He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 261 Longlongyan, use the big snake to stare!

"Shared Ditto...?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, he really couldn't figure out why the whole breeding house shared Divers.

I saw that Musashi and Kojiro had already stood in front of the gashapon machine, raised Meow with their backhands, and stuck the gold coin on his forehead to the coin slot.

That's right, you need to invest money in the gashapon machine. It's impossible for the Rockets to let you use organization Pokémon for nothing. It always needs to be properly maintained.

And Miaomiao's gold coins are part of its body, which can be recycled infinitely.

Rounding up, they are whoring for nothing.

"Gulu Gulu..."

The gashapon machine started to run, and after a while of tumbling, two poke balls rolled out from the opening, and Musashi Kojiro just happened to hold one of them.

"This time, the challenge of the Viking Gym is 2 Pokémon!"

Musashi jumped out of character, immediately stood on the trainer's command seat, and threw her poke ball first.

A red light flashed, and a huge spherical Pokémon appeared on the field. Its body was wrapped in earth-gray rocks, revealing its strong limbs and head. It even made the ground tremble, obviously overweight.

A piece of paper fluttered out of the Pokémon, and Musashi grabbed it with his backhand. On it was a detailed introduction about this Pokémon.

Names, attributes, characteristics, skills, usage skills, etc., allow sharers to use them immediately.

"Oh, so it's called Longlongyan...Although it looks a bit ugly, it looks very powerful."

Musashi threw away the note indifferently. Her battles depended on her indomitable fighting spirit, so there was no need for such fancy reminders.

And Xiaozhi at the other end didn't dare to be careless, this big rock looked like a good stubble just by its size, he took out the illustration book and scanned it rigorously.

"Didi. Longlong Rock, a shellless turtle Pokémon, is the final evolution of Fist Stone. It is covered with rock particles and is very strong, but it is actually useless as an egg."

The picture book suggested.

"Is it an evolution of Little Fist Stone..."

Xiaoquanshi is Xiaozhi's old friend, and Xiaogang's signature Pokémon. I didn't expect the final evolution to look like this.

"In that case, I'll send it!"

Xiaozhi thought for a while, and threw a poke ball from his waist with his backhand.

A red light flashed, and a pink butterfly Pokémon appeared in midair, with a pair of cute big pink eyes, and sparkling powder scattered when its wings fluttered.

"Bugs? Hahahaha, I laughed so hard."

Seeing this, Musashi was the first to laugh out loud. You must know that her Longlongyan is of the ground and rock attributes, no matter how you think about it, it seems to be given for nothing.


The pink Butterfly who appeared on the stage also blinked her big innocent eyes, and looked at Xiaozhi suspiciously. Not only the big rock turtle in front of her was a bit scary, but the auntie behind her with her teeth and claws was even more terrifying.

"Ba Dadie, believe in yourself, it will be fine!"

Xiaozhi hurriedly encouraged from behind.

Since the opponents this time are Musashi and Kojiro, there is no need to directly take out the restrained Jenny Turtle and Froggrass. These generals have actually experienced a lot of battles, and there is no shortage of such a battle.

But it is different like this pink Butterfly. It obviously has a unique mutation and may have extraordinary potential in its body, but in fact it has not really fought a few times, and it is old.

It's time to pull it out and practice.

It doesn't matter if you really can't fight, just put it at home and it's over. After all, it looks good and can be used as a vase.

As for the reverse attribute, in fact, the mutation has more fairy attributes, which makes Ba Dadie's attribute disadvantage not much********..."

Sensing Xiaozhi's emotions, the cute expression of the pink Butterfly gradually became serious, and he retorted a few times in disbelief.

While it does look like a vase, vases have dignity too!


The pink Ba Dadie's eyes were fixed, and he raised his small fist in front of him, looking like he was going to fight hard.

"Ah ha ha..."


Musashi and Long Longyan were still laughing.

Hearing the wanton ridicule in front of him, the pink Ba Dadie was sullen, his body was immediately filled with a layer of beautiful pink energy, the energy condensed to the extreme and suddenly burst around, turning into an incomparably bright white light, shooting towards the surroundings .

Magic shines!

The light has no substance, but at this moment, it is like countless sharp swords, blinding the eyes of everyone in Team Rocket on the spot.

"Oh my eyes!"

"Hey! What happened!?"

"I'm blind meow?!"

Caught off guard, the Rockets trio and Long Longyan were all hit.

Unlike the trio, Xiaozhi and Pikachu closed their eyes one step ahead of time when they saw this opening gesture, and they were not disturbed.

Magic Shine, also known as Sun Fist, is a fairy attribute skill, which explodes the fairy energy with dazzling light energy, striking the enemy's eyes.

Of course, in other areas, the magic flash is more to directly use the fairy energy to perform AOE strikes. It can be said that Ba Dadie's usage is a strange kind, but it has miraculous effects on specific occasions.

Seeing that Musashi and Long Longyan were rubbing their eyes desperately, Xiaozhi smiled and instructed:

"Now, Ba Dadie, use the power of the moon!!"


The pink Butterfly clenched her fists tightly, and the pink energy condensed on the surface of her body again, and soon reached the extreme, but this time it did not explode directly, but controlled the diametrically opposite energy, continuously compressing and converging in front of her. It looks like a pink energy bomb, its power is still rising, and finally it is thrown out violently.

The power of the moon!


Long Longyan didn't even have the time to dodge. The spherical body was completely hit by the power of the moon. The surging goblin energy burst out instantly, and the air waves rolled away, blowing him several meters away on the spot, and his body was covered with scars.


It's just that the smoke and dust dissipated, and Long Longyan still stood up.

Although the power of the moon is considered a great move of the fairy attribute, this blow did not make it directly lose its combat ability, which shows that the level of the shared Pokémon of the Rockets is actually not low.

This interruption finally made the Rockets feel relieved, Musashi looked unfriendly, and immediately instructed:

"Longlongyan, use the big snake to stare!"

Long Longyan: "?"

Musashi frowned and instructed again:

"Tsk, can't you do this, then Longlongyan, use the venom tooth!"

Long Longyan: "?"

"Damn it, Team Rocket's headquarters gave a Pokémon who knows nothing." Musashi complained with a bad expression.

Long Longyan: "?"

It turned its head 360 degrees like a wooden owl, and looked at Musashi with a bewildered expression.

This question mark does not mean that there is a problem with it, but that there is a problem with this Musashi.

Even Xiaozhi on the opposite side showed a happy look, it seems that this Longlongyan is really not good, it can't even follow the instructions of the trainer, and it is about to attack.

But Musashi waved his hand suddenly, turned around, and said casually:

"Forget it, forget it, I don't care, you fight it yourself!"


Hearing this, the expression on Long Longyan's face suddenly changed, becoming extremely resolute and fierce, and his aura rose several steps. The powerful aura made the pink Ba Dadie take a few steps back.

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