He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2701 It’s reasonable for Emperor Yan of Chengdu

"Speaking of which, Emperor Yan, you should be a male dog. Why are you looking for a boyfriend?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but ask the most curious question.

The other Pokémon were all working hard to eat, but the clone of Arceus in the distance did not turn its head, but its ears were slightly raised.

His hearing is exceptional and he can hear any sound within this Hall of Beginning.

It's really strange. As a legendary Pokémon, would Entei still find a mate?

Normally, Legendary Pokémon are genderless, so dating is fundamentally prohibited.

Since I have been in this space for a long time, it is rare to hear such little gossip, so the Arceus clone couldn't help but listen out of curiosity.


Xiaozhi's question made Emperor Yan take a deep breath, as if he was trying to suppress some emotion.

"Although it's nonsense, according to Entei, the gender should be male, right?"

Xiaozhi was still talking, and even analyzed it seriously:

"If you are looking for one, you should be looking for a girlfriend, right?"

Although it is genderless, it makes sense if you are looking for a spiritual partner.

But according to Dr. Ohki, it's a bit puzzling that Entei found a boyfriend.

A male looking for a male...?

Emperor Yan finally couldn't bear it any longer. Its limbs suddenly stood up, and its majestic three-color masked face glared at Xiaozhi.

The volcanic ash behind him suddenly flew up and roared like thunder:


Because Emperor Yan doesn't know telepathy yet, he just roars like a beast.

But as an old partner for many years, Xiaozhi still roughly understood what Emperor Yan wanted to express.

"Yanhouho!! (Don't define my gender casually!!)"

Emperor Yan recently visited the Hezhong region. In that place, there were not only two genders, male and female, but even 56 genders!

That’s the greatest respect for the genderless nature of legendary Pokémon!

Xiaozhi: "."

Has his own Emperor Yan been poisoned by Hezhong's culture?

His eyes subconsciously moved down to look at Emperor Yan's crotch. The latter had just stood up angrily, leaving his lower body in full view.

"Well, it really can't be defined."

Xiaozhi shook his head helplessly, and then quickly rubbed the short mane on Yandi's flank to comfort him.

It's just that although gender cannot be defined casually, what about finding a boyfriend?

"By the way, Emperor Yan's hometown is Chengdu!"

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something and nodded suddenly.

Emperor Yan of Chengdu

Then it makes sense to find a boyfriend.

My Pokémon has passed through Nantong, and there seems to be nothing I can't accept. As a trainer, I have to try to understand it.

"Yandi, would you like to talk to me about your boyfriend?"

So Xiaozhi asked, his voice and expression softened.

It seems that we need to be more tolerant and patient when dealing with this kind of group.

Emperor Yan's mood stabilized a lot and he lay back on the ground again.

"Yan Ao."

After a moment, it tipped its head on Xiaozhi's shoulder and apologized in a low voice.

After all, with such an identity, he is still a bit sensitive and irritable.

Then Yandi also introduced its boyfriend to Xiaozhi——

It was also a Flame Emperor, but its appearance and even attributes were different from him. It was a combination of fire + dragon attributes.

In appearance, it looks like a triceratops, more primitive and wild.

"Hey, isn't that similar to a thunder drum?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but look at the thunder drum that was eating not far away.

Since the latter's neck is nearly three meters long, it is very easy to eat leaves at high places. However, if you want to eat food on the ground, you have to put its three-meter-long neck horizontally on the ground. The scene is very curious.


Yandi nodded. It had already noticed the Thunder Drum before, and it seemed to be from the same series as the "Dinosaur Yandi" it knew.

"So, is there really a dinosaur version of the original three holy beasts?"

Xiaozhi touched his chin and muttered something.

Thunder Drum, Bo Dang Shui, and Emperor Yan's boyfriend were all three of them.

It’s just that the three holy beasts were all created by Phoenix King

So how did the original version of the "Three Sacred Dinosaurs" come about?

Is it possible that the three dinosaurs were burned to death in the fire and resurrected to become the current three holy beasts?

"No, my Entei was transformed from a Fire Eevee after being burned to death. It's really weird."

After thinking for a long time, Xiaozhi couldn't think of the cause and effect, so he simply shrugged his shoulders and stopped thinking.

Then Xiaozhi couldn't help but ask about the details of how Emperor Yan got together with the dinosaur Emperor Yan.

Having said that, it means that during the Chinese New Year this year, is it possible for Entei to bring home another legendary Pokémon?

That’s a lot of money!

"Don't define the gender of mythical beasts arbitrarily, so should I activate other legendary Pokémon and fantasy beasts, go out to fall in love more, find lovers, and kidnap a boyfriend or girlfriend back?"

Xiaozhi even started to have wild ideas, so the number of his mythical beasts doubled!

Emperor Yan's old face turned red, and he spoke in a low voice.

In fact, they haven't officially confirmed their relationship yet.

It was once when it was out exploring that it saw a Pokémon that looked exactly like Entei, but even wilder.

So the two started fighting, and thus became friends

These are all things for later, omitted.

After dinner and a short rest, Ash led a group of Pokémon to charge towards Arceus again!

After recharging his energy and having been fighting for most of the day, his Pokémon were also very familiar with Arceus' attack methods.

The most important thing is that everyone's bone-deep fear of Arceus has mostly dissipated, and they can exert their full strength.

Of course, because you are only facing a clone of the Creation God, this sense of oppression can be eliminated after a period of adaptation.

"Try to win it this time! Fierce thunder drums and use dragon sounds to encourage!!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and shouted loudly. He started by letting the thunder drum roar to boost morale and blow the horn of attack.

"Thunder Roar.!!"

The thunder drum roared loudly, and all Pokémon were suddenly bathed in a sharp red light, and their desire to fight became even higher.

Wow! !

Koga Ninja was the first main attacker. With his eyes focused, the nameless water rose into the sky and turned into a huge water tornado.

The next moment, the water flow was compressed and gathered behind the back, forming a cool and huge shuriken.

Now it has completely mastered this state.


Koga Ninja jumped up suddenly, raised the shuriken, and the surface of the water flow faintly glowed with golden light - this was the ultimate secret obtained from the ninja village, the golden shuriken's ultimate move!

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