He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2669 Ninja Village Thousands of Years Later

"Sanping, why are you here?"

Xiaozhi greeted him with a smile. He still had a good impression of this young ninja.

At that time, the other party also gave him a ninja scroll, which greatly improved the strength of Koga Ninja.

"Oh, because our ninja village's stronghold is nearby, and I was in charge of patrol today. Suddenly I saw you, so I couldn't help myself and tried to make a sneak attack."

Sanping touched his head, raised his head and smiled in embarrassment.

Then looking at the two Koga ninja frogs in front of him as if looking in a mirror, Sanpei also felt a sense of frustration.

When his Koga Ninja was still a croaking frog, his opponent's was still in the first-stage Bubble Frog stage. It can be said that he had the advantage in terms of strength.

As a result, everyone has now evolved into a Koga ninja frog.

But in the brief fight just now, if Xiaozhi's Koga Ninja hadn't saved his hand, his own Koga Ninja would have fallen by now.

"Damn it, why is the gap getting bigger and bigger?"

Sanping's heart was not so peaceful.

He is obviously the leader of the younger generation in the ninja village, and he is also the first talented ninja of his age to rise to the chunin rank.

But he is no match for Xiaozhi!

And looking at the little Chikoga Ninja's skills, it feels like he is even more familiar with the secrets of Koga-ryu than the big brother's Koga Ninja!

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others couldn't help but look around. This jungle seemed deserted, but it was actually the hiding place of the mysterious ninja village?

Unexpectedly, I didn't follow the map and came across this rare attraction.

"How about it, do you guys want to visit our ninja village?"

So Sanping sent out an invitation.

"Hey, a normal ninja village should be quite hidden and not open to the public!"

Citron said nervously that this was all knowledge he had seen on TV.

"It used to be like this. But in recent years, our village does not exclude outsiders from visiting~"

Sanping said with a cheerful smile:

"And it's a coincidence that you came here. Tomorrow is our village's celebration, it will be very lively~"

Before, Sanping wanted to invite Xiaozhi and others to the celebration, but their tribe did not have mobile phones, and the ninja (Rocket Sparrow) in charge of contact did not know the specific destination of Xiaozhi and others, so he could not communicate.

I didn’t expect that I would encounter it directly when I was patrolling nearby today!

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others quickly nodded in agreement. After enjoying the exquisite lunch made by Citron, everyone walked towards the Ninja Village under the leadership of Sanping.

"Our village is currently the only ninja faction that still has a legacy~!"

Along the way, Sanping was still educating a few people about his glorious village.

"Our village was formerly the stronghold of the Koka ninjas. Thousands of years ago, on the top of that mountain, we fought alone against the other six ninja sects! We were the absolute ninja overlords, unrivaled!"

Sanping pointed to a mountain peak in the distance and spoke eloquently, with an excited tone, as if he was also on the battlefield of the past.

Xiaozhi: ".?"

Why does this plot always feel familiar?

"Later on, the inheritance of the other six major sects withered away, and only we Koga-ryu ninjas were left to pass on. So we no longer specifically distinguish between different sects, but simply call ourselves ninjas."

Having said this, Sanpei tilted his head and glanced at Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja:

"So if you trace the origin of the ninja scroll I gave you before, it actually contains the secrets of ninjutsu of the Koga style."

Xiaozhi: "."

He quickly looked up at the mountain peak, and the height of its outline became more and more familiar.

There should be an isolated valley on the back of the mountain. The only connection with the outside world is a long and narrow cave tunnel.

Sure enough, after a while, Sanping brought several people to a hidden cave entrance, which looked very deep and could not be seen to the end.


Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja looked at each other, and sure enough, they had really been here before.

I inexplicably traveled through the End Cave and returned to the ancient ninja world.

It seems that the place where all the events happened is on this mountain!

"The armored ninja."

Koga Ninja also spread his hands helplessly. Didn't he just say that he saw some familiar scenes.


Xiaozhi couldn't help but become interested. He wondered what the ninja village would look like in a thousand years.

The next step is to go through the familiar long and narrow tunnel. The big stone blocking the middle seems to have not changed after thousands of years. It is still blocking there as an entry and exit mechanism.

After walking out of the narrow tunnel cave, as soon as the light could be seen again, an open valley and flat land appeared in front of everyone.

A long dirt and stone road in the middle leads to the village, with neatly planned rice fields on both sides. Some people wearing coarse linen clothes and looking like "ancient people" are working in the fields.

A world away from the world and a sense of déjà vu.

"It's completely back in time."

"Does the Carlos region still have such primitive farming technology?"

Citron and Serena couldn't help but be surprised.

If there is a war-torn world outside, entering here will feel like you have truly arrived in a paradise.

But now that the prosperous Kalos region is outside, it seems very strange here.

"Is there really no change?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but marveled. Farming was done like this a thousand years ago. Unexpectedly, after a thousand years, there was no progress in technology?

But there is one difference——

The partner who helped with the farming at the time was also the lowest-ranking Pokémon in the Ninja Village, Bubblegum.

But now, it has turned into a brown-green hedgehog

"Um, has Harry become the bottom Pokémon here now?"

Xiaozhi curled his lips, and he even saw a few figures dressed as ninjas walking past in the distance. Apparently, thousands of years have passed, and ninjas are still a noble class in the ninja village.

And the partners of most ninjas are foam frogs and croaking frogs.

They followed the ninja, all arrogant.

"Nima." "Nima."

Whenever there is a foam frog or a frog passing by the field, the mud-stained halili in the rice field will raise their heads one after another, showing envy.

Xiaozhi: "."

Did he indirectly bring bad luck to Ha Lili?

"Hurry up and let me introduce my two brothers to you!"

Sanping couldn't help but quicken his pace and urge.

After walking through the farmland at the beginning, there is a ninja village inside.

The architectural style is not much different from what Xiaozhi remembered. They are still simple and primitive wooden and thatched houses, and some are built on high rock walls, connected by wooden ladders in the middle.

But now there is a huge beam gate at the entrance of the village, which may play some role in resisting foreign enemies?

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