He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2657 Looking for Xerneas? !

Mega stone is a very rare thing, it has a price but no market!

And it is a test of luck. If you are lucky, any stone you pick up on the ground will be a mega stone.

But if you are unlucky, you may never find it in your lifetime.

But according to Dianxi, this diamond princess can create mega stones with her bare hands? !

If this news spreads, it will undoubtedly send the entire Kalos region into madness.

Dr. Bratano will probably be the first to come and kowtow to Dianci.

Seeing the astonished looks on several people's faces, Dianxi suddenly came out of her depressed mood, rubbed her head, and said with a tone of shyness and pride at the same time:

"The nest is not so boring~!"

But soon, she spread her hands and said that she couldn't do it now.

Regarding her ability, we have to start from the very beginning.

"Little Broken Diamond and I come from the diamond kingdom underground. The entire kingdom operates on a large diamond called the 'Holy Diamond'."

"But holy diamonds will lose their effectiveness one day. At that time, I, the diamond princess, need to create new holy diamonds so that the entire country can continue to operate."

The huge pink diamond that Dianci made with his bare hands was the prototype of the holy diamond.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this ability that she is so respected and respected by the entire Diamond Kingdom and is treated as a princess.

"It's just that my ability is limited. No matter how hard I try, I can't completely create it. And the old holy diamond is almost exhausted."

"At that time, the entire kingdom may collapse at any time. Little Broken Diamond and I can only go out and look for a way to fully master the ability to create holy diamonds."

When talking, the two little diamonds also drooped their ears, feebly.

If Dianxi is unable to master this power in the end, there is no need to go back to the Diamond Kingdom, as it is destined to be destroyed anyway.

When the time comes, why don’t we just elope with the princess?

"I see. Does this Carlos fairy tale still have these sayings?"

Xiaozhi and the others also listened with interest.

Yulijia even had bright eyes and wanted to visit the diamond kingdom in the fairy tale. I guess you can easily pick up precious diamonds there, right?

Next to him, Citron touched his chin and analyzed:

"To maintain the operation of the kingdom, it seems that the holy diamond should be just a catalyst, which has the effect of compressing and reorganizing the carbon elements in nature and turning them into diamonds."

It's just that the analysis of this man from science and engineering was too embarrassing, and several people looked at Citron with disgust.

Citron: "."

Dian Xi calmed down a little and continued to talk. The next step was matters related to Mewtwo.

"Little Broken Diamond and I came to the surface of the earth, ready to find the person who could increase my strength. But when we were passing by Yingxue City, we were accidentally kidnapped by Chaomeng."

"He locked me in a cave and forced me to use my power. While sensing the breath of the Pokémon in front of me, he created small diamonds with similar breaths. According to him, these diamonds are enough to allow these Pokémon to achieve mega evolution."

It was only then that Dianxi learned that the diamonds he made had the ability to allow other Pokémon to super-evolve? !

"It's just like holy diamonds. I can't make holy diamonds, and I can't create those evolutionary diamonds by myself."

"However, Chaomeng shared part of his mental power with me. With his help, I was able to successfully create the evolution diamond. But now that I don't have his power, I can't do it."

With that said, Dianxi waved her little hand and condensed several small pink diamonds out of thin air, which fell into the hands of several people.

Before anyone could be happy, the diamonds in their hands turned into a ball of pink mist and disappeared without any heat.

Obviously, like the holy diamond, it has no practical effect at all.

"I see, do you still have this experience?"

After listening to it in full, everyone was sighing and sighing. The process was too incredible.

"In other words, as long as you have Mewtwo's assistance, or if Dianxi masters this power yourself, can you mass-produce mega stones at will?"

Even so, Xiaozhi couldn't help but marvel.

Dianxi thought for a moment, then nodded.

It would take a lot of effort for her to make a holy diamond, but if it was just an "evolution diamond", it would not be difficult.

As long as she faces the relevant Pokémon and waves her hand, she can create dozens or even hundreds of evolution diamonds.

The premise is that she must master this power.

At this moment, everyone's eyes suddenly became fanatical when looking at Dian Xi.

This means that whoever owns Dianxi is equivalent to owning a steady stream of mega stones.

Who can withstand this!

"So, now that the crisis has been resolved, where are you going?"

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered their first words:

"By the way, I remember you said at the beginning that you were looking for a being who could enhance your strength. So who was it?"

Hearing this, Dianxi's face became solemn, with a bit of piety:

"It's the legendary Pokémon in this land, Xerneas!"

"Legend has it that Xerneas has the ability to share power with other Pokémon. If I can find him and get his gift of power, I will definitely be able to create a perfect holy diamond!"

Dianxi's tone was very firm, and even the two little diamonds next to her nodded in agreement.

According to the history records of their diamond kingdom, the previous diamond princesses of their country only truly awakened to their own power after seeing the power of Xerneas!

Diancie is not the only one.

At least the Diamond Princess that exists at different points in time is not the same one.

This is similar to Manafei, the Prince of the Canghai. There is a cycle of reincarnation.

Although there may be some connection between the two generations of phantom beasts, the new Manafei or Dianxi are completely independent and brand-new individuals.

The characters, emotions, and memories are completely different from those of the previous generation of fantasy beasts.

"Are you related to God X, Xerneas again?"

Xiaozhi frowned.

He wants to find Fat Hali who was abducted by God Z, and he also needs Xerneas' help.

The goals of the two people do overlap.

Dianxi looked at Xiaozhi, her face suddenly turned red, and she said in a condescending tone:

"Because you did that to me just now~ So this princess now allows you to take charge and help me find Xerneas~!"

This time it was telepathy that everyone could understand, and several people immediately looked at Dianxi and Xiaozhi strangely.

What does "that's me" mean? !

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