He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2653 Kissing a Pokémon or something? ! (Third update!)

However, Dianxi had been lying on the ground without waking up, which put Xiaozhi in trouble.

"By the way, try this!"

Defu took out a green fruit that was round and shaped like a small Japanese melon from his arms.

Muzi Fruit has the effect of relieving Pokémon's abnormal status after being eaten.

Defu often plays games with the wild Pokémon in the Pokémon Village, and usually brings some healing fruits and medicines to help treat the injured Pokémon here.

All you have to do is tear up a small piece of pulp and gently stuff it into Dianxi's mouth.

Still didn't wake up.

He even tried to use some irritating sleeping pill spray on Dianxi's cheek, but it still had no effect.

"Is this deep hypnosis? Ordinary things that can relieve hypnosis have no effect at all."

Defu couldn't help but frowned.

Is it the Mewtwo brother who hypnotized Diancie? What is the purpose?

Could it be that because of Dianxi's beauty, she was preparing to become the wife of a stronghold?

It’s just that as a fantasy beast, Dianxi should have no gender!

Looking at the Diamond Princess lying on the ground, her eyes were slightly closed, with a slight smile on her sleeping face.

"Um, is it possible that she is like a sleeping princess and needs a kiss to wake her up?"

Defu couldn't help but make a bold guess.

The Sleeping Princess and the Diamond Kingdom are both local fairy tales in Carlos.

Several people carefully carried Dianxi outside to the grass where birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. The latter still did not wake up despite such a big movement, as if she had really become a "sleeping princess", lying quietly among the grass and flowers.

"How about giving it a try?"

Defu looked at Xiaozhi and asked.

His meaning is also very obvious. He is old, and it is a bit unsightly to kiss Dianxi.

Seeing that the princess was about to be kissed, the two little diamonds turned red in the face and turned away in panic.

As the princess's subordinates, they dare not kiss her. That would be disrespectful!


Pikachu patted his chest and jumped down next to Dianxi, saying that he was qualified for the position of "prince".

Just as he was about to get closer, he was hurriedly blocked by two small diamonds.

If this is the way to save the princess, even though it may damage her image, she can only choose to kiss her in person.

But the lips of their most noble princess, or even their first kiss, could not be ruined by a humble electric mouse!

Pikachu: "?"

These two earth rabbits seem to owe Broken Rock a little!

Finally, seeing several people's eyes falling on him, Xiaozhi could only rub the back of his head and tentatively said:

"Um, how about I try?"

Speaking of which, if Fatty Hali were here, he would probably be the first to jump out of the elf ball and prepare to kiss the beautiful princess.

Seeing that no one had any objection, Xiaozhi could only swallow and carefully approached Dian Xi.

Then he stared at Dianxi's face, slowly leaned over and lowered his head.


Xiaozhi blushed, he was a little nervous.

Kissing Pokémon, etc., always feels like a kind of obsessive sin.?!

But now in full view of everyone, Xiaozhi gritted his teeth and suddenly lowered his head.


He kissed Dian Xi on the corner of the lips very smoothly.

What comes across is not the touch of a rough diamond, but a rather soft and strange feeling.

Xiaozhi didn't even have time to part his lips and raise his head again.

So close, Diamond Princess Dianxi miraculously slowly opened her eyes.

The latter's eyes are also very beautiful, with the outer ring being dark red and the middle pupil being pink, like two two-color gemstones.


Xiaozhi quickly raised his head, is the story of the sleeping princess really so effective? !

Dian Xi also gradually regained her composure from the initial daze and understood what had happened previously.

Wait, this human kissed himself? !


Dianxi's cheeks turned red instantly, and white smoke continued to rise all over her body like a steam oven.

The two jewel-shaped eyeballs were instantly wet and trembling constantly, as if they were about to burst into tears in the next second.

"Wait Dianxi, don't get me wrong, this is just to wake you up!!"

Xiaozhi quickly raised his hand and explained.

Hell, for a normal Pokémon, a kiss would be a kiss.

For example, Pikachu's brain circuit means that if you kiss its mouth or kiss its asshole, it means the same thing.

But as a member of the Diamond Kingdom, Dianxi, together with the two small diamonds next to her, is a completely human social system, and her thinking is completely different from that of ordinary Pokémon.

But there are still two little diamonds who can smooth things over and make the atmosphere less tense.

"Your Highness, you are finally awake!"

"We thought we would completely lose you~!"

Two little diamonds had already surrounded Dianxi, celebrating happily.

The blush on Dianxi's face also weakened a lot, and she didn't cry loudly, but her eyes were moist, with a bit of happiness about surviving the disaster.

However, a pair of jewel eyes were still looking at Xiaozhi beside him vaguely, with some different emotions vaguely in the pupils.

I was so embarrassed that my first kiss was with a human! !

Seeing that Dian Xi seemed to be completely fine, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at De Fu.

"Mr. Defu, one of my companions is coming to challenge Yingxue Gym, so I came here to find you and return to the gym."

Then he informed the latter of all the matters.

De Fu nodded and understood.

However, he was a little surprised. Xiaozhi, a person with the appearance of a passionate trainer, did not intend to challenge the gym and the alliance conference according to his wishes?

really weird.

"Well, due to some personal matters, I am indeed less concerned about the affairs of the gym than before. I'm sorry."

While speaking, Defu also glanced at the cave next to him. Naturally, his personal matter was referring to Chaomeng.

"Then tell your companions that you can come to our Yingxue Gym tomorrow to challenge. I will be waiting for you then."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded. This time, the purpose of the Fantasy Forest was achieved.

No, Serena, Citron and the others are still in the Forest of Fantasy!

I forgot about it. I haven’t been out for so long. Is there anything wrong?

Xiaozhi couldn't help but turn his head to look in the direction of the Fantasy Forest. The white mist lingering at the top of the forest seemed to have faded a lot.

"In that case, maybe?"

With a thought in his mind, Xiaozhi subconsciously released the power of his waveguide to spread in the direction of the forest. This time he was able to detect normally!

I don't know why, but it's a good thing.

"Guys, please wait for me here. I'll go pick up some of my friends first!"

With that said, Xiaozhi released the Sonic Dragon, turned over, stepped on it, and quickly flew over the Fantasy Forest.

Under Waveguide's perception, the positions of Serena and others are very clear!

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