He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2661 Serena vs De Fu! Defeat the powerful ice monster!

Obviously, the momentum of the ice rock monster on Defupai is much stronger than the previous geometric snowflakes.

"Tanabata bluebird, high-speed star!"

Serena could only bite the bullet and attack immediately.

The mega Tanabata Blue Bird spread its wings, and instantly gathered countless pink stars, which were very powerful and flew out together.

The ice rock monster not only looks like a turtle, but also moves at turtle speed, making it difficult to dodge.

But De Fu never thought of dodging:

"Destroy them all, Ice Spin!!"

The ice rock monster retracted its icicle limbs slightly, and then its body started to rotate at high speed on the spot.

Coupled with the sharp, hard and sharp edges of the body, the rotating body also possesses amazing destructive power!

Bang bang bang.!

The dense and powerful high-speed stars were easily destroyed and shattered after touching the edge of the ice spiral, with no effect at all.

Even though the ice spin seems to be a high-speed rotation with ice attributes, the power of the gyro ball move is much higher.

Moreover, the ice spin also has amazing power. If there are field-type moves around the arena, it can destroy them all!

Obviously the opponent is very dangerous in the melee field, Serena can only stay in the air and launch a fierce attack:

"In that case, Tanabata Blue Bird, high pitch!!"

The Mega Tanabata Blue Bird sang loudly again, releasing a pink sonic boom shock wave from its mouth, swooping down and shooting towards the ice turtle on the ground.

However, Defu’s response was even more brutal:

"Take it!"

The ice rock monster's icicle limbs stood firmly on the ground, allowing the violent sound waves to continuously vibrate and spread on its iceberg body, remaining motionless as a mountain.

At this time, De Fu grinned for no reason and suddenly said:

"And then, an avalanche!!"

The ice rock monster's eyes instantly glowed with blue light, and its head looked toward the sky.

The next moment, countless hard snow rocks appeared out of thin air in the void above Qixi Blue Bird's head.

The avalanches, like flash floods and tsunamis, all came crashing down, and the attack was so fierce that even the Qixi Blue Bird could not dodge for a while.


The figure of the Mega Tanabata Blue Bird was hit by countless avalanche rocks, and suddenly fell to the ground together with numerous snow chunks, causing a massive burst of snow, fog, and dust.

Outstanding effect!

"Tanabata Blue Bird!!"

Serena was shocked, the power of this move was incredible.

Moreover, the ice rock monster still endures the high pitch first, and then releases the avalanche - using the avalanche move in the back, the power is doubled!

Fortunately, Mega Tanabata Blue Bird's body is covered with thick and fluffy cotton, which naturally has a certain buffering and damage reduction effect on physical moves, so it will not be instantly killed by one move.

But his figure was pressed to the ground by countless snow chunks, still extremely miserable.

"Now, regenerate yourself!"

Defu's tactics are very smooth. He takes damage first and then hits a powerful blow with his second hand.

He also used the avalanche to temporarily restrain the enemy, taking the opportunity to use recovery moves to make up for the initial damage.

call out.!

The surface of the ice rock monster's body glowed with green light, and its physical strength recovered rapidly.

"Damn it. Come back for now!"

Serena gritted her teeth and could only temporarily take back the Qixi Blue Bird.

Sure enough, it is impossible for a master of Mr. Defu's level to be easily suppressed by Mega Tanabata Blue Bird.

Except for being able to catch him by surprise at the beginning, the rest will be a tough battle.

"Please, turtle-footed giant armor!!"

Soon, Serena released the turtle-footed giant armor again.

Speaking of which, her remaining three Pokémon - Turtlefoot Giant Armor, Bully Panda, and Demon Fire Red Fox - can all restrain Mr. Fu's ice-type Pokémon very well.

"Oh~ little girl, you have collected so many kinds of Pokémon~"

Seeing the turtle-footed giant armor appear on the stage, De Fu laughed dryly, with a strange expression on his face.

After all, it makes sense for a good-looking girl like Serena to partner with the Demon Fire Red Fox and the Tanabata Blue Bird.

But if it's a turtle-footed giant armor that looks like a scary monster with a crotch-shaped appearance, it's a bit weird.

But looking at the size of the turtle-footed giant armor, we can already tell that the next step is a duel in terms of strength.

"Turtle-footed giant armor, primitive power!!"

The battle started again. The giant turtle-footed armor raised four barnacle arms at the same time, condensing several rocks from the sky and throwing them!

"It's useless, use Ice Spin and destroy them all!!"

De Fu shouted carelessly.

The ice rock monster made a similar move, and its body rotated at high speed on the spot again. The hard iceberg body easily destroyed all the incoming primitive power rocks.

Serena is not annoyed by this either, Primal Power is more of a lottery move.

It has a certain probability that the Pokémon will burst out with primitive power, and all the abilities of the body will be upgraded to a higher level. It is just not so easy to trigger.

Previously, the Ice Rock Monster's ice whirl was unable to take off and attack the Tanabata Blue Bird in the sky, but this time it was different.

Whoosh! !

This time, the ice rock monster still maintained its ice-whirl posture, spinning at high speed against the ground while rushing towards the turtle-footed giant armor!

"Block it, Iron Wall!!"

Serena responded head-on.

The turtle-footed giant armor also stood firmly on both feet, protecting its four barnacle arms in front of the body at the same time.

Clang clang clang.!

Even so, the ice rock monster's strange force of ice swirling impact still caused the giant turtle-footed armor to fall back again and again, until both feet sank on the ground and stepped into two ice pits, and then it barely resisted it.

Serena breathed a sigh of relief and shouted quickly:

"Now, cross chop!!"

The pair of arms under the turtle-footed giant armor still held the body of the ice rock monster, preventing the latter from escaping.

The pair of barnacle arms above were filled with sharp white light, criss-crossed, and slashed at the big ice turtle in front of them!

Bang bang! !

There was a huge explosion of rocks, and the Cross Slash successfully hit the target, pushing the ice rock monster horizontally several meters away, leaving a clear cross and dent mark on the ice body in front of the door.

Outstanding effect! !

"Oh, the power is really strong."

Defu couldn't help but praise him, then he fixed his gaze and suddenly shouted:

"Then it's our turn, Ice Rock Monster, Avalanche!!"

Blue light flashed in the eyes of the ice rock monster, and an avalanche condensed and formed in the space above the head of the giant turtle-footed armor.

Its ice spin trick is in the same round as the turtle-footed giant armor's primitive power move.

Then this move, Avalanche, is naturally in the same round as the opponent's Cross Slash.

According to the rules, this is a super-powerful avalanche that takes a full-power cross slash and doubles the power of the backhand!

Rumble.! !

Countless avalanches roared down, once again engulfing the giant turtle-footed armored figures with great momentum.

"Now, regenerate yourself!"

Taking advantage of the opponent's movement restricted by the avalanche, the ice rock monster followed suit and rested on the spot again, with healing green light glowing on the surface of its ice body.

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