He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 265 vs Formula Runido King!

"Is the formula flowing..."

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows a little, this genre is somewhat similar to another genre he once mentioned.

The formula flow means that regardless of how Pokémon is, everything is commanded according to the invincible formula, so as to win.

The other is the opposite, no matter how the command is, it depends on the invincible Pokémon to win.

Xiaozhi named this routine, Grandma Flow.

"If you inherit the powerful Pokémon from Brother Chi, even my grandma can win if she directs it."




King Nido stomped his feet, and the whole ground shook slightly. Xiaozhi quickly withdrew his mind and put his focus back on the field. When he rolled his eyes, he had an idea.

"Hmph, I don't believe there are all the solutions in your formula."

"Skull Dragon, use the original power!"

he instructed aloud.


With a flick of the two small arms of the skull dragon, a layer of taupe light appeared on the surface of the body, the energy escaped from the body, and several rocks condensed around the body, all of which were shot away.

"The long-range attack of the rock, haha, there is really a formula."

Kojiro, who is holding the formula, is not in a hurry. The above has shown the best strategy for how to deal with hard projectiles, just apply it.

"King Nido, use Iron Tail!!"

No matter how hard it is, can it be as hard as steel?

I saw that Nido King's purple-brown hard tail was suddenly covered with a layer of silver luster, turning into a steel tail, and swung towards the projected rock suddenly, smashing all the rock into pieces in an instant , without the slightest obstruction, majestic.

Even due to the disparity in strength, Iron Tail hit back countless gravels backwards.

"Da da da..."

The rubble fell on the gray-blue body of the cranium, causing minor severe injuries.

Xiaozhi's expression remained unchanged, but he instructed again:

"Skull Dragon, use the original power!"


Without the slightest hesitation, the skull dragon condensed several rocks and projected them away again.

Kojiro sniffed the rose lightly, sneered and said:

"Oh? Have you been fooled by the formula flow of my uncle, hmph, then continue to use Iron Tail!"

"Ni Hou!!"

With a burst of metallic luster, the original power turned into countless gravels and returned to the source.

The skull dragon didn't intend to move and dodge, and the smaller body received all the counterattacks of the original force.

"Don't lose to it, continue to use the original power!!"

Xiaozhi's voice was filled with incomparable firmness, and the same was true for the Cranium Dragon. The blood-red pupils gradually became darker, and the primordial power was unleashed again.

It's just that the situation is different this time. Just when Kojiro was about to taunt and fight back again, he saw that the rock of primitive power had just come out of his body, and the body of the cranium like a small dinosaur flickered several times one after another. Dao red light.

"Bao!" "Bao!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

This is the light that symbolizes the increase in ability, and it lights up as many as five paths at the same time!

Staring at the gravel that King Nido hit again, this time the Skull Dragon was no longer a sandbag. He lowered his head and kicked his hind legs, and rushed to one side, avoiding all the gravel.

"Has the speed increased..."

Kojiro frowned, the movement of the cranium in front of him seemed to suddenly become faster, even the muscles on his body seemed to become stronger.

"Didi. The original power, the Pokémon gains the power to return to the original, and there is a certain chance that it can improve the all-round ability of the Pokémon."

That is to say, the five attributes of double attack and double defense speed can be improved by one level.

But there is only a certain probability, so Xiao Zhi had to try to trigger it many times, one trigger three times, counting as Xiao Ou.

"Idiot Illustrated Book, we are not villains, so we don't need to explain so much to our opponents!"

Xiaozhi casually put the illustrated book back into his pocket, he naturally knew about this skill, and there was no need to explain it to him.

The level of this Nido King is much higher than that of his own head-covered dragon. It is too difficult to improve its own attributes first.

"No, it's not enough..."

Xiaozhi's eyes scanned the potholed ground around him. The Viking Gym was originally just an ordinary playing field, but now it should be said to be a ruined rocky field, a bit like the style of the Nibi Gym.

Then that trick can also be used...

He waved his thumb and instructed:

"Skull Dragon, use rock grinding!"

This trick was the skill used by the prehistoric fossil pterosaur at the bottom of the deep pit of the Grand Canyon.

Rely on the surrounding rocks to polish yourself, make your body more adaptable to sports, and greatly increase your speed.

It is also a rock and a prehistoric Pokémon. This move is not too difficult for the skull dragon. The double copy of Xiaozhi who has copied it will soon let him learn it.

Kojiro quickly instructed:

"You are too greedy, do you think I will give you enhancements for nothing? King Nido, use surprise attack!"

King Nido nodded and stretched his limbs. His huge figure ran like a fast-moving tank with great momentum.

It's just that the power seems to be great, but the cranial dragon kicked its feet. With its small body and cunning speed, it barely avoided this surprise attack and punched nothing.

Immediately afterwards, as if jumping into a pool, the skull dragon jumped high, changed its shape, and put its head on the ground first, and made a set of Armstrong windmills against the ground. Not only the head and the sky, but also every part of the body As the windmill rotates, it constantly touches and rubs against the ground, polishing its own fleshy body.

"How could it be possible to escape the surprise attack!?" Kojiro was a little confused.

Didn't it mean that as long as the opponent uses a move, he can attack first, and this can also be avoided?

"Beep. The surprise attack will only hit first if the opponent uses an attack skill. If the enemy uses a changing skill, as long as the enemy's speed is fast enough, it can naturally be avoided."

The picture book explained.

Rock grinding is not an attack skill.

With the increase of primitive power, the speed of the skull dragon can barely dodge the surprise attack.


After a gust of windmills, the cranium dragon's head bounced up against the ground, and his legs fell back to the ground again. At this moment, the entire blue-gray body was shining with a faint luster, and it was thoroughly polished.



Amplified light shines on its body, and the color is deep, which also represents a great increase.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi finally showed a smile with a successful plan, then his expression sank, and he roared loudly:

"It's time for us to attack, Skull Dragon, use your best iron head!!"


The Brachiosaurus lowered its sapphire-like protruding head, and the color changed suddenly. The blue head turned into an iron head shining with silver metallic luster, and then kicked its hind legs and rushed towards the target.

If Nido King runs like a heavy tank, then it runs like a sensitive small steel cannon.

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