He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 263 Copper Smelting Pokémon

"Boom boom boom!!"

The mist exploded in mid-air, and the wave of fairy energy surged wildly. Whether it was the pink Butterfly at the source or the Longlong Rock who was hit head-on, they were all retreated by the impact of the explosion and fell from mid-air.

"Ba Da Die!"

Xiaozhi's skills are extraordinary, and after rolling three times with a forward pounce, he firmly put the pink Butterfly into his arms.

It's just that the latter's cute big pink eyes are spinning around at the moment, and it has completely lost its fighting ability when it is hit by the fifth rolling shot, not to mention the unconscious passive self-detonation it performed later.

"You did a good job..."

Xiaozhi rubbed Ba Dadie's head, and carefully put it back into the elf ball.

It can be seen that there is a big gap between it and the Longlong Rock, not to mention that the latter has the help of Musashi's Heavenly Skill, and it has exceeded his expectations to be able to achieve this level.

The future is promising!

His pink Butterfly is not a vase, but a powerful Pokémon that can really fight.

"You will definitely become stronger!"

After taking a deep breath, Xiaozhi stood up again, looked at Team Rocket and Longlongyan not far away, with a serious expression.

Although the commander of the Rockets pulled his hips, the Pokémon that came out of the gashapon machine seemed to be not low-level, and even had a terrifying ability to fight alone. That set of smooth combo punches was obviously strictly trained .

"Is this a shared Pokémon...?"


And Long Longyan, who was hit by a blow from the front and the mist exploded, was also uncomfortable. He fell from mid-air, and his spherical body rolled several times on the ground.

Don't look at it's whole body covered with rocks, as if its skin is very thick, but this is only for physical attacks. Special forms of attacks like fairy-attributed mist burst can't be blocked even by rough-skinned and thick-skinned Longlong Rock. .

Its magic resistance is not high.

"Long Longyan, are you alright!?"

It was rare for him to gain an advantage against Xiaozhi. At this moment, Musashi was very happy with this Longlongyan, and hurriedly stepped forward nervously to check the injury.

Although he even suffered from the power of the moon and the Mist Explosion, his body is covered with scars, but Long Longyan still has not lost his fighting ability, and his HP's effort value is probably full, which is terrifying.

"As expected of my Longlongyan, it can be so strong even under self-destruct!"

Musashi couldn't help hugging Longlongyan, and said triumphantly.


But as soon as her words fell, Long Longyan seemed to recognize something, and was taken aback for a while, seeing Musashi's expression full of bewilderment.

But as a shared Pokémon, his own strong sense of mission made him focus his eyes suddenly, with a look of generosity and determination in his eyes.

In the next second, a terrifying white light bloomed on its rocky body, and the white energy condensed to the extreme. The field suddenly exuded a very strong and dangerous atmosphere, and the suffocating energy depressing atmosphere was even stronger than the previous mist explosion. a bit.


Soon, bright white light illuminated her dazed face.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In the end, the white light energy exploded violently, causing a violent explosion on the spot, powerful enough to destroy the world! !

Rumbling Rock used self-explosion!

The terrifying energy waves and smoke danced wildly, and the explosive energy shocked everyone present, not only the Rockets, but even the onlooker Xiaozhi was inexplicable...


After a long while, when the smoke and explosion dissipated, Long Longyan fell on the spot with his eyes rolling.

And Musashi also fell on the spot with his whole body scorched black.

Long Longyan and Musashi cannot fight at the same time.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Kojiro meowed: "?"

Everyone fell into a moment of embarrassment.

"Didi. Shared Pokémon will recognize the keyword of the skill in the trainer's mouth, and the trainer Musashi said the keyword of "self-explosion"."

In embarrassment, the illustrated book suddenly reminded.

Since the shared Pokémon promoted by the Rockets is not particularly perfect, the response to commands is also very mechanical.

"Use self-explosion" and "don't use self-explosion" mean the same thing.

Kojiro was silent for a while, and shook his head repeatedly at Musashi.

Speaking of fully automatic, Musashi should lie down and sleep on the spot after throwing the poke ball, and let Long Longyan move on it by himself.

You see, the battle was going well at first, even if the mist exploded after one blow, it was fine. When you approached, the skill was broken in an instant, and it was impossible to fight with the trainer.

"Hey, Musashi's automatic flow is still not ready..."

Pokémon that fully matches Musashi's fully automatic flow style has not yet appeared...

Kojiro and Meowth had to drag Musashi's wreckage aside, the latter's thigh still twitching.


"Hmph, little devil, this time it's up to me to be your opponent!"

This time, Kojiro stood at one end of the arena with a thorny rose dangling from the corner of his mouth.

The first game was considered a tie, and now it's just a one-on-one tie, and through the first battle, Kojiro has already understood that these shared Pokémon may not be easy, he doesn't play automatic like Musashi.


This is Kojiro's usual style.

Before the game started, he had already memorized all the information on the shared Pokémon, and he even memorized a few combo moves of "A", "A" and "A".

"Come out, my general!!"

Kojiro threw the poke ball out violently, a red light flashed, and a violent roar sounded.

"Nee Ho Ho!!"

I saw that there was an equally huge Pokémon in front of him. It looked like an upright dinosaur, nearly 2 meters high, with a white belly, and the rest of the body seemed to be wearing purple-brown armor. , there are rows of spikes standing on the back, with sharp teeth, and a single-horned spike on the forehead, with a faint purple-black venom element lingering on it.

This Pokémon flicked its arms, and the big purple-brown tail behind it also danced in a circle, arousing a burst of anger, and its momentum penetrated people!

"Didi. King Nido, a copper-smelting Pokémon, has very strong skin, and every thorn has venom. Only males exist, but cold knowledge, this is an old copper-smelting warlock."

The picture book suggested.

The sound made the Nido King suddenly look bad, wishing he could just smash the broken machine.

Copper smelting, this is something that the Nido family must experience, it is really not very pleasant to say.

The Nido family is divided into male and female, the male is their Nido king line, and the magnetism is their Nido queen line.

But their reproductive laws are very strange. The male Nido King lineage is quite normal, and the first to third-order forms can applaud normally and legally.

But the female Nidoqueen lineage is very curious. From the first to the third stage, only the original Nidolan can applaud, while the second-stage Nidona and the third-stage Nidoqueen cannot give birth. eggs.

roughly equal to.

As soon as it evolves, it is ligated.

The man is fine, but for the woman, the major issue of race continuation is all on the youngest Nidolan, while Nidona and Queen Nido can only watch from the sidelines.

This is what makes King Nido feel ashamed. The thought of him being such a giant beast of more than 2 meters trying to stretch out his palm to Nidolan, which is the size of a palm, makes him feel extremely ashamed.

Just ashamed, but with some excitement...

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