He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2630 Fat Hali who defected! ?

After a while, in the white light of mega evolution, Qixi Blue Bird successfully completed its mega evolution.

Perhaps because Tanabata Blue Bird and Electric Dragon are both docile Pokémon, even though they used the power of mega evolution just after evolving, they did not lose control and were conscious.


The mega Tanabata Blue Bird unfolds its fluffier cotton wings and flies into the sky, with a faint pink light - a traitorous combination of dragon and fairy attributes, the chosen one, extremely special.

"Tanabata Blue Bird, use high-speed stars!"

Serena was commanding loudly from below.

The mega Tanabata bluebird flaps its wings forward, and several pink stars fly out, speeding through the sky.

It is the bonus of the fairy skin characteristics that transforms the stars with general attributes that were originally golden into fairy attributes!

Not only has the power been improved, but the special effects and appearance of the moves have also been increasing.

On the other side, Citron also studied the characteristics of his mega electric dragon.

"The characteristics have nothing to do with the electrical properties, are you breaking the rules?!"

Citron pushed up his glasses. Extraordinary traits are usually found in Pokémon with rough and fierce personalities. How come the seemingly docile Mega Electric Dragon also has this trait?

Seeing that the two friends couldn't put it down as if they had obtained a new toy, and kept trying to command their mega Pokémon, Xiaozhi stood behind, holding his waist, and couldn't help but smile at ease.

Carlos has a mature style, and he wants to see the smiles on the faces of his partners more than simply having fun himself.

The Keystone Bracelet could be lent to Serena temporarily, so Ash turned to look at his Pokémon.

In order to prepare for the next strongest trainer conference, his Pokémon must also be trained well!

"Speaking of which, I always feel like something is missing...?"

After scanning his Pokémon, Xiaozhi felt as if he had been forgetting something ever since he came out of the cave.

A very active, eye-catching bag that doesn't do much.

"By the way, where's Fatty Harry?!"

Xiaozhi slapped his head suddenly and finally reacted.

Looking at the Pokémon in this circle, I never saw that chubby figure!

"Hey, isn't Fat Hali here?"

"I think you went to practice in the woods over there just now, right?"

Sensing something unusual, Serena and Citron temporarily put aside their fun and gathered around.

Three hours ago, Fat Hali walked out of the Terminus Cave ahead of schedule, and then walked to the nearby forest very coldly.

Neither of them thought there was any problem. For example, Koga Ninja would often go to a place with no one around to meditate and practice secretly, and would naturally come back when it was time for dinner.

Although it was the first time for Fat Hali to be so cold, they thought the former was jealous because of Koga Ninja again.

"That direction? Fierce Arrow Eagle, see if there is Fat Hali in that direction!"

Xiaozhi already had some worries and speculations in his heart, and quickly ordered the flying Pokémon to go and investigate.

"Eagle drink!"

Flames burst out from the entire body of the Fierce Arrow Eagle, and it rushed away at the extremely fast speed of charged flames, scanning the corners of the jungle below.

Xiaozhi is also using the power of waveguides to sense at the same time.


Serena and Citron looked at each other, wondering what was going on.

"Mega Tanabata Blue Bird, you also go and help find Fatty Hali!"

Realizing that the situation seemed to be getting serious, Serena also quickly called for help from Tanabata Blue Bird.

Only half an hour later, the two birds turned back, shook their heads and returned without success.

Even with Xiaozhi's waveguide power, he didn't sense any useful information.

Xiaozhi's face darkened and he couldn't help blurting out:

"Sure enough, Fat Hali defected!"

Citron and the others were confused after hearing this. What the hell is defection? Have you read too many ninja novels?

But how could Fat Hali escape on his own?

The relationship with Xiaozhi is not bad at all, especially at meal time, he almost worships Citron, who is carrying the food, as if he is his own father.

"It may betray Xiaozhi, but it will never betray my cooking skills!"

On this point, Citron is quite confident.

"Anyway, I'm going to get some food to try!"

Citron quickly ran to the dining table and quickly cooked up a portion of Fat Hali's favorite food.

Then raise it high above your head to spread the fragrance as much as possible.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's dinner time for Fatty Hali. I made your favorite food today~!!"

It's just that after Citron shouted for a long time, he didn't see any movement. Instead, he attracted some wild Digger rabbits, mount lambs and other Pokémon around him.

"Why did you suddenly run away? Is it like the way Koga Ninja did when he was a child?"

Serena looked puzzled. When the Koga Ninja Frog was still a Bubble Frog, he often defected from his trainer.

But for Fatty Hali, there is no reason at all!

Could it be that he is jealous of Koga Ninja's talent? Well, it seems, it's really possible?

"It probably has nothing to do with Fat Hali."

However, Xiaozhi shook his head and said in a deep voice, already having a judgment in his heart.

"It has nothing to do with Fat Harry.?"

These words made Serena even more puzzled. There was no one else around Fat Hali at that time, right?

There's no way someone from Team Flare abducted it.

Xiaozhi said in a serious tone:

"It's God Z, Zygarde."

That Zygarde core possessed by Fat Hali!

Damn it, you should have noticed it in the Ending Cave just now. It was the so-called core individual who controlled Fat Hali to go deeper into the cave.

The other party is fully capable of controlling Fatty Hali's body at any time. He doesn't even take it to heart!

Xiaozhi suddenly became a little annoyed. Usually, he focused too much on Koga Ninja, but he didn't pay much attention to Fat Hali.

It has been three hours since Fatty Hali left. By this time, it is estimated that the other party has completely left the forest and gone to who knows where.

"So, what is Zygarde's purpose?"

It's too late to look for it now, so why not think about the purpose of this legendary ancient god.

First, he controlled Fat Hali to walk into the deepest part of the cave. That was Zygarde's original nest, right?

But apart from the time and space portal, there is nothing special about it.

"Damn it, I can't think of it at all!"

Xiaozhi held his head and rubbed it irritably, without any thoughts at all.

Citron and Serena looked on worriedly, unable to help, and the joy of using mega evolution just now was reduced a bit.

"By the way, I remember it was Team Flare!"

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something and his eyes narrowed.

According to Sonic Dragon, Team Flare did something to the End Cave a few weeks ago, and the purpose must have been related to Zygarde.

Maybe something was taken away from the cave, some energy and so on?

Maybe this core individual is now setting out alone to find Team Flare to settle the score?

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