He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2627 The end, return to Kalos!

The victory has been decided, and General Pu Dao officially declares defeat.

Even with the help of the continuous improvement of general characteristics, he can't resist the Koga Ninja in this form!

As for the Koga Ninja, after swinging that astonishing blow, his body fell back lightly in front of Xiaozhi.


It was also panting heavily and exerting a lot of energy, but its body still stood firmly.

As for the back, there was only a small water shuriken left——

It seems that in order to fire a huge shuriken as powerful as just now, it takes a certain amount of time to continuously recharge.

Visible to the naked eye, the water-flowing shuriken behind Koga Ninja is slowly recovering and growing in size.

The water flow that originally covered Koga Ninja's body has completely shrunk into the shuriken on his back, allowing the former to reveal his complete figure.

"Really. Looks like Master Xiaozhi?"

Behind them, everyone in the Koga Ninja Village couldn't help but exclaimed.

It's indeed Ash's version of Koga Ninja.

Xiaozhi hasn't realized this yet, and his chest is rising and falling. This battle is also a rare excitement for him.

Finally, we had such a thrilling battle in the Kalos region!

The last time was the battle with Xiao Mao's water arrow turtle on the beach in Salo City, right?

After setting foot in the Kalos region, there are too few high-intensity battles like this!

And at this moment, Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja were in similar moods. They were both excited and full of energy.


After successfully defeating a powerful enemy, Koga Ninja's figure flashed with light, and then his body returned to its original appearance.

"Sure enough, is it an effect similar to mega evolution?"

Xiaozhi secretly thought that it can be said to be a super special mega evolution that does not require key stones and mega stones.

But it depends more on the extraordinary physique of the Koga Ninja itself, right?

After all, he and Pikachu have an old bond, and he doesn't see Pikachu being able to bond with him and transform one day.


On his shoulders, Xiaozhi's Pikachu also looked a little frightened.

Along the way, Carlos took the initiative to give the Koga Ninja Frog his share of the show, believing that the latter would still need a long way to reach a level that could catch his eye.

As a result, at this moment, there is an evolution, and an evolution is added to the evolution, and the strength has increased by leaps and bounds!

It can be said that it was originally only a strong hall master level.

Then he passed through several major levels including Elite Hall Master, Half-Step King, Quasi-King, Weak King, etc. all at once!

Once the Koga Ninja is fully familiar with his new body and the new evolutionary power that binds him, he will probably be Carlos' champion ace, and he can fight head-on.


Pikachu suddenly wakes up, and he can no longer treat Koga Ninja as a junior. All the scenes will be for nothing!

The battle came to an end, and after defeating An Kun's strongest ninja partner, this group of rebellious ninjas became completely chaotic.

The first person to be confused was naturally the rebel leader An Kun.

"How can it be"

He was half-kneeling on the ground, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and his mouth was trembling as he repeated in disbelief.

The plan he had been preparing for so many years was actually defeated by an unknown kid and a frog? !

An Kun already understood that he could no longer stop Xiao Zhi.

From today on, the name of Koga Ninja will be completely spread throughout the entire ninja world, unrivaled.

"I failed today, and my life was a complete failure."

An Kun shook his head, his eyes were empty, his heart was ashen, as if he would commit seppuku in the next second.


Then he threw down the smoke bomb, and the surrounding rebel ninja subordinates followed suit, and in an instant the entire open space was covered in smoke and dust.

When everyone opened the smoke, all the black-clad ninjas and even their partner Pokémon had disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Only the many destroyed houses and buildings in the village and the fires burning in some places proved the danger tonight.

"Tonight is finally over."

The ninjas of Koga Ninja Village took a long breath, sat on the ground and sighed.

They have already seen that the rebellious ninja Ankun has completely broken his will for revenge, and will never take action against the Koga Ninja Village again in this life.

Their village can finally survive.

Immediately, everyone in the Koga Ninja Village all looked at Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja, as if they were looking at the savior.

"Our brave men from Koga Ninja Village have saved us once again."

Yang Xiao couldn't help but sigh with tears in his eyes, and the focus of his eyes couldn't help but fall on Koga Ninja.

"A born ninja!"

Moreover, the image of Koga Ninja concentrating all the water tornadoes on his back and carrying a huge water shuriken was deeply imprinted in Yang Xiao's mind.

This is a legend in their Koga Ninja Village, and even in the entire ninja world!

The next day, the sun rose as usual, and the sunlight fell on this hidden valley village.

Nearly half of the buildings collapsed and are now in ruins, and many people are busy rebuilding the village.

After Xiaozhi had his last lunch in this Koga Ninja Village, he was also ready to leave.

This day and night can be described as a wonderful and dreamy adventure.

"Sir Xiaozhi, our Koga Ninja Village has nothing worthy of your reward. We can only give you the secret scroll of our Koga style!"

When they were leaving at the entrance of the village, many ninjas from Koga Ninja Village came out to say goodbye, and Yang Xiao even handed Xiaozhi a scroll.

"The above ninjutsu may be a bit insignificant for your current Koga Ninja, but there are still some special secrets of practice, such as ninja sword techniques, water escape techniques, foam secret techniques, etc."

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up when he heard this. Among them, the "secret bubble technique" made him most curious.

After the evolution of Koga Ninja, there is no foam in his body. Ash still likes these all-purpose foams very much.

Although it has an extra long tongue after evolution, it is estimated that many applications can be developed. But wouldn't it be better if the foam could be retained?

Maybe the ninjutsu in Koga Ninja Village has training skills in this area! ?

"No need to send you off, everyone, hurry back and build the village~"

So Xiaozhi put away the scroll, waved his hand, took Pikachu and Koga Ninja to say goodbye to everyone, turned around and walked alone into the long and narrow cave tunnel when he first entered the village.

Then we returned to the clearing on the top of the mountain where the six major sects first gathered. There are still many traces of the aftermath of the war.

Then, behind a hidden big rock, I found the place where it first fell.

"Sure enough, it's still there!"

When you raise your head, you can see a translucent energy cave three meters in the air. Ordinary people can't see it unless they look carefully.

After taking one last look at the scenery behind him, Xiaozhi said:

"Then please!"

The Koga Ninja next to him understood and picked up Xiaozhi like a princess.


Koga Ninja's jumping ability is amazing. With almost no effort, he easily jumped up to the three-meter-high energy hole with Xiaozhi in his arms, and returned to the modern world of Carlos.

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