtered. As long as this kid is killed, the name of Koga-ryu will no longer exist after tonight.

"Hmph, I don't know how high the sky is, do you think those useless six factions are the limit of our ninjas?"

An Kun sneered. He naturally watched the whole battle on the top of the mountain during the day.

Indeed, Xiaozhi's frog is impeccable, and it combines Koga-style moves with some unknown other styles.

But in front of him, it was still not enough!

Xiaozhi didn't care about so much. As long as he solved this bald rebellious ninja, the crisis would be over. He attacked first and said:

"Pre-emptive strike, Croaking Frog, Wave of Water!!"

The frog quickly condensed a water ball in his palm, threw it out, and attacked An Kun directly.

Well, in this era, you can directly attack the trainer.

"It's a small skill to chop and chop, split it open!!"

An Kun sneered and stood there without hiding.

But behind him, the "Commander Cleaver" who had been sitting on the ground suddenly moved. A black-purple samurai sword condensed in his hand, and he easily split the wave of water in half.

Da da da.!

The offensive didn't stop, and he continued to charge in the direction of the frog with the energy sword in hand!

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of oppression made both Xiaozhi and the frog frown.

But the opponent's energy samurai sword was already coming, and the frog could only quickly gather the water wave swords and attack them staggeredly.

Bang bang! !

The blades collided, making a clear sound of metal blades exploding.

It's just that the opponent's power seemed to be in an overwhelming position. The huge force of the horizontal slash actually sent the Croak-headed Frog flying out together with the water wave knife in his hand, and threw it heavily into the open space behind Xiaozhi!

"Cat-headed frog!"

Xiaozhi exclaimed, the opponent's power seemed to be ridiculously strong!


This blow did not completely defeat the frog, which quickly stood up again from the smoke and dust behind.

But the arm that had just received the move was constantly trembling and numb, and even the water wave knife in his hand was a little difficult to maintain.

Only then did Xiaozhi look at the "Commander Cleaver" seriously again, and found that the other party looked quite strange.

It is different from the commander who is like a little warrior fighting alone.

This "Commander of Splitting" is larger and more mature, and his temperament is more like a general who sits in the rear and commands the troops!

He was wearing black and gray metal armor, as if he were wearing a samurai armor suit. His face looked like that of a middle-aged human, and his beard extended exaggeratedly to both sides, like two horizontal red-edged swords.

Even in the center of the armor cap worn on the head, a huge and exaggerated golden Yanyue blade stood up!

"So it's not Commander Pi Zhan?!"

Xiaozhi was stunned. He didn't pay attention just now and looked away. He thought it was just that the ancient commander was more mature, but now he looked at it and saw that it was completely different.

Moreover, there is thick iron-like black hair growing on the back of his head, hanging down behind his back, and slightly bent forward at his crotch, as if he is carrying a black chair with him.

This Pokémon just sat on its black-haired chair, spreading its legs and resting its metal arms on its knees, showing off its strong general temperament!

"Is it the evolved form of Commander Pi Zhan, General Pi Zhan?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but blurt out, but when he took out the illustrated book, there was no information about the other party.

He didn't know that this was actually the evolved form of Commander Cleaver, a Pokémon called General Sword.

The conditions for evolution are quite harsh, so even in the modern world, there are no data records yet.


The Sword General sitting on the chair was undoubtedly full of sarcasm, which made the frog very angry, and he couldn't help shouting and demonstrating towards the opponent.

He was about to rush forward again with a knife in hand.

"Calm down, frog!"

Xiaozhi quickly stopped.

The opponent is obviously stronger, and there is not much chance of winning in a head-on battle.

However, the sudden appearance of the Servant Sword General made Xiaozhi happy. Finally, a decent opponent appeared in this ancient world!

Such an opponent should be enough for the croaking frog to complete its evolution, right? !

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