He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 262 Automatic Musashi, you can do it yourself


Following Longlongyan's roar on the spot, several rocks suddenly condensed in its short, short and fat palm, and it threw it towards the target mercilessly.

Rock Blast!


The clay-gray rock shot out, and when it approached the pink Butterfly, it exploded suddenly, and the majestic sound was full of power.


Ba Dadie had no choice but to flap her wings, moving and dodging constantly, her cute big eyes were tightly wrinkled.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The rock blast is a continuous attack, and Longlongyan throws several rocks in a row, which makes the pink Butterfly exhausted, and the surrounding vision is also covered by the debris after the continuous rock burst.


When the rock fragments fell, before Ba Dadie could recover his posture, there was a loud shout in his ear, and a huge figure zoomed in quickly in his eyes, and the thick Longlong Rock had already taken advantage of this opportunity to Infinitely approaching the former, and even jumped up, a full 3 centimeters.

Coupled with its own height and the length of its arms, it reached a terrifying height of 2 meters and 7 centimeters!


Long Longyan swung his strong arms and knocked Ba Dadie down from the air on the spot. He smashed it to the ground with terrifying force, causing a lot of rubble to break out.

shoot down! !


Xiaozhi was shocked, he didn't expect this Rumbling Rock to be so fast, and he didn't even see how this Rumbling Rock was approaching.

As soon as Ba Dadie landed, Long Longyan, who had just jumped 3 centimeters, changed his movements again, lowered his center of gravity, and his body turned into a heavy boulder, hitting the ground heavily.


earthquake! !

In an instant, the earth trembled and the mountains shook, and the entire Viking Pan Gym was shaking crazily, with debris flying around, and the eyes of everyone were full of double images, and they had to hold on to maintain their figures.

The target of the earthquake was even worse. The pink Ba Dadie who was lying on the floor was hit hard on the spot, and his body seemed to be falling apart, covered with scars.

After the earthquake ended, the Viking Gymnasium stopped shaking. On one side, Longlongyan was flaunting its muscles, while on the other side, Ba Dadie was already a dying candle in the wind.

"So strong..."

Xiaozhi's face showed surprise, he thought it was just training today, but he didn't expect that once he got out of Musashi's command, this Longlongyan would be able to do so well.

First cover the field of vision with an unfavorable rock crit, then get close and use a knock-down trick.

Shoot down, shoot down the Pokémon in the sky, so that it can eat 100% of the skills of the ground attribute.

So don't say that the sword of the cliff can't kill the Bibi bird, first shoot it down, and then catch the sword of the cliff, even ten thousand Bibi birds can't stop it.

Once shot down, it will instantly receive a big ground attribute skill, an earthquake, and an explosion of damage.

"This rumbling rock... so strong..."


The pink Butterfly fluttered its wings again, with an ugly expression.


Compared with Xiaozhi's face-to-face enemy, the Rockets' side was beaming, Miaomiao even took out champagne, and each of them had a drink beside him.

It has fast forwarded to the victory segment.

Holding the champagne, Kojiro said with a smile:

"Worthy of being Musashi, it's you who made the heavenly feat!"

It's like an e-sports team that hasn't had good results in competitions all year round. After one of the players retired, he broke the world and won the world championship that year.

Under the command of Musashi, Long Longyan is a fool.

But without Musashi's command, Long Longyan is like a demon lord descending from the sky.

Then of course it was Musashi who made the Heavenly Kung Fu!

"Ahahaha, it seems that I still have the qualifications to become a powerful trainer."

Musashi laughed with his arms akimbo, with a smug expression, then sneered and waved his thumb:

"Long Longyan, come on, move yourself!"

There are many schools of trainers commanding, including the cautious style, the radical style, the stupefied young style, and even the reverse attribute style. But until today, Musashi finally created a brand new style of trainer, breaking the ground.

Automatic streaming!


Long Longyan nodded and moved again.

It jumped up three centimeters on the spot, closed its limbs and head, shrunk its whole body into a huge spherical rock, and then began to roll towards the target.



The ground was also trembling because of its rolling, and a huge boulder that was rolling fast looked really powerful.

"Is that so..."

Only then did Xiaozhi know how Long Longyan's heavy body was able to quickly approach his own Ba Dadie. It turned out that he was so fat that he couldn't move his legs, but he could still roll.


The eyes of Pikachu, who had been eating melons and watching the battle next to him, also lit up with a bright look.

Good job, copied it.

After learning this trick, you should be able to stop walking...


The battle continues.


Ba Dadie hurriedly flapped his wings to dodge and rose to 4 meters in the air.


A boulder also flew up.

Long Longyan couldn't jump with his legs before, but now his rolling body leaned against the surrounding terrain, allowing him to successfully jump to a height of 5 meters and continue to rush towards the target.

Ba Dadie had no choice but to flap his wings to dodge.


It dodged the first roll.


It narrowly avoided the second roll...



After avoiding rolling four shots in a row, the speed and momentum of each shot increased, which brought Ba Dadie's endurance almost to the lowest level. The endurance of flying insects is not enough, let alone it is already in a state of dying.

Finally, the fifth shot came rolling, and the speed became unprecedentedly fast, and the rolling rock body exuded an extremely dangerous aura, which made Ba Dadie feel like an enemy.

Long Longyan rolled back and forth on the ground looking for an opportunity, the momentum was suppressed to the extreme...


Suddenly, it moved and attacked from an extremely tricky angle, an angle that Ba Dadie couldn't dodge, and the timing was well chosen, so he had to face it head-on!

Xiaozhi quickly instructed:

"Ba Dadie, use magic to shine!"


Ba Dadie, who couldn't dodge, suddenly exploded with a burst of pink energy, which turned into a dazzling white light of a sword almost instantly, trying to attack Long Longyan's eyes.

It's just that this time Long Longyan took precautions. After confirming the direction, he closed his eyes on the spot, and shot it like a cannonball in mid-air. It was unstoppable for a while, and the magic flash didn't work.


In less than a few blinks, the crazily rolling Longlong Rock had already bombarded the pink Ba Dadie head-on, and the terrifying force almost instantly made the latter completely lose his fighting power and fainted on the spot.

The terrifying energy force even made bursts of sonic booms in mid-air.

"Ba Dadie!!" Xiaozhi said anxiously.

After a successful blow, Long Longyan felt that the insect in front of him would never be able to block the blow, so he untied his rolling figure in mid-air, exposing his limbs and head, with a proud face.

"Haha, it's indeed my Longlongyan, it's too strong!"

Musashi below is also laughing triumphantly with his hips on his hips.

It's just that before it fell completely, the situation had a new change.

I saw a burst of bright pink light shining out of nowhere on the scarred body of the pink Butterfly. The energy of the fairy attribute is even several times stronger than the previous power of the moon, and the magic shines, and the energy is still going on. Condensed and compressed...



The light burst suddenly, and the terrifying goblin energy spewed out immediately, and the entire Viridian Gym trembled suddenly, as if the roof was overturned!

And the nearest Longlongyan was even more unlucky, unprepared to take a head-on blow with a terrifying power explosion!

"What's wrong what's wrong?"

Xiaozhi stared wide-eyed at the pink energy explosion that suddenly appeared in mid-air. Under the roll of the most powerful blow, Ba Dadie should not be able to fight on the spot. Can he release his skills?

And why does this skill look familiar...?

"Didi. This is Ba Dadie's passive - Mist Explosion: Once she loses the ability to fight, she will automatically cast Mist Explosion."

The picture book reminded in time.

Xiaozhi: "?"

The mist exploded, and the name seemed very powerful, but it was actually a self-destruction of the fairy attribute.

By the way, didn't he let Ba Dadie forget this trick, why did he go deep into the bone marrow and become passive...?

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