He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 264: Formula Flow Kojiro!

"Ground and poison properties..."

Although the face of Nido King in front of him was a little strangely flushed, he was imposing, and his level was naturally not too low. Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, and put his hand on Kami Turtle's elf ball.

Sharing Pokémon is still not perfect. At present, there are only ground-type Pokémon. He plans to fight steadily according to the restraint of attributes.


It’s just that before Xiaozhi took out the poke ball, another poke ball around his waist suddenly opened automatically, and a red light appeared in front of him, gradually condensing into the appearance of a small dinosaur beast, the whole body was gray-blue , with a raised skull like a sapphire on the top of the head.


The skull dragon appeared on the stage, tossing around like a hyperactive patient, beating with small fists, with a very irritable expression, and finally looked at King Nido in front of him with red eyes.

"Skull Dragon, do you want to fight...?"

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized that he took a step forward, with a smile full of fighting spirit on his face, and moved his arm away from Cammy Turtle's elf ball, acquiescing to the skull dragon to join the war.

"Ah? Just this? A newborn skull dragon? Hahahaha!!"

Seeing this, Kojiro laughed arrogantly and mocked.

That's right, Kojiro knows this blue-gray dinosaur.

In the Sinnoh region, their villa kept two precious skull dragons and armored dragons as gatekeepers. Kojiro had a little understanding of this exotic Pokémon.

But looking at the level is not high, it may be just born, so you want to fight against the Rockets' senior Nido King?

Normally, Xiao Zhi would have opened his mouth to refute, but today he did not refute Kojiro.

Like the pink Butterfly, the lowest level in his team may be this skull dragon.

But it’s not like the pink Butterfly who doesn’t like training in the team on weekdays and has been shouting at the side to be a fan girl and a vase, especially after Bibibird evolved into a gaudy Dabibird, this trend became more serious.

And the skull dragon was simply just born.

"But if you want to fight, then fight!"

Unlike Xiaoxia, who is always blown away by the Kodak, Dumb, and Swamp King who suddenly pops out of her Poké Ball, Xiaozhi has always encouraged Pokémon to take the initiative to fight.

Can't beat?

Then just change to another gym. Anyway, Xiaomao has 10 badges, and there is still one and a half months before the Quartz Conference, which is enough.

"Skull Dragon, use your full strength, don't have any psychological burden, I will give you the bottom line!"

Xiaozhi encouraged.


The head-covered dragon lowered its head and roared, its hind legs rubbed against the ground constantly, as if it could charge at any time.


"Then the second Viking Gym Challenge, Nido King vs. Miscellaneous Ichthyosaur, let's start now meow!"

Miao Miao was beside her with a strange air of yin and yang.

When the battle started, Xiaozhi took the lead in attacking and said:

"Skull Dragon, use the ghost face!"

The skull dragon raised its head, widened its eyes, and opened its mouth to reveal the fangs inside, trying to put on its most terrifying expression.

Just the next second, a purple-brown figure suddenly rushed up, very fast, and the high-speed moving body was like a tank, powerful and powerful.

"King Nido, use surprise attack!" Kojiro just smiled and instructed, still holding the manual in his hand.

"Ni Hou!!"

King Nido approached the skull dragon, raised his hand and punched the latter's belly with a fist. The force was so strong that there was even a sonic boom in the air, and the fist sent it flying several meters away.

Assault, can attack the enemy one step ahead.

Different from the actual information given by the official, Nido King's surprise attack does not matter whether you use offensive skills or not, no matter what you use, the opening is just an old punch.


The retreating cranium groaned in mid-air, and finally came to his senses just as his body was about to hit the wall behind him. His eyes fixed in mid-air to adjust his figure, and he stepped on the wall to use his strength to turn sideways After somersaulting and falling back to the ground, the subsequent damage was undone.


The head cover dragon rubbed his stomach, but still raised his head and continued to put on an unfinished grimace expression.

"Pfft... I'm sorry I couldn't hold back."

The grimace that should have deterred the enemy made Kojiro laugh out loud, and also made King Nido have a "well" sign on his forehead, showing a bad expression.

King Nido's speed was not slowed down by the grimace, but irritated.

After eating the jackpot, Kojiro also gained confidence, put the thorny rose in his mouth again, and shouted:

"King Nido, use the power of the earth!"

King Nido let out a roar, bent down suddenly, and hit the ground in front of him with his last fist. Suddenly, the ground collapsed, and countless gullies opened up, spreading towards the target direction continuously, cracking from the middle along the way. A not shallow gully.


In the gully, even a lot of raging fire energy spewed out, and the broken stones with flames splashed randomly, as if the god of volcano was smashed out with a fist.

"What a terrible power..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out.

"Didi. This is Nido King's characteristic, forcibly. When using a skill with a subsequent additional effect, the additional effect disappears, but the power will increase."

The illustration book reminded in time.

Afraid that Xiaozhi would not understand, the illustrated book even thoughtfully gave an example.

"Didi. It's like Pikachu with this characteristic has used one hundred thousand volts. From now on, the enemy cannot be paralyzed, but the power of one hundred thousand volts will increase."

"But one hundred thousand volts has never paralyzed people." Xiao Zhi asked back.

"Didi. It's not my problem, nor your problem, so whose problem is it?"

The illustrated book has eyes like pearls, pointing out the key to the problem, and reminded by the way:

"Brother, the power of the earth is coming soon, please pay attention to the game, and we will talk about accountability later."

Hearing that Xiaozhi was shocked, he realized that the turbulent flames of the power of the earth had almost spread to the feet of the cranium dragon. At this moment, the place where the latter was standing was trembling, and the soil layer was cracking, as if lava was about to come. squirt.

The head cover dragon also looked around in a dazed expression, in chaos.

Xiaozhi immediately stopped hesitating and quickly instructed:

"Skull Dragon, use the original force on your feet!"

Primal power, which is a skill that almost all fossil Pokémon can master, symbolizes prehistoric primitive power.


The skull dragon found the backbone, and soon formed several rocks around its body, and then threw all the rocks under its feet, and kicked its hind legs, stepping on these rocks.

"Rumble boom!!"

The fire and rubble of the power of the earth spewed out with great power, destroying the stones stirred up by the original power almost instantly.

And the cranium dragon on top of the stone has already jumped high in mid-air by virtue of this force, which can be regarded as avoiding the menacing force of the earth.

Once it was in mid-air and King Nido didn't use it to shoot it down, even if the sword of the cliff came, it wouldn't work, let alone the power of the earth.


Soon, the power of the great force dissipated. Although the ground was now full of broken soil gullies, the raging flames before had dissipated, and the head-covered dragon fell back to the ground again, with little damage.

But Xiaozhi's expression was a little serious. Although it seemed that he had cracked this trick, Kojiro's command surprised him a little.

Whether it's the initial surprise attack, or the power of the earth that uses the characteristics to increase the power later, Kojiro's command seems to be much stronger all of a sudden.


Xiaozhi suddenly noticed the note in Kojiro's hand, as if he was looking at the note from time to time during the battle just now.

"Have you noticed..."

Kojiro noticed that Xiaozhi noticed his abnormal behavior, and a coquettish smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he lifted the rose, grabbed the instruction manual with his other hand, and said with a smile:

"Musashi's automatic flow is just a joke, but if you really want to fight, you have to watch me, Kojiro!"

Today is destined to be an indelible day in the history of Pokémon battles. Not only did Musashi invent the ground-breaking automatic flow command, but he, Kojiro, also created a brand new genre.

Formula flow!

All commands are formulas!

Relying on the records in the instruction manual, Kojiro rationally used the above formula flow, full of Ling Ran's arrogance that the world is in his hands.


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