He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2662 Serena vs De Fu! The powerful bully panda!

"If we continue fighting like this, there will be no end."

Serena frowned deeply as she looked at the green light that frequently lit up on the ice rock monster.

This Pokémon must be defeated at once without giving the latter a chance to recover its strength.

"Turtle-footed giant armor, cross slash!!"

Buried beneath the avalanche of rocks, the turtle-footed giant armor let out a burst of roar, stood up with all its strength, and pushed away all the snow around it.

Immediately, the four barnacle claws flashed with dazzling light, crossed with each other, and rushed towards the direction of the ice rock monster.

"Want to engage in melee combat with my ice rock monster?"

Defu grinned and resisted with only one move:

"Ice swirl!"

The ice rock monster started spinning at high speed on the ice again.

Even the cross-cut of the giant turtle-footed armor with the enhanced hard claw characteristics struck him head-on.


Although a lot of ice fragments broke out and the body of the ice rock monster trembled violently, it still did not stop the opponent's rotation.

boom! !

Even the Ice Spin move took the initiative to rush forward, and hit the chest of the giant turtle-footed armor hard, causing a crack to open in the rock body that the latter was parasitic on.

"Then there's the Frozen Fang!!"

As soon as the ice rock monster stopped rotating, its head suddenly stuck out.

Opening his mouth wide, his teeth were covered with a strong aura of ice-cold energy.

Click bang! !

A mouthful of frozen teeth bit into the rock of the body of the giant turtle-foot armor mercilessly. The ice energy corrosion spread upwards, biting a gap again.


The turtle-footed giant armor let out a low roar, and the figure suddenly exited.

Then his body staggered on the spot.


In the end, his body suddenly leaned forward, completely losing his ability to fight.

"So strong.!"

After looking at it in its entirety, everyone was amazed at the strength of Mr. Defu’s ice rock monster.

It has outstanding defense and strong strength, making it a perfect tank warrior.

"I just don't know what the order of Mr. Defu's first four Pokémon is? Is this Ice Rock Monster the last one?"

Xiaozhi touched his chin and thought.

No, I heard a long time ago that Mr. Defu has the power of mega evolution, so that mega evolution Pokémon should be the trump card.

This ice rock monster should be the second to last goalkeeper?

"Thank you for your hard work, Turtle-footed Giant Armor"

On the other side, Serena had beads of sweat falling on her forehead, so she could only put back the defeated giant turtle-footed armor first.

If we don't completely defeat this ice rock monster, we are destined to be unable to pass the Yingxue Gym today. ,

But as Serena took out the next Poké Ball, the look on her face became much calmer.

"Please, Bully Panda!"

Serena's third character was the Bully Panda. When he appeared on the stage, his huge panda body slightly shook the place.

Defu: "."

This little girl has giant turtle-footed armor and a bad-looking Pokémon like Bully Panda. It's really weird to conquer her preferences.

However, Bully Panda is a Fighting-type Pokémon, and its powerful punches are the nemesis of its Ice-type Pokémon, so don't be careless.

The battle started again, and the two men shouted commands at the same time:

"Bully Panda, use your bodybuilding moves!"

"Ice rock monster, avalanche!"

As soon as he said it, Defu frowned.

But he saw the bully panda raising his arms in the air and letting out a violent cry. The muscles in his arms suddenly swelled visible to the naked eye, and his physical attack power and defense power were improved.


The avalanche was a step too late and fell from the bully panda's head, covering and engulfing him.

Boom boom! !

However, as the Bully Panda punched upwards, all the avalanche stones suddenly collapsed and exploded in all directions. The scene was extremely violent.

He didn't take any damage, and the avalanche move he released with his back hand was really average in power.

Apparently he had read it wrongly, thinking that the bully panda with a rough personality would attack immediately.

"Hey, it's our turn. Bully Panda, arm thump!!"

Serena then began to attack fiercely.

Her giant turtle-footed armor has the property of hard claws, and Bully Panda also has the property of increasing the power of her boxing moves - Iron Fist.

In line with the previous increase in bodybuilding.


The bully panda roared angrily, charging forward, and stretched out its entire huge arm!

"Block it, Ice Spin!!"

Defu could only resist with all his might.

Only this time, the ice rock monster's rotating body was directly knocked away by this powerful arm blow.

The body suddenly flew out like an icy blue top.

Bang bang! !

It didn't stop until it hit the edge wall.

"Sure enough, it worked.!"

Seeing this, Serena was overjoyed.

The cross-cleaving move of the turtle-footed giant armor cannot break the ice-rock monster's ice-whirl defense.

Everyone is a strength-type Pokémon, and Bully Panda's strength is not much stronger than the Turtle-footed Giant Armor.

But Bully Panda is a real fighting Pokémon, and its fighting moves are far more powerful than the giant turtle-footed armor!

Outstanding effect!


This time it was De Fu's turn to look flustered, and the little girl opposite didn't give him a chance at all.

If his ice rock monster uses self-regeneration at this time, it will probably be smashed into pieces.

No, we must fight to the death!

"Ice rock monster, heavy collision!!"

Defu shouted, the ice spin move was completely useless. At this time, he could only rely on the ice rock monster's high weight to hit with all his strength!

This time, the ice rock monster no longer rotated horizontally on the ground, but rushed forward like a steel drill, breaking a long crack on the ice along the way.


Pikachu, who was watching nearby, also pricked up his ears, and he could do this trick too.

However, unlike the ice rock monster's powerful heavy impact that relies on its body, its iron tail heavy impact focuses more on one point and delivers a tricky and explosive blow.

On the field, Serena also showed no sign of weakness and shouted categorically:

"Arm, pound!!"

The bully panda understood, raised his two arms, and at the same time, attached to the white light, he smashed out with all his strength.

With the blessing of a period of bodybuilding growth and the characteristics of the iron fist, this arm beat also has amazing power, and it creates fierce wind pressure as it is swung along the way.

Bang bang! !

The next moment, both fists and arms hit the ice rock monster that was rushing forward without any hindrance. The powerful collision caused spider web-like cracks to spread out on the ice surface of the arena, and the cold ice mist fiercely spread out. The earth spreads outward.


The Bully Panda was obviously more powerful. With a deep roar, the power of its fists exploded.

boom! !

Even the heavy and huge body of the ice rock monster was thrown away at once and fell heavily in front of Mr. Defu!

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