He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2658 Xiaozhi’s left hand position!

After resting for a while in the Pokémon Village, it was getting late and everyone set off again, preparing to return to Yingxue City.

This time when they entered the Fantasy Forest again, everyone did not feel as eerie as when they first came.

"Well, just follow me. Actually, this forest is easy to walk around~"

Familiar with the mechanics of the Fantasy Forest maze, you have to lead the way at the front.

Xiaozhi and his group were walking in the middle.

Behind it is a dazzling diamond princess, slowly floating forward, and at the end are two small diamonds jumping like rabbits.

"Princess, is this really okay?"

"It feels a bit forced to touch Mr. Ash, but if we can find Mr. Xerneas this way, this is the only way."

"Believe me, princess, it's no problem~!"

The master and the two servants were still whispering behind each other, using the local language of the Diamond Kingdom.

In everyone's ears, it was naturally meaningless sounds such as "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!", but Xiaozhi heard it very clearly.


These little guys, if they really want to force themselves into trouble, it's up to them!

But in fact, Dianxi and the others had no choice.

After leaving their Diamond Kingdom, their first stop was to the Forest of Oruans - the legendary forest where Xerneas lived.

Separated from humans and isolated from the rest of the world, it is a forest where only Pokémon live.

It's just that although the thick vitality can be felt in the air in that forest, it is obvious that Xerneas has not escaped.

However, they seemed to have arrived a step too late. After searching for a long time in the forest, they could not find Xerneas. It seemed that he had already left.

Now, they had no destination.

There was no other way, so Dianxi could only wander aimlessly with two small diamonds, hoping to try her luck.

Then he wandered around Yingxue City and was forcibly arrested by Chaomeng who was passing by.

Following behind, Dianxi clenched her fists and stared at Xiaozhi's back.

She had a hunch that this human being would be able to master the power and create a perfect holy diamond.

Well, I wouldn’t follow him just because he kissed me!

About twenty minutes later, with the guidance of an acquaintance, De Fu, the group of people walked out of the Fantasy Forest very smoothly and returned to the street entrance to the south of Yingxue City.

"Well Serena, we'll meet tomorrow. I'll go back to the gym to get ready first~"

De Fu glanced at the Diamond Princess behind him for the last time, then turned around and left with a loud laugh.

But after lowering his head again, Defu was now very curious.

Mewtwo wants to clone Pokémon and mega evolve. What is the purpose?

When the two of them were playing chess before, they seemed to have heard Chaomeng say that he wanted to challenge the strongest trainer.

"Is it possible that the challenge he mentioned is that he also challenges human trainers as a trainer?"

Defu was still puzzled. He didn't know what Chaomeng had gone through before to have such a weird idea.

The street at the entrance of the town was covered with thick snow, and the ground was marked with the chaotic footprints of several people.

It's just that Dianxi's figure was too dazzling. Passers-by along the way looked sideways and watched, and many even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

That’s not to mention the ability to create mega stones out of thin air.

The pink diamond ore beneath Diancie alone is enough to arouse people's greed.

"Edi Anxi, do you want to enter the city with us?"

Xiaozhi could only turn his head and ask Dianxi.

"Yeah! This is your responsibility, Xiaozhi, to help this princess~!"

Dian Xi held her head high as a matter of course and didn't feel anything was wrong.

"But Your Highness, your appearance is too conspicuous. You are not suitable for staying in the human world."

Xiaozhi scratched his head helplessly and suggested:

"Why don't you and Little Diamond wait for us around here?"

If he was looking for Xerneas, he wouldn't mind taking Dianxi's three diamonds with him.

It's just that he doesn't know where this legendary ancient god is, so he can only take one step at a time.

"Oh~ it's easy~!"

Dianxi smiled proudly when she heard that she just wanted to make herself less noticeable.

Then he raised his two little hands above his head and sang softly.

The surface of the body once again bloomed with dazzling pink light, while the outline of the inner body gradually disappeared.

Within a moment, only a blurry shadow of Dianxi was left on the spot. You had to squint your eyes carefully to see the outline of Dianxi's figure.

"Oh, is it invisible?!"

Xiaozhi and others' eyes lit up.

Physical invisibility is actually the second universal special ability of fantasy Pokémon after telepathy.

Basically, they can use their own little tricks to make their bodies more transparent and invisible.

"Does it reflect all the light and form an invisible optical coating? It's incredible..."

Citron marveled again and looked around Dianxi.

Next to you, Yulijia complained mercilessly:

"Brother, stop analyzing science all the time! This is the miracle of Pokémon, not science!!"

Don't put a hundred thousand volts on Pikachu in the future. You can also tell me that Pikachu has a battery inside his body. The two levels are releasing electric ions to form a channel.

"Hehe~ If that's the case, then it'll be no problem~!"

After completing her invisibility, Dianxi circled around and cheered happily. Her figure was almost invisible, and she could only vaguely see a strange vacuum outline.

"Well, it's much more convenient this way."

Xiaozhi nodded with satisfaction. In this case, there would be no problem in following him.

As for those two little diamonds

There's no need to go to such trouble, just follow behind.

Pokémon like Diamond Diamond are not that rare even if they are said to be rare.

If Carlos dug a lot in his mine, he would always find one or two small Muggle diamonds, but not to the extent that other passers-by would become greedy.

"Then let's go back to the Pokémon Center first. We've been gone all day~"

As the commander-in-chief, Xiaozhi hooked his hand and signaled everyone to follow his pace.

"Go to Yingxue Gym tomorrow to complete Serena's final gym challenge, and then see where there is any trace of Xerneas."

After all, the Alliance Conference will not be held for another month. During this period, they do not have a specific destination to go to. They can specifically look for the legendary Xerneas.


Dianxi was the first to celebrate, and even floated directly to Xiaozhi's left.

The movement was very smooth, and one hand gently grabbed Xiaozhi's palm.

Serena: "?!"

Hey, Xiaozhi’s left hand side is always where she stands!

Bad street diamonds,

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