He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2709 The double battle between Koga Ninja Frog and Demon Fire Red Fox!

The Nine Tails raised its head to the sky and screamed loudly. With the help of the sun in the sky, a golden-white energy light cluster was instantly condensed above the head.


The next moment, the hot and powerful sunlight suddenly shot out, and there was no need for any buffering time under the sunny sky.

Although the Ice and Snow Dragon is a dragon, it does not have dragon attributes, but a poor attribute combination of ice + rock.

Therefore, there are many weaknesses, and there are even two attributes that are four times more powerful.

It would be terrible to eat this burst of sunshine and flames.

However, Serena's expression was much calmer, and she steadily grasped the situation:

"Ice and Snow Dragon, use Light Wall!!"

Like her ace Demon Fire Red Fox, Ice Dragon, as a durable Pokémon, naturally also masters the wall of light move.


In an instant, a wall of transparent light formed out of thin air in front of the giant ice and snow dragon and the strange jaw dragon.


The sun's flames shot through the wall of light, and the power was immediately reduced by half.

Next, he hit the ice and snow dragon. Although the effect was outstanding, it only pushed the ice and snow dragon back two meters, and there was nothing more to say.

"Sure enough, Serena, you are not a simple trainer... Are all outsiders so good at Pokémon battles?"

Princess Sara secretly admired in her heart.

Originally, only his brother wanted to go out for a walk. Now she also wanted to go out for a walk.

I just heard that Serena collected eight badges or something.

After the meeting is over, ask yourself if you are qualified to collect that badge.

"But it's still game time. Kyuubi, magical power!"

Princess Sara's eyes narrowed and she said suddenly.

This time, Kyuubi's eyes glowed blue, and his magical power spread out, locking the ice and snow dragon in one fell swoop.

Although Kyuubi is not a super-power Pokémon, Sara's Kyuubi is particularly good at mental power. Even the huge and bulky Ice and Snow Dragon can be forcibly dragged into the air.

"What a powerful telepathy...!"

Serena exclaimed in surprise, even if her demon fire red fox came, it would be difficult to lift the ice and snow dragon through the air with just her mind power, right?

But this is actually a good thing.

"Ice and Snow Dragon, that's it, use Rockslide!!"

After being caught in mid-air, the giant ice and snow dragon condensed countless stones on top of its head out of thin air without moving its limbs at all.

Da da da!

The next moment, all the rocks flew to the top of Kyuubi's head and fell down.

This made Kyuubi, who was concentrating on the use of telekinesis, unable to take precautions for a moment, and his figure was immediately covered by the dense rockfall and debris.

Outstanding effect!

The rock avalanche is not a single target move. The ice and snow dragon and part of the rock avalanche were thrown towards the position of the flaming lion.


The latter had just fought a head-on blow with the Strange Jaw Dragon, and his body was filled with crazy volts of back-injury arcs, making it difficult to move for a while.


Immediately afterwards, countless rocks fell from the top of its head, also hitting its body.

Outstanding effect!

"That's very helpful, Serena~!"

Xiaozhi praised him, and although he didn't turn around, these words made Serena feel happy.

She could finally stand next to Xiaozhi and complete a beautiful doubles battle side by side!

"Then give it to me next. The strange jaw dragon, use the most powerful double-edged headbutt!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly roared loudly.

The strange jaw dragon in front of him kicked the ground repeatedly to accumulate strength, and the entire courtyard ground was shaking.

The next moment, the strange jaw dragon rushed out, covered with gray-white energy luster, and a pair of sharp rock horns extended from the front end!

It's the rock attribute's ultimate move, the double-edged headbutt! !

The momentum of the strange jaw dragon was unparalleled for a moment, and its double-edged head hammer was powerful, tearing apart the turf of the courtyard below along the way.

The closest Fire Lion had just recovered from the rockfall. When he raised his head, a surging rock shock wave rushed in front of him.

Boom boom! !

The double-edged headbutt hit the Flame Lion's chest head-on!

The exaggerated power was not something that the Fire Lion's body could withstand. For a moment, the lion turned into a kitten and was knocked upside down by the strange jaw dragon and flew away from the ground.

This double-edged headbutt attack was not over yet. The strange jaw dragon chose the direction of three points and one line, and then rushed straight towards the nine tails behind!

Boom boom! !

The latter also didn't react, and the nine-tailed double-edged headbutt hit his chest head-on.

The next moment, the Flame Lion and the Nine-Tails were skewered at the front like candied haws by the double-edged headbutt, and were thrown away with the arrogant force of the Strange Jaw Dragon.

Boom boom! !

In the end, they both flew out and fell heavily in front of Prince Saliman and Princess Sarah.

Outstanding effect! !


The strange jaw dragon then lost its luster, stamped its lower limbs on the ground, and roared with excitement, demonstrating its overlord power!

"Fire Lion!"

"Ah, Kyuubi.!"

When the smoke dissipated, the prince and princess exclaimed, only to find that their proud Pokémon had fallen there.

His eyes rolled and he lost consciousness at the same time.

"Uh, the Flame Lion and Nine-Tails have lost their ability to fight!"

The bridge guard, Lao Pa, hesitated for a while, then raised his hand and announced.

It seems that by accident, I found a great trainer from out of town.

I wonder if Prince Saliman would be unhappy and throw himself into the Savage Bass River if he lost.

"Come back, Fire Lion."

"Behave well, Kyuubi, I will arrange special care for you later~"

After losing the first round, the prince and princess took back their Pokémon with some disappointment.

There are very few masters in Desert City. Such a tragic defeat, especially a scene where someone directly penetrates two people and defeats them as powerfully as a candied haws of sugar haws, has never happened.

"Xiao Zhi, you are indeed very strong. I feel even more powerful than that player Ai Lan!"

But soon, the fighting spirit in Prince Saliman's eyes became even stronger.

"The next one is my trump card, you two, can you still take it this time?!"

He had already taken out a gold-shaped elf ball from his arms.

The same goes for Princess Sarah. Although she is a little disappointed, she has not completely given up yet. The second elf ball is ready.

But on the other side, Ash and Serena looked at each other and both took back their fossil Pokémon.

Although the two rarely practiced doubles, they seemed to have a telepathic connection at this moment, moving in unison and taking out their second Poké Ball.

boom! boom!

Two beams of red light fell, it was the classic combination of the three Carlos families - the Koga Ninja Frog and the Demonic Fire Red Fox!

Speaking of which, they had thought about having their respective Carlos Aces fight against each other before, but they didn't expect to have a doubles match today.



Koga Ninja and Demon Fire Red Fox also looked at each other as a greeting.

They are old friends. Even when they were little, Demon Fire Red Fox had a crush on Koga Ninja Frog for a while.

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