He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2628 Is Team Flare causing trouble again?

Returning to the modern world, the Koga Ninja jumped back to the end of the cave that originally ended the cave.

The original space-time channel on the central river bed seemed to have exhausted its energy, and the light gradually dissipated.


Just like a wound healing, the cross-section that was originally cut flush by the Koga Ninja Frog was re-covered and covered by the surrounding plant vines, returning to the original appearance of the weird river bed.


Koga Ninja put Xiaozhi down, but his eyes were thoughtfully staring at these gray-purple, rock-like rattans.

Before it evolved, it had a special feeling.

Now after evolving, his eyes seem to have opened a perspective, and he can clearly see through the inside of these rattans.

It seems to be alive, and the inside is spreading deep underground like blood vessels, which is extremely weird.

But now the Koga Ninja has no urge to "cut it off". He just stands beside him like a calm ninja, with a steady and long breath.

"Hey, isn't Fat Hali here?"

Xiaozhi looked around and didn't find the chubby figure.

You probably couldn't wait any longer, so you went outside to wait for him in advance, right?

Xiaozhi took out the illustrated book with his backhand and glanced at the time. Only three hours had passed since he entered the Ending Cave yesterday.

Just to be on the safe side, he glanced at the date in the upper left corner, which was the same day as before he crossed over.

"It's okay, it only took three hours!"

Xiaozhi took a long breath, these three hours for a wonderful adventure were quite a bargain.

Not only did he conquer the rare Sonic Dragon at the beginning, but he also saw the ancient ninja world, and even allowed the Koga Ninja to complete its final evolution!

Continuous fierce battles with so many ancient ninjas undoubtedly accelerated the evolution of Koga Ninja.

"There is also an ability similar to mega evolution. Let's call it bond evolution for the time being."

Xiaozhi said secretly, but he still doesn't know the reason yet.

Is it a variation phenomenon of special individuals, or is it caused by characteristics?

Speaking of which, along the way, Koga Ninja has not yet demonstrated the water-attribute Gosanka's signature feature - fierce water.

"In short, if you can master this ability completely, it will not be difficult to become the league champion!"

Xiaozhi clenched his fists and looked at his Koga Ninja with fiery eyes.

Traveling to the Hezhu region, he barely achieved the achievement of "traveling to a region, allowing the newly conquered Pokémon to compete head-on with the King of Heaven".

After all, the Kalos region also needs to improve, and the goal this time is to face the championship!

"Come on, Pikachu, Koga Ninja, let's get out quickly!"

After withdrawing his thoughts, Xiaozhi quickly walked towards the exit of the cave.

Three hours is quite a long time. Maybe Citron, Yulijia and the others are going to come in to look for me.

Ten minutes later, Xiaozhi returned to the entrance where he came in from the beginning.

Bang bang bang.!

The abandoned mine cart from before was still riding underneath him. With Pikachu's power charging, he even reached a section of broken track extending out of the cave entrance.


"We still have to go in to find you!"

Seeing the rough noise of the mine cart coming, Serena's eyes lit up and they hurriedly came forward to greet them.

Fatty Hali came out early almost three hours ago.

But at that time, Fat Hali looked a little cold, with a straight face, and even felt like he was keeping strangers away?

The two of them were stunned for a while, wondering what Fatty Hali was up to.

Are you imitating the croaking frog? They kangaroos came by the latter.

"Wait a minute, isn't this the Koga Ninja Frog? Has the Koga Ninja Frog evolved?"

The frog that originally only reached Xiaozhi's chest was now even a head taller than Xiaozhi. Citron and the two couldn't help but stepped forward to watch in surprise.

In terms of momentum, I feel that it has suddenly improved a lot.

Fatty Hali, who was left far behind now, should be able to break through the defense even more, right?


Behind Serena, the demon fire red fox shook the black wooden staff in his hand as a greeting.

When he was young, he even had a crush on Koga Ninja for a while.

Now, um, it seems to be more reliable?


Koga Ninja crossed his arms and nodded in response.

In terms of personality, he seems to be colder than before he evolved.

"By the way, come out with this guy!!"

Xiaozhi turned over and got off the mine cart, suddenly remembered something, and took out a Poké Ball from his waist.


The red light condensed in the air and turned into a black-purple bat and black dragon. The big round ears on top of the head that looked like speakers were particularly eye-catching.

"Sonic Dragon, Xiaozhi, have you successfully conquered it?"


Seeing this, Serena and the two naturally congratulated each other. This was probably the evil dragon hiding in the End Cave that the nearby peasant woman had said before.

Now, Xiaozhi’s dragon team is finally assembled!

After hovering in the air for a week, the sonic dragon landed next to Xiaozhi, but it was no longer as violent and aggressive as yesterday.

"Hehe~ Then I'll teach you carefully, Sonic Dragon~!"

Xiaozhi reached out and rubbed the white fluff on Sonic Dragon's neck. The hair was quite thick and felt great.

In fact, last night when he was in Koga Ninja Village, Xiaozhi had already released Sonic Dragon.

Although the opponent was very aggressive when conquering, Pikachu's powerful electric attack defeated Sonic Dragon head-on, convincing the latter and increasing its recognition of Ash.

Mainly because without any recognition, the Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder was staring at him eagerly.

After some communication, Xiaozhi probably figured out why the Sonic Dragon frequently flew out of the Terminator Cave these days and attacked nearby villagers.

About two weeks ago, the Ending Cave was illegally broken into by a group of humans, and using high-tech equipment, it had a great impact on the environment inside the Ending Cave.

These effects are invisible and are not direct fire damage.

The other Pokémon were still fine, and it was over after a while.

However, the Sonic Dragon, which can sense ultrasonic waves, is extremely sensitive to the environment. It was affected by the traces of electromagnetic waves left behind by the actions of the group of humans and confused its mind. Only then did its mood change drastically, and it flew out of the cave to attack humans with great aggression.

"A group of humans using high technology?"

Even with the power of bond, he can barely communicate with Sonic Dragon, but there are basically no details, and the information Xiaozhi knows is limited.

But even so, this group of humans is most likely the Flame Team that has been causing trouble in the Kalos area.

"What does this organization want to do with the Termination Cave? Could it be that the time and space portal was created by them?"

Xiaozhi murmured in his heart that Team Flare's purpose was getting more and more mysterious.

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