He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2624 Evolution, Koga Ninja Frog! !

"Cat-headed frog, shadow clone!"

The battle with General Pu Dao begins, and Xiaozhi takes the lead.

The frog opened its arms, and dozens of figures instantly appeared, surrounding the army with servant swords.

"Clone Jutsu? Although it is an advanced ninjutsu, it has no effect on my sword general. Roar loudly!!"

An Kun shouted low, and the servant sword general with giant blades raised his hands above his arms, forming a ball of black and purple light.

Buzz! !

Then it exploded suddenly, turning into an extremely harsh sonic boom, which even forced the ninjas and rebel ninjas in the surrounding Koga style to cover their ears.

The way the opponent roars loudly is also quite unique. In the past, Xiaozhi knew that it was roared directly with his mouth, but this servant sword general used his arms to shoot out a ball of energy blast.

You can steal a hand.


Just under the influence of the loud roar, the frog's movements were choked, and all the shadow clones in the audience disappeared, leaving only the original body.

"Servant sword!!"

The next moment, the servant sword general condensed a black-purple samurai sword on one arm and charged forward.

Servant Sword, this is the exclusive move of Servant Sword General. It has evil attributes and has the effect of hitting vital points.

Xiaozhi had already experienced the power of this move just now, and this time he did not choose to use it forcefully.

"Water Wave!"

The croak-headed frog quickly condensed the water waves and made a smoke bomb to hit the ground.


Under the cover of the aroused water vapor smoke, the frog quickly hid.

Immediately, in a blind spot, the Croak-headed Frog made a powerful sliding shovel and attacked General Pu Dao's right leg!

"The attributes should be the same as Commander Cleaver, with the added steel attribute."

Xiaozhi muttered something, so fighting attribute moves have a critical hit effect on him, four times more restraint!

Ninjas in ancient times didn't know how to restrain their attributes. Even if their strength was very different, they might be accidentally hit by the frog!

"Huh, what a boring trick!"

An Kun crossed his arms and just raised a finger, which seemed to be a code between them.

The servant sword general understood, raised one iron leg lightly, and then stamped it fiercely.

Rumble.! !

The powerful force caused the earth and rocks on the ground in this direction to collapse and crack in an instant. Such terrain made it impossible for the frog to continue sliding and shoveling.

An Kun suddenly shouted a command that made Xiaozhi's hair stand on end:

"Kill it, guillotine!"

The servant sword general condensed the white light blades in his arms, and rushed out with a kick on the ground. The horizontal white blade was shining with blood, aiming directly at the throat of the frog, trying to cut it off directly!

Wow! !

The guillotine cuts it in two, killing it with one strike!

All the people in the Koga Ninja Village took a breath. They saw the sharp blade slice across the neck of the frog, and the latter's head seemed to split off and fly out.

But in the next moment, the full body of the frog appeared behind him.

The one that was killed by the guillotine was a fake body made of foam, which fell to the ground and turned into a ball of mud.

"Is it a substitute technique? There are so many tricks, like a mouse..."

An Kun's anger became more and more intense. This frog was not very strong, but its movements were extremely flexible.


Even Xiaozhi couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine, feeling very grateful.

Fortunately, I used a substitute move at the critical moment. Otherwise, let alone defeat the opponent, I would have completed the evolution. I almost went straight to G!

Fortunately, the stand-in for the frog is made of foam. This stand-in is activated by the body's unique organs or abilities. It does not lose a lot of physical strength like ordinary Pokémon use stand-ins. .


Even Pikachu on his shoulder raised his head, his eyes serious.

The strength of this Katana General seems to be no less than that of many legendary Pokémon. Even if it goes up, you have to be a little careful.

Of course, just be a little careful.

Now it was a duel between kings and kings. No matter the ninjas from Koga Ninja Village or the group of black-clothed ninjas, they did not move on the periphery, leaving the middle position completely to Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi.

"Servant sword!!"

The servant sword general is still launching fierce attacks. Its attack or defense is impeccable, but its only shortcoming is speed.

Seeing that the sword's long blade was about to hit the frog, Xiaozhi from behind suddenly shouted:

"Now, Yan Hui!"

As soon as the words fell, a light blue light flashed in the eyes of one person and one frog at the same time, indicating a connection between their minds.

With the help of the power of bondage, the frog's whole body abilities are improved.


His movements became even faster, and he dodged the sword that was coming towards him.

Then he rushed forward brazenly from another angle, clenched his fist into a fist, attached with white light, and punched the servant sword general in the back.

Bang bang!

There was a clear and solid sound of metal collision, and the frog felt as if he had punched the iron wall, and his palms and jaws trembled.

The flying attribute is not very effective against the Sword General, and cannot even break the defense.

Especially this Yan Hui heavy punch hit the black hair of the chair behind General Pu Dao, it didn't hurt or itch.

"Do you still know the secret method to improve your abilities in an instant?"

An Kun's eyes showed a bit of greed.

He was also a Koga-ryu ninja before, and he had never heard of such secret ninjutsu in his own school.

If I can capture it myself, I can use it on General Pu Dao.

Even the entire ninja world will be ruled by him!

"Servant sword!!"

The servant sword general gathered the samurai sword on one arm, turned around, and slashed down mercilessly!

The croak-headed frog hadn't yet distanced itself at this moment, so he could only hurriedly hold up two water-wave knives, crossing them in front of him.

Bang bang! !

In the violent explosion, there was a huge disparity in strength, and the frog's shoulders couldn't help but sink suddenly!

There is also a huge difference in body size between the two. The Croak-headed Frog can only reach the waist level of the Servant Sword General.

The latter even exerted force with one hand at this moment, but it suppressed the frog so much that he could not move both hands at the same time. His whole body was pressed by this huge force and he was unable to break free, and his lower limbs even sank into the ground.

"Cat-headed frog, don't lose to it!!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly roared loudly.

Now is the perfect opportunity!

With one person and one frog connected by the power of bond, the frog can naturally fully understand Xiaozhi's emotions and will, and the loud roar also gave it inexplicable motivation.


Thinking of this, the Croak-headed Frog let out a loud roar, and kept exerting force with his arms in an attempt to resist the opponent's long blade. When the force exploded, the muscles of his shoulders and arms were trembling, and light blue colors gradually emerged on the surface of the body. Deep blue gloss.


Suddenly, there was an inexplicable sound of water flowing from the center of the arena.

The whole body of the croaking frog was suddenly wrapped in a violent stream of water, and the surface of its skin finally glowed with an evolutionary white light!

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