He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2702 Only 38 battery left!

Two days later, Xiaozhi walked out of the Hall of Beginning space as scheduled, and returned to the central square of the Valley of Creation.

Serena and the others were already waiting here, and there were also many local residents surrounding them.

You must know that few people trigger the response to this statue to enter. Even if they enter, they all come out in less than half a quarter of an hour.

This was their first time meeting Xiaozhi who stayed for two days directly.

There were a lot of people here, and after a brief exchange, they returned to Mei Yali's stone house. It was located on the edge of the town, so there were no outsiders to disturb them.

Unfortunately, Balza, who was carrying Hupa's third golden ring, still didn't come back. Next, they had to go to the desert city next door.

Gulu gulu!

After Xiaozhi drank a large glass of water, he took a long breath and felt extremely relaxed.

Seeing the curious looks from several people around him, he stood up again and took out several Poké Balls with a complacent expression.

“Come out, everyone!!”

But he didn't release all the Pokémon, just a few of them——

Standing at the front are three evil dragons with an extra head!

At this moment, the three evil dragons that have completed their final evolution can finally fly freely. The three pairs of thin black wings on their backs are gently flapping, supporting their wide bodies to float in the air.

It can fly, but its flying speed is average. The three evil dragons are more of a long-range turret.

The second one is the sticky dragon that has also completed its final evolution!

There is not much difference in appearance from the local Mysaurus, except that the mucus on the chin and arms is gray-black instead of the snot-green color of the local Mysaurus.

The biggest difference is that there is a huge metal snail shell on the back!

Nian Mei'er, who has evolved to her final form, now has lower limbs and is fully standing up.

But the snail shell behind him, which was larger than his entire body, seemed very heavy, forcing Nian Meilong to bend forward at all times.

"Um, after evolving, do you always feel something is weird?"

Citron couldn't help but frown, looking like he was having a hard time carrying that snail shell.

As for the last two Pokémon thrown out by Ash, they were the signature fossilized Double Dragon from the Kalos region——

The one on the left is the strange jaw dragon, which looks like an ancient Tyrannosaurus rex, with an exaggerated body size of nearly three meters, and its tan rock-like skin looks very ferocious.

The lower limbs are thick, the upper limbs are short, and the neck is covered with spiky white hair, like a monarch's collar.

The strange jaw dragon is also called the tyrant dragon in some places. It was a king-like ruler in ancient times.

The one on the right is much gentler, also has an extremely huge body, like a thunder dragon with blue-purple skin and thick limbs.

The slender neck stood up, and there was a pair of big, honest and gentle eyes on the small head. From the head to the neck, there were two large yellow-white fleshy fins that gradually changed like an aurora, which looked very dreamy.

Ice and Snow Dragon, the evolved form of Ice and Snow Dragon!

This is the most intuitive effect that these two days of high-intensity exercise can show.

For example, the Koga Ninja Frog and the Fierce Arrow Eagle can't directly show any achievements in practice, but their strength is not the same.

At this moment, Ash's Carlos team has officially become complete, and all Pokémon have evolved to their final form.

Of course, except for a certain Pokémon that temporarily left the team.

"Ah, the ice and snow dragon evolved?!"

Serena covered her mouth and exclaimed. She remembered that the ice and snow dragon lacked a lot of evolutionary experience before, and it didn't evolve so quickly.

In just two days, earth-shaking changes have taken place!

Even the gentle, slightly introverted and timid eyes before seemed to have completely changed at this moment. The ice and snow dragon's eyes looked quite deep and solemn, and he suddenly became much more mature.

What kind of training scenes happened inside these two days? !

"Haha, I'm sorry, Serena. I originally wanted to help your ice and snow dragon practice for a while, but I didn't expect to practice evolution directly~"

Xiaozhi scratched the back of his head and said sheepishly.

After all, trainers probably don’t want to miss this scene of evolution.

It's just that the ice and snow dragon suddenly evolved in the space of the Hall of Beginning. He was not a trainer, so he couldn't press the B button to stop it. He could only watch this behemoth evolve.

"It's okay. Instead, I want to thank you, Xiaozhi."

Serena shook her head, then walked forward and touched the forelimbs of the ice and snow dragon, and the touch became even colder and moister.

This is a good thing!

Originally, the level of the ice and snow dragon was lagging behind, and she was still thinking about letting the other six fight well in the next alliance conference. As for the ice and snow dragon, she would just be a bystander this time and gain experience.

Unexpectedly, in just two days, the level seemed to catch up with her large army, and she could officially take the stage even at the alliance conference!

Just looking at the expression of the ice and snow dragon, it seems to be completely in the shape of Xiaozhi.? !

Two days of special training allowed all of Xiaozhi's Pokémon to complete their evolution, and their strength was also raised to a higher level.

"In the next strongest trainer competition, not only Koga Ninja will be able to compete!"

Originally, Xiaozhi wanted to call for foreign aid. After all, among the Carlos team, only the Koga Ninja had the strength to take on this important task.

Now, this Carlos team is completely trustworthy!

When the time comes, technician Kuailong will come back and cooperate with the power of the second level divine thunder drum.

Even the King of Heaven and even the champion Miss Karuna, Xiaozhi is confident to fight with them!

While Serena, Yulijia and the others were communicating with their Pokémon who had acquired new forms, Xiaozhi also secretly pulled Mayali aside.

"By the way, that statue of Arceus."

Xiaozhi thought for a while and decided to remind him.

This time Arceus' clone did him a big favor, raising his Pokémon level by a large amount for no reason, and he wanted to repay the favor.

"Only 38% of the battery left!!"

This is not the real-time battery level in the upper right corner.

It came from a telepathic connection, which he overheard before leaving the space of the Hall of Beginning.

The voice was exciting, and it seemed that even the person who made the voice didn't realize that he was emitting such telepathy.

And when Xiaozhi looked back at the Arceus clone, the latter still had the same calm and unwavering expression.

But it’s impossible that he heard “38% battery” wrongly.

Only then did Xiaozhi confirm his suspicion - this clone of Arceus was really expecting someone to come and challenge the trials constantly, draining his energy!

Only 38% left?

I don’t know how much it was before. After all, this space has existed for so many years, so it should only be 50% or 60%, right?

He only lost about 10% or 20% of his power through such a high-intensity battle. This once again shocked Ash at the power of Arceus!

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