He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2670 The legendary mysterious ninja?

After Sanpei greeted the two Chuunin who were guarding the door, he led several people into the village unimpeded.

The space inside is quite spacious, with buildings almost all built around it, leaving a huge open space in the middle.

At this moment, on the high platform in the center, a ninja wearing ninja armor and carrying a long sword on his back was commanding.

The celebration will be held tomorrow, and you can see many people in the village busy and decorating the surroundings.

The ninja on the high platform is tall and tall, in his mid-twenties, with short blue-purple hair and a ponytail tied above his head. He is quite heroic and resolute, and seems to have a high status in the village.

"Hey~ big brother! These are the good friends I mentioned to you before~!"

Sanping quickly waved to the audience and said with a smile:

"We happened to meet him at the door, so I brought him in together."

Brother Sanping's name was in the same vein as him, his name was Yiping. Hearing this, his tense and serious face softened slightly and he walked down from the high platform.

"So you are Sanping's friend? Welcome to our ninja village."

His tone was very polite, and he nodded slightly to several people.

Coupled with the handsome face and temperament of the sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, Xiaozhi couldn't help but think of the Champion Du in his hometown.

The two of them gave him very similar feelings.

When Mr. Budu fights, his momentum will be more domineering and aggressive.

"So what kind of celebration is it? It feels like a big deal~?"

Citron laughed dryly and asked sheepishly.

"Well, this is it"

But when it came to this, Yiping looked embarrassed and hesitant.

"Hehe, of course it's the celebration for eldest brother to take over as the leader of the village~!"

At this time, a red-haired ninja walked next to him. He was between Ippei and Sanpei in age. He was also dressed as an armored ninja and carried a long blade on his back.

However, his tone of voice and demeanor should be lively and lively, and he should be a comedian at ordinary times.

The visitor is Sanping's second brother, Erping.

There is also a huge Bulbasaur beside him, which is his ninja partner.

Not all Ninja Partner Pokémon have that flexible and thin body shape.

Bulbasaur's wood escape technique and poisonous technique are both Erping's specialties.

The armored ninja costume and the long blade on the back are the symbols of the jounin rank in the village.

Sanpei, who had just been promoted to chunin, still wore ordinary cloth ninja clothes and did not have a long blade on his back.

"Take over as leader?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others couldn't help but exclaimed. It seems that Yiping is not very old. Will he take over the management of the entire village soon?

"Well, actually, it's because the previous leader is too old and there is no suitable candidate for the time being. I can only try to take over this position."

Yiping said in a humble tone.

However, an old man's voice came from the side again, and more and more people gathered near the central platform.

"That's wrong, Yiping~ Although old man, I am indeed old and it's time to retire, but you are completely qualified to take over the position of leader~"

Several people turned their heads and looked, only to see an old man, short in stature, but wearing high wooden clogs, as if he was walking on the air.

Her pale hair was tied into a long ponytail, she was wearing a red mandarin jacket and walked over with a smile.

It was Hanzo, the leader of this ninja village.

Next to him was a pink-haired kunoichi, wearing a red ninja decoration. She was in her early twenties, with a graceful figure and charming manner. She probably held a position like the leader's secretary.

Suddenly seeing a beautiful ninja in the ninja village, Yurika's head exploded with a bang.

Then, like a conditioned reflex, he jumped up, knelt down on one knee, and began to propose to his brother.

"Beautiful ninja sister! Then my brother will be entrusted to you!!!"

Everyone was a little confused by this scene, and Citron was the reddest face among the crowd. He quickly controlled the long-tailed monster's mechanical arm behind him and forcefully grabbed Yulijia back.

The female ninja named Xiao Nin smiled:

"Little sister, I'm actually old enough to be your grandmother. Are you sure you really want me to marry your brother~?"

Xiaozhi and the others were surprised again, looking at Xiaoren as if they were looking at a monster.

It was rare for outsiders to enter the ninja village, and the surrounding atmosphere was more lively than usual.

After Erping learned from his younger brother that Xiaozhi had a Koga ninja frog with extraordinary skills, he even launched a challenge on the spot!

"Hmm, this Koga ninja frog...?"

However, the eldest brother Yihei is currently the most powerful person in the village, and his partner is also the most classic Koga Ninja. Before he started, he could tell at a glance that little Chiko Ka Ninja was not simple.

At least, not weaker than his Koga Ninja.

The way he moves his hands and feet shows that he is a pure-blooded Koga-style ninja. It's strange. How come the ninja flavor of a foreign Pokémon is so strong?

Even faintly, Yiping sensed another unique aura from this Koga ninja frog.

And the other end of this inexplicable aura is connected to Xiaozhi? !

"This is?!"

When Hanzo, the leader next to him, saw Xiaozhi, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

He carries a Koga Ninja Frog with him, and an unattractive yellow electric rat on his shoulder!

Isn't this the description passed down in the village of the mysterious foreign ninja who saved the Koga Ninja Village a thousand years ago?

"It's just, what does this Koga ninja frog look like?"

Hanzo squinted his eyes and quietly looked at Xiaozhi's Koga Ninja, feeling a little unsure.

Because it is said that the ninja who saved their village in ancient times carried the Koga Ninja Frog that was significantly different from other Koga Ninja Frogs.

Behind his back, he even carried a huge water shuriken!

It's just that Xiaozhi's one has little difference in appearance from Sanpei's Koga Ninja Frog.

Well, look again.

"Bulbasaur, petals dance!!"

At this moment, in the open space in the middle, Xiaozhi had already started a battle with Erping. Xiaozhi did not want to refuse the challenge from the ninja.

"Koga Ninja, Shadow Clone"

Facing the countless cherry blossom petals that Bulbasaur gathered around him, Koga Ninja instantly split into countless clones and surrounded Bulbasaur's figure.

"Yan Hui!"

Petal Dance lost its accuracy and hit the target. The Koga Ninja Frog immediately rushed up, white light condensed on both sides of its lower limbs, and it mercilessly swept towards the lower body of the Bulbasaur Flower.


However, Yan Hui's sweeping kick actually penetrated Miao Frog Flower directly.

The latter's huge and bloated figure instantly turned into a mass of cherry blossom petals, scattering down.

"It's appeared, it's the Second Brother's Konoha Jutsu!!"

Sanping couldn't help but get excited.

But the real form of Bulbasaur actually burrowed directly into the ground. At this moment, it has arrived under the Koga Ninja Frog, and its huge body burst out of the ground with great momentum!

However, under the violent burrowing impact, Koga Ninja's body also turned into a ball of foam, and it was still a substitute technique.

The real body jumped into the air. This time, Yan Hui's power concentrated on his right leg, turned into a heavy ax and fell down, hitting Miao Frog Flower right in the face!

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