He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 266 Blood Wheel Eyes and Tailed Beast Coat


After being polished by rocks, the skull dragon is as fast as a phantom, and the figure gradually turns into a blurred gray-blue phantom during the running process, constantly flashing around King Nido in a circular trajectory. Due to the extremely fast speed, one Time seems to have appeared more than one, and surrounded it at the same time.

A group of small blue beasts surrounded a giant beast, as if traveling to the prehistoric world, a group of small dinosaurs were hunting a large dinosaur.


A streak of metallic luster shot up into the sky, and the heads of countless skull-covered dragon phantoms shone with a penetrating metallic cold light, and then they slammed headlong towards King Nido in the center.

iron head! !

"What a speed!"

The high-level Nido King panicked, and the trainer Kojiro also panicked. Hidden among the many phantoms, the real steel skull was about to hit Nido King's lower back in a second.

After all, the trainer still has to be moral and ethical in battle, and Xiaozhi once taught it the rules of battle.

First, you can't get in the eyes, and second, you can't steal peaches.

Then the waist is definitely the best attacking part for every male Pokémon!


The head cover dragon slammed into it hard, and the redness in the eyes was bright.

All copper smelters will die for me! !


"Hehe, you don't really think I'm afraid, do you?"

Suddenly, a sinister voice came.

Just when Xiaozhi was secretly proud and felt that he had succeeded, Kojiro's face suddenly changed, and he held the rose high with confidence, showing a flirtatious expression.

"King Nido, use protection!"


A cyan energy shield suddenly lit up around its body, firmly protecting it, and the menacing iron head just attacked the protective barrier, and it couldn't even make it tremble.

"It's said in the formula book that once you are attacked by a high-speed Pokémon, there is no other strategy, and protection is the best strategy." Kojiro said with a smile.

Don't care about your bells and whistles, whether you protect or not, you can protect!

"And while the enemy's melee attack is offset by the protection, the body may fall into a short-term rigidity. This is an excellent counterattack opportunity..."

Kojiro continued to read the words in the instruction manual, and then looked at the field. At this moment, the head cover dragon and Nido king were infinitely approaching. The former's head was still rushing to block the outside, and he fell into a temporary rigidity in midair.

"Then the next move..."

Kojiro glanced at the manual, then laughed wildly and directed:

"Now, King Nido, use Surf!!"

"Ni Hou!!"

The blue light shield dissipated, and King Nido punched the ground with his fist, and then the ground began to tremble "rumblingly", but this time it was no longer the raging flames of the power of the earth, but gushing out of thin air. And out of the water flowing all over the sky.


The water flow converged into a wave, setting off a nearly 2-meter-high wave, which rolled towards the surroundings, and the head-covered dragon, which was almost zero distance, had no time to dodge, and was hit head-on by the surf. The powerful water momentum and water-attributed energy All the impacts hit its chest.

The effect is outstanding! !


The petite body of the skull dragon tumbled out with the current, flying upside down several meters away, and the surfing current swallowed him even more.

"Skull Dragon!!"

Xiaozhi worried anxiously, and was even more confused by this hand surfing.

Ground-type Pokémon, are you a surfer?

The attack succeeded, and Kojiro laughed.

"Didn't expect it, this is the foundation of our Changpan Gym!"

Although the surfing power used by water-type Pokémon is much lower, Pokémon like Nidowang are born to be all-rounders. They can learn one or two tricks for many attributes of skills, and they can work wonders in many cases.

One hundred thousand urgency plus surfing, both Nido King and Nido Queen clan can master it.


Surfing comes and goes quickly. Since it is not surfing of its nature, when a wave rolls past, the turbulent water just disappeared directly on the field.


The cranium dragon fell in the ruins, his expression was gloomy, obviously he had suffered a huge blow, and it was not bad that he didn't lose his fighting ability on the spot.

One of its tongues fell out of the side of its mouth, spit out to dissipate heat, its two small severed hands supported the ground, struggling to get up, its tired blood-red pupils were full of perseverance, it was dying Stare at the target.

You even used surfing on me, today I will definitely wash you away! !

Extreme anger appeared in its head, and its celestial spirit cap seemed to be about to burst, which made the skull dragon urgently need to do something to vent this power.

In the next second, a fierce bloody red light appeared around the body of the cranium dragon, turning into a blood-red energy coat, rolling and rolling like flames, filled with an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

And its pupils that were originally just red, now the entire pair of eyes were covered in blood, emitting a rich red light.

"Have they all come out, blood wheel eyes and tail beast coat..."

Xiaozhi's eyes widened, and he felt that his breathing became a little difficult.

The two stages of Pokémon after activating the prehistoric blood, one is red eyes, and the other is red clothes, both of which appeared on the skull dragon at this moment.

Its prehistoric bloodline concentration is actually not high, and it is not bad to reach the red-eye stage, but because of the additional input of unknown bones and civil science products—Qiqi Pills during incubation and restoration, it mutated into a prehistoric violent bloodline, and the direction is also different. Get weird.

Unexpectedly, after a blind operation, it successfully reached the red dress stage that can only be entered with a high blood concentration!


Finally, the cranium dragon covered by the energy of the bloody red clothes stood up completely. On the petite body, the big head roared upwards, and there came out a bloodthirsty roar that seemed to come from prehistoric times, a desolate and far-reaching wild prehistoric atmosphere Immediately permeated the Viridian Gym, extremely chilling.


Although the two bodies were very different, King Nido unconsciously took half a step back amidst the roar, which seemed strange but reasonable.

King Nido, regardless of its appearance, it is actually the last branch of the prehistoric dinosaurs to modern times, and the craniosaurus is a real prehistoric dinosaur!

This is the suppression of blood and soul, and it has nothing to do with strength or weakness.

"King Nido, don't be cowardly, it's just a bluff!"

Kojiro hastily encouraged him.

He shook his head secretly. It seems that this Nido King has a bad mentality, because of his inferior bloodline, but the level gap is still there. Even so, can he be frightened by a newborn little beast?

"We're going to attack again!"

The game was still going on, and the latter was still in the state of the candle in the wind. Xiao Zhi didn't care about it at all, but his face became darker. After some calculations, he already had a new battle strategy in his mind.

Then he waved his thumb and shouted:

"Skull Dragon, use sneak attack on Kojiro!"

Seeing a small dinosaur beast covered in raging red light rushing towards it, and it was enlarged rapidly in the eyes of the naked eye, Kojiro widened his eyes, and slowly put a question mark.


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