He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2631 The treasure of Lianli Town?

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of any practical solution, so Xiaozhi could only suppress the matter for the time being.

Now I guess I can only pray to this ancient god not to do something dangerous and implicate Fatty Hali as a parasitic host.

"Yes, Doctor. Fat Hali ran away. He probably has something to do with Team Flare and Zygarde."

Xiaozhi thought for a while, and first called Dr. Buratano to inform him, asking the latter to investigate the recent affairs of Team Flare.

Speaking of which, Fatty Hali was the first to escape from the Doctor's hands at the very beginning.

"By the way, there is also the prophecy made by Miss Gejihua before."

Beside her, Serena suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but remind her.

She remembered that Miss Gejihua said that Fat Harry would become some kind of world-destroying demon king, and his evil name would be clearly remembered by the entire human race in Carlos.

Anyway, it is a very incredible prophecy, it is completely the coming of evil god!


Thinking of this, Xiaozhi and the three of them couldn't help but shudder.

If Fat Hali leaves the team alone, he won't really become a big devil in the future, right?

"Now we can only take one step at a time."

Xiaozhi sighed helplessly.

What is certain now is that at least he was not abducted by Team Flare or an organization like Team Rocket, and at least he would not suffer inhuman treatment.

As an ancient god who monitors the natural ecology, Zygarde shouldn't do any harm to a Pokémon, right?

After thinking to no avail, everyone could only turn around and do their own things, suppressing the matter of Fat Hali for the time being.

Thinking on the bright side, maybe Fatty Hali was spotted by the ancient god and was taken away to practice, which would be a good thing?

However, the next camping trip did not have as good an atmosphere as before.

After camping for a night by this pleasant creek, Xiaozhi and his party continued on the road early the next morning, heading towards the south of the road.

Soon after, everyone came to a small town called Lianli Town.

It is located in the middle of Baike City and Yingxue City, where the last gymnasium is located. It serves as a supply town connecting the two.

The town is small, with only basic facilities such as Pokémon centers and hospitals.

Most of the houses are also tourist supply facilities such as hotels and shops, which are quite rural.

However, the houses in the entire town are scattered on the slopes of different heights, and basically everywhere you can see large and small waterfalls flowing down, mixed with lakes and connecting wooden bridges, the scenery is particularly beautiful.

"In order to enjoy the huge waterfall, many people will take trains from far away to come here."

Citron read the travel guide and introduced with a smile.

Although it is just a transit town, due to these spectacular waterfalls, Lianli Town has become a good tourist city in recent years, with a considerable flow of people.


When Xiaozhi and others pushed open the door of the Pokémon Center, they could see many people in the room.

However, most of the people who travel around are businessmen, tourists or trainers, and there are very few locals.

After temporarily handing the elf ball to Miss Joy, the local Joey squinted his eyes and reminded several people with a smile:

"Are you all trainers from out of town? Usually if you are a trainer, I will remind you~"

"It is said that Dr. Buratano, the most famous Pokémon doctor in the Kalos region, once left a treasure in this town when he was a boy, but no one knows the location. Many trainers in the past will try to find it. You can also try it~"

Although, no one has discovered the treasure so far, and the authenticity is doubtful.

"Dr. Bratano's treasure?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the other three were stunned.

And it’s still a treasure from childhood.?

"Let's go, brother, let's go find the doctor's treasure~!!"

Yulijia was the first to hold Citron's hand excitedly and walked out.

"Don't worry, Yurika."

Although Citron expressed some reluctance, his expression was full of red.

There is a treasure that no one has found for so many years. At this time, it is necessary to rely on his detection machine to show its power!

Today I will thoroughly prove that my invention is the greatest!

"Xiao Zhi, do you want to go too?"

Serena looked at Xiaozhi hesitantly. Xiaozhi didn't seem to be in a very high mood recently because of Fat Hali's escape.

"Don't worry about me, Serena~"

Xiaozhi just smiled and comforted him, he was not that disappointed.

After all, it's not like he was really hated and abandoned by Fat Hali, but the latter's body was temporarily commandeered by Zygarde.

"But I'm waiting for the doctor's call now. I don't know when the call will come. Serena, you and Citron can go find the treasure. You don't have to wait for me~"

Dr. Buratano seems to have some findings that he wants to inform Ash.

"By the way, there's this guy!"

Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something and threw a Poke Ball with his backhand.


The red light fell, and the figure of Sonic Dragon appeared in front of him. The Bat Dragon with wide wings suddenly appeared indoors. Its figure was still very eye-catching, and many people looked at it curiously.

"Sonic Dragon, follow Serena later and help find the treasure!"


The Sonic Dragon raised its head and purred like a puppy, flapped its wings, and landed next to Serena.

It has the unique ability to use ultrasound to explore things.

Even through walls or thick floors, you can still see through "see-through".

If the target is a treasure without any life waveguide, Sonic Dragon's ability can make it easier to find the location of the treasure than his waveguide power.


Hearing this, Sound Wave Dragon nodded, looking quite happy, biting Serena's collar and urging her to pull out.

"Hey, I understand Sonic Dragon, don't bite it randomly. Then Xiaozhi, do your best~"

Serena could only follow Sonic Dragon out of the Pokémon Center.

She is also somewhat interested in the treasures left by Dr. Bratano.

Watching one person and one dragon leave, Xiaozhi smiled. He didn't expect that the sonic dragon, which was so vicious before, would have such an out-of-the-box and excited personality, somewhat similar to Fat Hali.

But when it comes to Fatty Harry


Just as it happened, Dr. Buratano also called.

"Hey Xiaozhi, as far as I know, Team Flare did take action near the Terminus Cave a few weeks ago, and they did have some strange intentions against Zygarde."

Dr. Buratano also knew very little about Zygarde.

"But Zygeld, the third god in the Kalos region, may have some connection with the first two ancient gods."

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