He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2637 In-depth communication with Aier

Even Xiaozhi didn't know how it could suddenly turn into such a situation.

Originally, he came here simply to find the Koga Ninja, but now he suddenly ended up chatting with a strange young lady while sitting by a stream.

"Armor Ninja." "Foxku~"

Even the Koga Ninja Frog and the Demon Fire Red Fox were behind, chatting in an incomprehensible language.

"It's just me. I have a friend. She is a very famous performer, but recently she has encountered some problems that cannot be solved."

Ai'er's tone was gentle and gentle. Although she was talking to herself, it carried an inexplicable affinity that made Xiao Zhizhen listen quietly.

"You also know how popular the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament is in Kalos. This friend of mine even won the title of Queen of Kalos last time. The popularity is almost unmatched by anyone."

With a bit of boasting, Aier's cheeks were slightly red, but she continued to tell.

"But me. But because my friend has been praised so highly, her schedule is now fully booked by her agency and her teachers, but many of these are not what she really wants to do. matter"

A few years ago, she was discovered and trained by her teacher, and she grew up rapidly in a short period of time, becoming a big star in Carlos.

Although becoming the Queen of Carlos is due to Aier's own talent factors, the training of teachers is also one of the keys.

Ai'er didn't dare to resist the teacher's arrangements. Even if she didn't like it, she would still get the job done.


Xiaozhi listened silently, he sounded like a great person.

Queen Carlos. I heard Shana mention it before. Among performers, she is almost the king and champion of the alliance, right?

Although the Triple Crown Satellite Masters-Level Tournament is held every year, it means that a "Carlos Queen" will be born every year.

But the previous queen can continue to compete, even become the defending champion, and always occupy the position of "Queen Carlos".

Therefore, in terms of gold content, it is still much higher than the conference victory of the alliance conference.

"And everyone also said that my friend is the successor of the future Kalos champion Karuna, which makes her even more nervous."

Elle let out a long sigh.

Although she is quite talented in battle, she is not very interested in Pokémon battle.

Miss Caruna combines the work of a movie star and a regional champion. When she was young, she was also the most popular Queen of Carlos, but she feels that she is completely inferior to the former!

Social public opinion praised Ai'er too highly, which made her feel frightened and panicked, for fear of making a mistake.

Coupled with the heavy workload, he went to this deserted suburb to relax during the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament held in Lianli Town.

Suddenly seeing a stranger, Ai'er didn't expect that the other person could help her resolve her knot. She just talked casually to vent her suppressed emotions.

But Xiaozhi listened carefully the whole time.

Especially when I saw the red-haired woman’s sad face

Are you sure that "that friend" you are talking about is not you?

It’s so obvious!

Xiaozhi didn't know how to respond to the other party's confession, but since they were all sitting on the shore chatting together, he thought about it and responded with a similar sentence pattern:

"Actually, I also have a friend who has reached a very high level both on the road of being a trainer and on the road of gorgeous competitions."

Hearing this, Aier was startled, thinking that Xiaozhi was also talking about himself, and then tilted her head and looked at Xiaozhi up and down.

He doesn’t have the temperament of a gorgeous contest coordinator!

Oh, do you really have such a friend? !

"It's just that when both roads stood at a high place, he began to lose his ability to focus on both sides and make the two roads move forward at the same time."

Xiaozhi is talking about Master Mikri. The latter's trainer level is extremely powerful for ordinary people, but for experts, it is a bit weaker.

Although his position is Fangyuan League Champion, it really depends on his strength.

Xiaozhi thinks that Teacher Mi is probably the peak king, or even lower, the level of a high-level king.

"So this friend of mine seems to have made up his mind recently and is ready to choose one of the paths to continue practicing with concentration."

Mikri has not announced this to the public yet, and Xiaozhi only accidentally heard the gossip from internal channels.

Due to Mr. Qianli's outstanding performance in the United World Championships, his strength is more than enough to be ranked among the kings of the league, and he can even barely compete with the league champion.

There is a successor, and Master Mikri seems to have finally made up his mind and is ready to concentrate on studying his own gorgeous competition.

He plans to entrust his position as the league champion to others like Daigo.

Aier: "?"

Wait a minute, are you talking about Master Mikri?

Master Mikri is retiring? !

Inadvertently, she seemed to have heard some terrible gossip.

As a performer, Elle is also familiar with the glamor contest, and Master Mikli is also a senior she admires.

It’s just that compared to the gorgeous competitions that are blooming all over the country, they are quite popular.

The popularity of the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament is limited to the Kalos region. It is a local enclosure and the performer culture in the Kalos region cannot be promoted at all.

At this point, Ai'er is quite envious of the gorgeous competition.

"Who is this person? He seems to be an acquaintance of Master Mikri."

She was a little surprised that Xiaozhi's identity was not like an ordinary boy on the surface.

Wait a minute, the name Xiaozhi sounds familiar. Where have you heard it before?

But these are not important. After knowing that even master Mikri is as strong as him, he seems to have troubles similar to his own.

The burden on Aier's shoulders suddenly lightened a lot.

"I wonder if Ms. Karuna has similar troubles?"

Master Mikri gave up his position as the league champion for the sake of his beloved grand competition.

Maybe you should listen to your heart and try to do something you really want to do.

Speaking of which, it is always the teacher who arranges his work, and he accepts it unconditionally.

It seems that I have never communicated openly with the teacher. Maybe the other party would agree with my ideas?

Thinking of this, the depression in Ai'er's heart was suddenly relieved, and she suddenly stood up by the stream.

"Thank you Xiaozhi, your friend's experience has been of great help to me~!"

Xiaozhi's expression was confused. He wanted to continue talking about his battle with Master Mikri and his defeat.

However, seeing the confident and brilliant smile on the face of the red-haired woman in front of him, Xiaozhi couldn't help but relax.

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