He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2636 Queen Carlos, Ai'er?

Before the red-haired woman beside him could give instructions, the demon-fire red fox took the lead and raised the wooden stick in his hand.


The next moment, several strange balls of fire flew away, attacking the Koga Ninja from several angles.

The Koga Ninja Frog immediately flew down from the tree, with a bit of displeasure on his face.

You're crazy, why did you suddenly launch an attack?

However, those flames did not just fly out, but turned their angle downwards, and followed the movement of the wooden staff in the hands of the demon fire red fox, chasing the figure of the flying Koga Ninja Frog.

It's magic flame!

Snapped! Snapped!

The falling Koga Ninja slapped his backhand to his waist, and instantly gathered several flying water shurikens. He turned around and accurately hit the chasing magic flames, which immediately exploded into several clouds of water mist and smoke in the air.


The moment he landed, the Koga Ninja stomped the ground with the soles of his feet, turned around again, and took the initiative to attack in the direction of the Demonic Fire Red Fox.

Since it was you who made the first move, don't blame me for being rude!

The palm that was originally holding the shuriken was now holding a short blade of water flow, and it was about to go straight to the throat of the demon fire red fox!

Water wave knife!

Bang bang! !

However, when the move was in front of him and was about to hit the target, a light green barrier appeared out of thin air in front of the Demon Fire Red Fox, forcibly blocking the dangerous blow.

It's a defensive move!

And while guarding the barrier, the demon fire red fox waved his wooden staff, and several rays of blue fire were sprayed out from the front end again. And this time, unlike the magic flames, the trajectories of these blue fire balls were erratic, attacking at extremely close distances. Koga Ninja is a will-o'-the-wisp move!

After a brief confrontation, Koga Ninja judged that the demon fire red fox in front of him was very powerful.

At least it's more powerful than Serena's demon fire red fox!

Seeing the will-o'-the-wisp coming, it would be disgusting to be stuck to this thing. The Koga Ninja quickly dispersed the water blade in his hand and quickly retreated.

During the process, he raised one arm high and formed a hand seal with his fingers.


A thick cloud of white smoke suddenly spewed out from his mouth, spreading quickly and completely covering everything by the creek in the blink of an eye.

White mist!

This is a new move that Koga Ninja has mastered. Although it is not very powerful, it is an excellent cover and hiding move, which is very suitable for a ninja to perform.

The figure of Koga Ninja was also hidden quietly by the white mist.

Losing its target, the will-o'-the-wisps scattered in pieces and dissipated in the air.


The demon fire red fox frowned, his face became serious, and he quickly flew back to the red-haired woman's side to be on guard.

"Wait a minute, my demon fire red fox has no ill intentions, please don't continue fighting!"

However, this red-haired woman took the initiative to stand in front of the demon fire red fox and spoke loudly into the vast mist.

"I'm sorry, my demon fire red fox only attacked me to protect me from being harassed by outsiders. It accidentally attacked you!"

She apologized sincerely.

This woman's name is Aier. She wears a white round hat and large-framed glasses. She deliberately tries to hide her appearance.

But even if she deliberately conceals it, she still can't hide her pretty face.

As the "Queen of Carlos" in the last Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, Elle is extremely popular in the Kalos region and will not even lose to those familiar kings of the alliance.

Therefore, wherever we go, there are naturally countless busybodies or paparazzi following us.

Her partner, Demon Fire Red Fox, hates this very much, and will attack mercilessly every time he encounters such a following idiot.

The surprise attack just now was because the Koga Ninja was regarded as a madman in the dark.

However, after a brief fight, Ai'er also saw that Koga Ninja's movements were quite good, and there was a high probability that he would not be one of those boring followers. Only then did he realize that the Demon Fire Red Fox had hit the wrong person.

Generally speaking, Yusanjia rarely appears in the wild.

Is this Koga Ninja the Pokémon of a nearby trainer?

After understanding what this woman said, Koga Ninja, who was hiding in the dark and preparing to kill the Demon Fire Red Fox instantly with a "secret attack on vital points", also temporarily put away the black and purple blade in his hand.


His mouth poked out from the tongue scarf, and he took a long breath, as if he was sucking in all the surrounding white mist.

After a while, the thick white fog that filled the sky really dispersed.

Only then can Elle and Yaohuo Red Fox see this handsome and strong Koga ninja frog again.

"I apologize again, my demon fire red fox accidentally shot you."

Elle was wearing a white lace blouse and a green skirt, and she bowed politely to the Koga Ninja. She was a very well-educated woman.

The demon fire red fox next to him, a little embarrassed, also bowed to the Koga Ninja and apologized.

"The armored ninja."

Koga Ninja crossed his arms and responded coldly.

It's rare to encounter a powerful demon fire red fox, and it wants to kill it directly.

"You must have a trainer, right? I'm sorry, my demon fire red fox disturbed your training."

Ai'er's voice was gentle, and she was ready to leave here with the demon fire red fox.


However, the fight here just now also attracted Xiaozhi's attention. The bushes nearby moved, and then Xiaozhi's head was poked out.

It happened that all the dragon Pokémon were receiving guidance from Dragon God Pillar and he was no longer needed, so he came to play with Koga Ninja again.

"What's wrong? Koga Ninja, did you meet any strong opponent?"

While he was talking to himself, Xiaozhi suddenly noticed a strange person and a fox by the stream, and couldn't help but pause.

Ai'er and Yaohuo Red Fox also looked at Xiaozhi blankly, and the atmosphere fell into a brief stiffness.

It was Aier who was the first to break the deadlock, looking at Xiaozhi with a smile:

"Are you the trainer of Koga Ninja? You have trained Pokémon to be very good!"

"Em, you're.?"

Ash walked out of the bushes and rubbed his head.

He seems to be 2 or 3 years older than me, but his temperament is outstanding. If he is the coordinator of the gorgeous competition, he must be a top coordinator at the senior level, or even the master level, right?


Unexpectedly, the other party didn't recognize her, so Ai'er coughed lightly in embarrassment.

Well, it must be a problem with my makeup and big glasses!

But if you don’t know each other, it seems better?

Aier was looking for someone to talk to, but if it was someone who knew her, she would be a little embarrassed.

The opposite person was able to train such a neat and agile Koga Ninja at such a young age, so he was not an ordinary trainer.

"I am a performer, my name is Elena, and I accidentally attacked the Koga Ninja Frog who attacked you just now."

After thinking about it, Ai'er made up a name at random and walked towards Xiaozhi with a smile.

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