He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2671 Extra story Xiaogang’s return journey

Chapter 2671 Extra - Xiaogang’s return journey

(I thought it was sent out the day before yesterday, but I didn’t expect it was still in the draft? Send it out quickly, otherwise it will be in vain.)

Nibi City.

A simple and dark-skinned young man carrying a heavy backpack stopped at the entrance of the town.

He squinted his small eyes and looked at the entire city.

"I'm finally back...!"

Xiaogang grabbed the chest strap with both hands and couldn't help but said sadly.

Unknowingly, I had been wandering outside for a long time, wondering what was going on at Nibi Gym.

Are Jiro and the others eating well and in good health?

Thinking of this, Xiaogang couldn't help but quicken his pace and walked toward the very familiar Nibi Gym in the northwest direction of the city.

Speaking of which, today is still Christmas, and the shops on the street have some extra holiday decorations.

However, Nibi City is a city with a will to rock. There are rock shops everywhere selling all kinds of rare stones, but there are no dazzling gift and leisure shops.

Even the ground is made of gray-brown, hard-textured stones, making it difficult to create a Christmas atmosphere here.


While walking, Xiaogang suddenly smelled a fresh floral fragrance.

The smell of flowers is a rarity in Nibi City!

And in the floral fragrance, he also smelled a touch of femininity!

"There is a woman in Nibi City that I have never smelled before?!"

Xiaogang's heart suddenly surged with excitement. Nibi Gym and his family waited for a while... He immediately changed direction and walked quickly towards the direction of the scent.

In terms of the ability to recognize women by smelling their scents, even Kati Dog has to kowtow to Xiaogang!

Soon, he found his target, which was located on the east side of the city. He remembered that this place used to be an undeveloped wasteland, right?

Nowadays, a fence has been built around the place, and various colorful flowers have been planted inside, turning it into a small flower garden.

Scenes like this are still very rare in Nibi City, which is full of hard rocks.

And in the center of the flower garden, there stood a graceful and slender figure, holding a Squirtle kettle in his hand to water the flowers.

She was wearing a straw hat, but it still couldn't cover her beautiful long pink hair, which was hanging down.

The soft and gentle face, the shallow dimples, and the lovely temperament of the big sister next door were like sharp arrows that pierced Xiaogang's heart at once.

He finally knew why fate brought him back to Nibi City today...!

Xiaogang instantly put on the handsome guy filter, rushed up, biting a rose in the corner of his mouth, knelt down on one knee and confessed:

"Ahhhh!! Beautiful young lady! My name is Xiaogang. Following the guidance of the God of Love, I finally found you today!!"

The flower-growing woman was stunned for a moment, and she still hasn't come back to her senses:

"Hello, my name is Uiharu. I just moved to Nibi City not long ago..."

Never heard of such a black-skinned weirdo here in Nibi City?

She is a person who likes flowers and plants. After moving to Nibi City, she saw that the place was full of boring rocks, so she bought this waste land and cultivated a flower garden on it.

"Oh, Miss Uiharu! Then the encounter between us must be the guidance of God!"

Xiaogang is so skillful that he has even grasped Chuchun's hand:

"Come on, plant flowers all over the city with Xiaosheng! Rocks and stuff are so boring. Nibi City should have changed its look like this long ago!!"

The Will of Rocks is actually not that good.

Chuchun's cheeks turned red, and she quickly brushed away Xiaogang's dirty hands:

"I just want to plant flowers in this small garden... The rocky customs and customs of Nibi City are still very good, and there is no need to change..."

Xiaogang was still talking to himself, walking among the flower beds, and sang with great emotion:

"The encounter between us is like Nido King meeting Nido Queen. It is destined to compose a perfect love story!"

Uiharu couldn't help but corrected him:

"Well, in fact, the one that can breed with Nidoking is not Nidoqueen, but the young Nidoland..."

Xiaogang was already singing to his fullest, and he was still reciting:

"Xiaosheng is a registered resident of Nibi. I will definitely make Miss Chuchun become a Nibi resident smoothly~!"

"Whether it's the stars in the sky or the treasures on the bottom of the sea, Xiaosheng can pick them for Miss Chuchun.!!"

However, after hearing these words, Chuchun couldn't help but his eyes lit up:

"Actually, I just need someone to help. If you can do it, I might consider giving you the most important position..."

Xiaogang was so excited when he heard it that he wished he could carve out his heart and offer it to Miss Chuchun on the spot.

The most important position is that of your boyfriend? !

Sure enough, it makes sense for God to arrange for me to return to Nibi City on this holiday!

"This is it…"

In early spring, I pointed to a few clusters of yellow flowers planted in the flower bed. Compared with other flowers and plants, these flowers looked a little wilted. "

"These are the seeds I bought from the flowers on the top of Mount Yuemi. It's just that the soil and climate are not suitable for planting in Nibi City, but I don't want to just watch them wither..."

"Can you please go to Yuejian Mountain instead of me and get some spring water from the top of the mountain to water it?"

In recent years, due to the joint initiative of the neighboring Hualan City and Nibi City for protection, Yuejian Mountain has removed all artificial machine lights and restored its previous ecology.

Therefore, the current Moon View Mountain is much more dangerous than before, and some ferocious wild Pokémon appear along the cave.

"The spring water at the top of Yuejian Mountain? Leave it to Xiaosheng, I'm familiar with it~!"

Xiaogang slapped his chest and immediately ran towards Yuejian Mountain in a furious manner.

"Miss Chuchun, you must wait for Xiaosheng to come back~~!"

Listening to Xiaogang's distant voice, Chuchun turned his head and looked at the almost withered petals, his sad face finally relieved.

"Mr. Xiaogang, thank you so much..."

Then watching Xiaogang's retreating figure, Chuchun's cheeks turned red and she murmured:

"For my wedding next week, let Mr. Xiaogang be my most important bridesmaid!"

On the other side, inside Nibi Gym.

It was getting dark, and many children inside were anxiously opening the windows and looking out, whispering to each other while waiting.

There are men and women inside, all with dark skin and squinty eyes.

"Where's my brother? Where's my brother? Did you see it?"


It's a rare holiday today. Brother Xiaogang said he would go home to celebrate with them.

The oldest among them is Xiaogang's younger brother Jiro, who is also the current leader of the Nibi Gym. His face and small eyes are 8 layers similar to Xiaogang's.

His personality is the same as that of Xiaogang who is not sick, he is also very reliable and steady.

Moreover, Jiro has no interest in women. He is a gentleman version of Xiaogang who has completely stripped away his evil genes!

"It's strange. Didn't my brother just say that he had already entered the city? It's almost dark, why haven't he reached home yet and got lost...?"

Jiro touched his head, puzzled.

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