He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2743 Gravity, and then the Cliff Sword!

Under normal circumstances, Rayquaza can use super-speed moves.

Entering the mega evolution form at this moment, the speed of Black Rayquaza climbed again. Facing the pink slash from Palkia, he did not retreat but advanced and took the initiative to meet it.


Just at the moment when he was about to be hit by the Sub-Sky Slash, Black Rayquaza disappeared from the spot, and the next moment his figure appeared behind the Sub-Sky Slash!

Obviously, his own and the opponent's attacks were on a straight track, but he was still able to jump over them in a nearly virtual penetration form.

Shut and flash!

This is a miracle that can only be achieved when the speed is extremely fast!

Jumping over the Sub-Sky Slash, Mega Rayquaza rushed straight towards Palkia without any hindrance.

Especially the spear-headed dragon horns on both sides of the lower jaw, which were extremely sharp, as if they could even penetrate space!

Whoosh! !

Mega Rayquaza's reckless charge directly knocked the centaur off his feet, and his body fell backwards.


Dialga was also participating in the siege. The brilliant beams of light gathered above his head turned into a savage energy dragon, attacking Rayquaza from the side and rear.

Sneak attack, Dragon Wave!

However, Mega Rayquaza didn't even look back, but just swung his winding black tail back violently!


The powerful dragon tail swept and forcibly bounced the Dragon Wave away.

Even without bias, the Dragon Wave fell obliquely on the top of Groudon on the ground, and exploded like a firecracker.

Before Rayquaza could make the next move, a huge black shadow suddenly covered his face.


There was even a low and long roar from above his head.

Looking up, I saw that Kyogre had flown to the highest point above everyone's head without knowing when. With his pectoral fins spread out, he looked like a mountain covering the sky and the sun.

Not only that, at this moment, more than 20 light blue energy spots appeared out of thin air in front of Kyogre's body, moving with his body.

Each light spot seemed to contain extremely surging power.

Swish! Swish!!

The next moment, the energy of more than 20 light spots accumulated to the extreme, and each of them shot out a long rainbow beam!

At the same time, more than 20 powerful laser beams, each of which was powerful enough to rival the destructive death beam cast by a normal Pokémon, all focused on attacking Black Rayquaza!

Root Fluctuation!!

This is Kyogre's exclusive move, making it seem as if he had obtained more than 20 laser turrets, with unparalleled destructive power!

Black Rayquaza didn't dare to be careless, he knew this move.


Rayquaza's face was tense, and his winding body danced like a dragon in the air again, trying to avoid it with extremely tricky movements.


However, the dense root fluctuations still had 1 or 2 laser beams hitting Rayquaza's body, causing explosions.

It was still a bit difficult to fight five against one.

However, most of the root fluctuations missed, and fell diagonally from the air, heading towards

Grawo's position?

The latter's body, like a hill, was even more cumbersome than the coal turtle, so it was naturally impossible to dodge.

Boom boom boom! !

The dense root fluctuations directly caused continuous and terrifying explosions on Groudon, raising countless water mist waves.

The effect was outstanding.

Grawo, which entered the original return state, also changed its attributes from a single ground attribute to a combination of fire + ground.

In theory, fire + ground should be restrained by water attribute moves four times, and the root fluctuations can hit critical hits.

But the new characteristic of the original Groudon, the Land of End, is not just an enhanced version of the sunlight characteristic.

It can even make Groudon immune to any water-attribute attacks!

Of course, if the source of the attack is the original Kyogre, that's another matter.

After all, the latter also has the new characteristic of the Sea of ​​Origin, which has a certain interference effect on Groudon's Land of End characteristic.

This makes Groudon unable to be completely immune to water-attribute moves, and it can still achieve an effect of about 1.5 times.

However, the continuous shooting also made Groudon completely angry.

"Goo He!!"

Breaking through the surrounding water mist and smoke, the original Groudon roared to the sky.

This time, the target of his anger is not only Rayquaza, but also all the existences in the sky!

Although his consciousness was controlled, as an ancient god, he also has self-esteem!

However, now everyone throws moves on his head for no reason, coupled with this last root wave, which completely annoyed Groudon.

"Gurado, hehe!"

For a moment, all those who heard Groudon's roaring and raging could not help but recall the former's divine will in their minds.

"All flying things should die!"

The extremely angry Groudon roared in anger, expressing his hatred for flying creatures.

Then he raised his arms, and the golden light in the lava cracks on his body surface became brighter, and the "Ω" symbol also glowed with a strange light.

With Groudon's eyes, a solemn and majestic luster flashed.

Ding! !

The hearts of all the ancient gods present trembled violently like beating drums.

Then his body fell involuntarily as if it was dragged by a lead ball weighing tens of millions of pounds.

The terrifying gravity acted on all creatures within a radius of nearly a hundred meters, causing several ancient gods in the sky to sink suddenly, making them unable to breathe due to the pressure.

"Is it gravity?!"

Even Ash and Latias, who were fighting the Demon God Hupa not far away, were also affected by the gravity move.

Latias' figure also suddenly fell several meters.

Fortunately, the location was not too close, and Latias itself was a Pokémon with a superpower attribute. After getting used to it, he managed to escape the negative effects of gravity's downward drag.

This made Xiaozhi realize something and looked back suddenly.

In my mind, I recalled interesting things from the past——

When he was still on the Orange Islands, the lost Groudon accidentally ran into the territory of the local Three Holy Birds and was attacked by concentrated fire.

Groudon didn't get used to it, and a force of gravity dragged all the three holy birds to the sea level on the spot.

Then he fired an exclusive combo of Cliff Sword, directly breaking the backs of all the Three Sacred Birds and destroying them!

Even Lugia, who was of the same class at the time and was the God of Poseidon, was affected.

Of course, Lugia, as an ancient god with superpowers, quickly escaped the influence of gravity. Later, Groudon jumped up and forcibly knocked him down with a knockdown move.

"So now.?"

Xiaozhi suddenly broke into a cold sweat. You must know that Groudon was still in its normal state at that time.

Now that Groudon has returned to his original form, his strength has been greatly improved, and the level of the target that can be forcibly dragged by gravity will also be raised to a higher level, right?

Sure enough, when he turned around, he found Palkia, Dialga, and Kyogre.

These arrogant ancient gods were suddenly falling from the sky like dumplings!

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