He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2656 Can you make mega stones yourself?

After a while, Citron came out of the cave.

"Well, it is indeed a machine for the production of Pokémon clones. I didn't expect it to be so streamlined in design that all the processes can be completed in a small cave."

There was a hint of exclamation in Citron's words.

Xiaozhi nodded. This technology should not come from Mewtwo, but from Team Rocket.

After all, the latter has even created a Pokémon like Mewtwo that can rival the ancient gods, but Pokémon cloning technology is somewhat mediocre.

"As for how many have been produced, I'm not sure. Anyway, the number should not be small."

Citron estimated awkwardly.

It's mainly just you, one Pokémon. Why clone so many Pokémon?

Could it be that this Pokémon still wants to become a trainer himself?

Xiaozhi was also quite puzzled by this. If Mewtwo's target was the strongest Pokémon and it would challenge the strong in various ways, he would still understand the mythical beast.

But he couldn't understand raising other Pokémon by himself.

What is the meaning?

Everyone was sitting on the lawn of the Pokémon Village to rest, and Xiaozhi also walked up to Diamond and Diancie.

"By the way, Diancie, I have some questions to ask you."

Dianxi stood up in the air, with a sullen face, slightly raised her chin, and said politely like a superior:

"Okay, I give you permission to ask questions."

The appearance of this little princess made everyone around them laugh. The two little diamonds were very pious and did not dare to be disrespectful in the slightest.

Xiaozhi could only try his best to suppress his laughter, obey the princess's wishes, and asked slowly:

"Thank you, princess. I just want to ask Mewtwo, that white Pokémon, why did you want to catch you? What did you do in the cave?"

There is only one Pokémon in the entire cave, Dianxi, and Mewtwo must have a purpose.

Of course, it's also possible that after seeing Dianxi's appearance, she forcibly arrested Mrs. Yazhai?

Speaking of which, can artificial Pokémon and fantasy Pokémon hatch eggs?

"Maybe he covets Diancie's pink diamond and wants to get scientific research funds?"

Citron guessed rationally.

He still wants to dig out some of the pink diamonds under Diancie and check the ingredients.

But Dianxi shook his head, and his originally proud face took on a sad look.

"He wants me to help him make diamonds that can allow those strange Pokémon to complete their evolution!"

The voice of telepathy sounded in several people's minds at the same time. Xiaozhi and others looked at each other, some of them didn't understand.

Are those strange Pokémon referring to cloned Pokémon?

Logically speaking, the cloned ones would be stronger at most, so there should be no difference in appearance. Why would it become strange?

"Evolved diamonds? Are they evolutionary props like the Fire Stone and the Thunder Stone?"

Serena couldn't help but interject.

Xiaozhi shook his head. With Chaomeng's superb and terrifying mental power, if you need these evolution prop stones, just buy them directly.

Even a Pokémon as powerful as Technician's Dragon can be hypnotized at will, not to mention that it can be purchased for zero dollars in the human world.

Chaomeng is definitely not short of money.

The so-called "evolutionary diamond" must be something that is not available on the market and is extremely rare.

"Well, Your Highness Princess, can we have a look at that diamond?"

Citron became curious and couldn't help but request.

Dian Xi suddenly lowered his head and hesitated. This look made Citron feel a little embarrassed. Was his request too abrupt?

But the next moment, she raised her head again and slowly raised her arms.


Then he let out a low cry, and surging energy gathered around his body, and a dazzling pink light bloomed around his body.

Under the surprised gazes of everyone around, these pink lights were even mixed with some small pink diamonds, and there were more and more of them, surrounding Dianxi's body like stars.

"Is it possible that Her Royal Highness the Princess has already mastered that power?"

"Great, our country can be saved!!"

The two little diamonds obviously knew what Dianxi was doing, and they immediately jumped up and down excitedly.

And as the pink light gradually condensed, starting from Dianxi's hands, a large pink long columnar diamond condensed out of thin air!

First half a meter in length, and then continue to extend forward, one meter, two meters, three meters.

This is already a very exaggerated volume!

"This power is worthy of being a fantasy Pokémon!"

Although Xiaozhi didn't know what Dianxi was doing, even if he smashed this big diamond directly, he could perform a move far beyond the power of ordinary Pokémon.

It's just that the huge pink diamond has just condensed into shape and has not yet completely stabilized.

boom! !

The next moment, the pink diamond actually cracked from the inside, instantly turning into countless tiny fragments, and then transformed into a gaseous energy form, disappearing into nothingness.

Dianxi was also like a deflated rubber ball. She lowered her hands and lowered her head in despair.

"Failed again. Sure enough, I couldn't have done it without that guy."

Dianxi's disappointed voice appeared in everyone's minds.

Although he didn't know what happened, Xiaozhi still put a hand on Dianxi's shoulder to comfort him.

"Hey, hey! Even Master Xiaozhi can't touch the princess's jade casually."

At this scene, the two little diamonds immediately started beating angrily and were about to scold Xiaozhi.

But before they finished scolding them, Dianxi, who was lowering his head, suddenly squinted over and glared at the two little diamonds fiercely.

Huh, she is enjoying Xiaozhi's comfort. You two civilians want to object? !

Not only the superiority and inferiority in terms of status, but also the suppression of bloodline.

The two little diamonds were immediately stared at and trembling, and they did not dare to say another word.

Everyone: "."

Always feel like something very subtle happened just now?

Next, Dianxi also talked about what happened to her after she was taken away.

"Is that Pokémon called Mewtwo? He captured me because the diamond I made contains the energy that allows Pokémon to break through its limits and evolve again."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but be stunned.

Break through the limits and evolve again. Why does this sentence sound so like describing mega evolution? !

"I see. If Diancie is forced to make Mega Stones, it makes perfect sense. There are also those Pokémon cloning and transformation machines."

Next to him, Citron suddenly realized.

The purpose of that special cloning technology is to make Pokémon stronger.

The same goes for mega stones, which allow cloned Pokémon to achieve mega evolution and double growth!

Rare and rare mega stones are naturally not something that can be obtained easily. No matter how much money you have, it is difficult to buy them.

But the next moment, everyone's eyes fell on Dian Xi, and they all exclaimed:

"Wait a minute, you can make your own mega stone?!"

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