He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2654: You haven’t become a trainer yet, are you about to fall into the egg pit? !

Under the perception of the power of the waveguide, Xiaozhi soon found Serena who was lost in the Fantasy Forest.

It's just that she is "lost." But Serena obviously doesn't have any self-consciousness about being lost.

At this moment, in the snowy pine forest, a large number of brown dead trees - rotten wood demons - had fallen down. It is strange that there was even a tree mixed in among them.

Serena and the demon fire red fox were surrounded by the withered wood demons, and they were also panting. After a hearty battle, the physical strength of each person and the fox dropped rapidly.

However, the two of them were completely in high spirits, as if they were in a hot summer day.

Even the thick snow on the ground nearby was melted away by the demon fire red fox, revealing the black-red soil.

"Yo, Serena!"

It wasn't until Xiaozhi's cry came from the horizon that Serena came back to her senses.

"Ah Xiaozhi!"

Yes, I still have to find a way out of the forest. I didn't pay attention and got so excited here.

Is it possible that there is a passionate fighting gene similar to Xiaozhi in his body?

Serena's cheeks turned red when Xiaozhi saw her passionate girl side.

"I found the location of the Pokémon Village~ Let's go Serena, let's meet up with Citron first~!"

Xiaozhi did not lower his sonic dragon, but shouted in the air.

Looking at the rotten wood demon on the ground, it seems that the demon fire red fox has harvested another wave of experience points.

"Ah! Wait for me!"

Serena understood, and hurriedly retrieved the demon fire red fox, and then released her own Tanabata Blue Bird with her backhand, sitting on the latter's cotton back, holding the Tanabata Blue Bird's slender neck and lifting into the air.

After flying for less than ten minutes, the two quickly found the Xitron brothers and sisters. Xiaozhi landed on the ground and took back the Sonic Dragon.

The location of these two brothers and sisters is already very close to the Pokémon Village, so there is no need to continue using the flying technique.

But after landing, looking at the way Citron was sweating in the snow, he must have experienced a fierce battle.

"Ah Xiaozhi, Serena! Let me tell you, brother just tamed a super handsome Zoroark!"

As soon as she saw the two of them, Yulijia immediately said excitedly.

Serena didn't know Zoroark and her eyes were blank, but Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Zoroark was a rare Pokémon in the Unova region. He was familiar with it, but he didn't expect it to also live in the Kalos region.

It should be the original one, the kind of Zoroark with black body and red hair, right?

There is no data record on his green-looking Zoroark on the market, and it should not be encountered under normal circumstances.

"Put it out quickly and let me identify it!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but his eyes heated up and he urged.

Whether it's Zoroark looking green or ordinary, he looks very good!

"Well, I just conquered it too. I haven't had time to release it yet."

Citron held a Poké Ball in his hand and spoke excitedly.

This Zoroark is quite brutal in battle. Even if it is subdued, it probably won't be able to be commanded directly.

If there were just the two of them, Citron wouldn't dare to let it go.

Now that Xiaozhi was beside him, Citron felt confident and threw the elf ball with his backhand.


But when the red light fell on the snow, what appeared was not a handsome upright fox, but an unknown object in the shape of pink mud.

"Wait a minute, why did you suddenly become a monster?!"

Citron's eyes widened instantly.

A rare, powerful and handsome Zoroark suddenly turned into a versatile monster. This psychological gap is a bit big!

"Did it turn out that Zoroark just turned into a strange creature? That's it."

Next to him, Xiaozhi nodded and understood.

There is probably a Zoroark living nearby. The wild Variety has seen it and automatically imitated and deformed.

And in fact, in the wild, it is difficult for humans to see Zoroark, or a young Zoroa.

This Pokémon has the property of 'hallucination' and will automatically transform into someone else's appearance.

In other words, in Zoroa's habitat, although it is impossible to directly encounter Zoroa, any Pokémon casually captured nearby may "become" Zoroa.

"Well~ Brother, the Variety Monster is also very cute~!"

Seeing Citron lower his head in disappointment, Yulijia could only comfort him.

The Variety Monster has a much more easy-going personality. Yulijia stepped forward and hugged him. The slimy body of the Variety Monster can be kneaded at will, and it feels great.

Youlijia couldn't help but reveal a small crescent moon at the corner of her mouth, and said with a smile:

"Before I become a trainer, I can still use this Variety Monster to hatch eggs~! Then I will match all the Pokémon in the Miare Gym~!"

Variety Monster: "?!"

Is this human girl with a cute smile a devil?

You haven't become a trainer yet, are you about to start falling into the egg pit? !

"Okay, let's leave this ever-changing monster to Yulijia for now."

Citron was still very disappointed after losing a handsome Zoroark and could only say helplessly.

Although there are probably wild Zoroarks living in this forest, the forest is so large and there are weird fog barriers and ghost walls, making it difficult to find them.

Even if it is your own machine, it is difficult to work

"Come on, guys, I've found the Pokémon~ It's right next to it. The scenery there is very good. Let's go there and take a rest~"

Xiaozhi hooked his hand and walked at the front to lead the way:

"The Yingxue Gym Leader is also there, Serena."

Hearing this, Serena's eyes lit up and she quickly followed.

She and Demon Fire Red Fox have completely warmed up and are ready for the final gym challenge.

Citron and Yulijia followed behind. The latter even kneaded the Variety Monster into a slender scarf and put it around his neck.

"Speaking of which, there really is no reaction at all. It's really strange."

Along the way, Xiaozhi also tried to take out the unknown mega stone.

Although he was also in the fantasy forest, this time, the mega stone was completely unresponsive.

"It seems like that Pokémon has completely left here, right?"

Xiaozhi thought to himself.

The mist-covered wall surrounding the forest also disappeared.

There are also a lot of creepy machines in that cave.

Maybe this Pokémon is the Pokémon of the mad scientist in the cave?

Xiaozhi thought there was a human trainer.

I'll ask Mr. Defu about the cave later.

In less than a few minutes, several people could already see a long, narrow and hidden entrance to the forest. Especially when the snow on the ground melted, it looked incompatible with the surroundings and looked extremely strange.

Walking through this entrance, a warm breeze blew into my face, and the paradise scenery of birds singing and flowers fragrant made Serena and others couldn't help but feel happy!

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