He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2710 vs double mega evolution!

On the other side, Saliman also threw his second elf ball.

boom! boom! !

Princess Sarah sent a large needle bee with a golden shell and black circles, which fit well with the atmosphere of Desert City.

But the raised double needles and the poisonous needle at the bottom of the abdomen look very dangerous!

Prince Saliman sent a huge monster, with a yellow-green body like a hill, covered with rough and hard armor and thorns, and with a purple cocoon pattern on its abdomen.

"The Giant Needle Bee and the Shining Bankelas?!"

Ash blurted out that these were old familiar Pokémon.

Especially Bankilas, the other party is still a rare shining individual!

The overall color scheme is just like normal Bankiras, with a layer of light yellow rich filter added to it.

"Desert Monarch"

This was the first time for Serena to see Bankelas, and she had just taken back the illustrated book. The introduction on it made her dare not be careless.

Bankiras' status as a desert monarch is in perfect harmony with Prince Saliman.

Xi Xiu Xiu.!

Not only that, this Bankilas is a characteristic of Yang Sha. It comes with a sandstorm when it comes out. The next moment, the sky above the courtyard was covered by howling wind and sand.

Saliman and Sara looked at each other and made moves at the same time.

The former raised his left hand, with a gemstone ring on it looking strange, while the latter took out a keystone pendant from his collar.

"It's not enough Bankelas (Big Needle Bee), let's go mega!!"

They already had a rough idea of ​​Xiaozhi's strength from the previous battle.

If he didn't use his full strength, he would probably be killed by the strange jaw dragon in a one-two punch just like in the last game.

Now we must use the power of mega evolution!


The next moment, the two Pokémon both lit up with bright lights, and their momentum continued to rise.

"Sure enough, these two people also master mega evolution!"

Xiaozhi was not too surprised. After all, Desert City was still within the boundaries of Kalos.

With the identities of the two people in front of them, it is not surprising that they bought the key stone and mega stone package directly from other places at a sky-high price.

"Be careful Serena, these two Pokémon will not be easy after they mega evolve."

Ash reminded him quickly, while Serena nodded seriously.

After a while, the light dissipated, and both the Giant Needle Bee and Bankilas showed a brand new posture.

The body of the mega sting wasp has become more slender. Originally, only one of its hands on the left and right sides was in the form of a venomous stinger. Now, even the second tentacle below has been transformed into a sharp venomous stinger.

The wings on its back flap at high frequencies, obviously capable of ultra-high-speed movements.

The thorns on Mega Bankilas' body became more wild and exaggerated, and the hole on his chest stood like a grimace. The desert monarch's sense of oppression became even stronger!

As soon as he came up, Prince Saliman became serious:

"Banjilas, earthquake!!"

Mega Bankilas understood, raised his lower limbs, and trampled the ground heavily.


In an instant, the entire courtyard and lawn shook violently, the ground shook, and the earthquake could even be felt throughout the palace!

Earthquake is a move that does not distinguish between friend and foe, but the Stylus Bee flies in mid-air and will naturally not be affected by any friendly forces.

"The demon fire red fox, use the phantom light to make yourself fly!"

Serena responded quickly.

A strong man can't pull himself up by his hair but if he has super powers, that's a different story.

The demon fire red fox waved the wooden staff in his hand and used his mental power on himself. Suddenly his body was suspended lightly in the air, completely immune to the earthquake's attack.

But she can only control Xuan Kong herself——

Koga Ninja has evil attributes, and superpower moves are completely ineffective against it.

Of course, Xiaozhi’s response strategy is more direct:

"Attack Bankilas and use the Water Wave Knife!!"

The Koga Ninja moved extremely quickly, landed on the fountain nearby, used the force to jump up, and dived directly towards Bankiras.

The super jumping ability allowed Koga Ninja to avoid this violent earthquake.

With both hands, he drew a sharp water-flow blade from his waist and slashed straight towards Bankiras' face.

"It's not that simple. Big sting wasp, poisonous attack!"

Princess Sara curled her lips. In the previous game, she was a pure support, but this time, she was playing the assassin position.

The Mega Needle Bee moved faster than the Koga Ninja Frog, and it was still next to Bankelas a second ago.

Phew! !

The next second, the giant sting wasp had arrived directly in front of the Koga Ninja Frog. A total of four stingers on both sides glowed with dangerous poisonous purple light, and they stabbed at the Koga Ninja Frog's torso.

There was no other way, Koga Ninja could only change his tactics temporarily, press the water wave knife, and forcefully withstand the oncoming dangerous poisonous attack.

Bang bang! !

There was a vigorous explosion, and the figure of the Koga Ninja flew out, but it was temporarily at a disadvantage.

"What a powerful poisonous blow. Is it an adaptability trait?"

Xiaozhi recognized the movements and adaptability of Mega Sting Bee, which greatly increased the power of poison and insect-type moves performed by the latter!

Combined with the four needles coming out at the same time, there is also a pro-needle loving effect.

One knife is no match for four needles!

"Continue, poison attack!!"

Princess Sarah continued to attack, and this time the Mega Needle Bee took the initiative and rushed in front of the Koga Ninja Frog with strange movements, stinging with four poisonous stingers at the same time!

"Demon fire red fox, reflective wall!"

Serena quickly commanded, and the Demon Fire Red Fox waved his wooden staff from behind, forming a transparent wall out of thin air in front of Koga Ninja.

"Crack the tiles!!"

Princess Sara suddenly changed her tactics, and Mega Needle Bee changed her tactics instantly without any stiffness.

The poisonous needle sting instantly turned into an aggressive fighting move, stabbing straight at the reflecting wall in front of Koga Ninja.

Bah. Bang!

Like glass, the reflecting wall shattered, causing the blow to hit Koga Ninja's chest.

The latter's figure immediately flew out. After landing, he covered the area where his chest was attacked and couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Outstanding effect!

Not only that, normal tile-breaking moves are carried out with hand knives, but this giant needle bee uses sharp spikes, which is even more powerful!

"Don't forget me, Bankelas, Wave of Evil!!"

Saliman suddenly shouted, causing everyone's attention to fall on him.

Mega Bankilas' figure is nearly invisible thanks to the surrounding sandstorm weather.

Boom! !

The next moment, a beam of energy composed of countless black circles suddenly shot out from the corner of the hazy sandstorm!

The angle is tricky and hard to guard against.

The demon fire red fox had no time to defend, and what he had just cast was a reflective wall that could resist physical moves, not a wall of light.

Boom! !

The wave of evil hit the demon fire red fox, causing a dark purple energy explosion!

Outstanding effect! !

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