He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2744 Lugia: Sigh on my back!

Chapter 2744 Lugia: Hiss. My back!

The powerful gravity restraint made Mega Rayquaza a little overwhelmed, and his body was forcibly dragged down.

Damn it, you stupid turtle, why don't you practice your exclusive Cliff Sword and learn the gravity move so well?

As far as he knew, controlling gravity should be the specialty of Arceus, the God of Creation, right?

In fact, Rayquaza and the others were able to escape gravity, but they had all been fighting in the air before, and no one had even looked at Groudon.

At this moment, they were attacked by the sudden gravity, and it was really difficult to escape in a short period of time.

Even Kyogre's broadest body was subject to the most violent tug of gravity. The body seemed to be pressed into a flattened piece of dried fish meat, flying down.


The forward offensive was completed, and the gravity luster in Groudon's eyes suddenly dissipated.

But his movements were extremely smooth, and his two fists that had already been raised were ready to strike, and they hit the ground in front of him without any sign of stiffness!

Obviously, this set of boxing combinations has probably been practiced many times behind the scenes.

As for Palkia and other divine beasts, their bodies had almost fallen to less than ten meters above the desert, which was as close as they were to touching the ground.

The gravity effect suddenly disappeared, which made all the ancient gods relieved and subconsciously wanted to take off again.

boom! !

However, Groudon had already punched the ground with his unparalleled force, and the entire desert area around Desert City was shaking violently.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Before the ancient gods could react, several lava rock spikes inexplicably rose from the ground beneath them!

These brown stones, with spurs of lava flowing on their surfaces, rose up from the ground almost instantly, each one reaching an exaggerated height of ten meters!

This happens to be the minimum length from the ground when these ancient gods fall!

The Cliff Sword is exactly what Groudon is good at! !

Boom boom! !

Boom boom! !

Boom boom! !

The next moment, huge rock explosions were heard from several locations in this area at the same time!

The Cliff Sword hit Palkia, Dialga, and Kyogre at the same time. In an instant, the lava rock thorns exploded, like small volcanoes exploding on them.

Not only is it powerful, it's also extremely hot!

Boom boom! !

At the same time, Giratina, who originally wanted to be an undercover agent to sneak attack on the Five Gods Alliance, was not spared. He was stabbed hard in the back, causing a huge explosion!


Giratina now completely regretted it.

An hour ago, why did I have to be so mean and fly out of the reverse world? !

Even Mega Rayquaza was forcibly dragged into the attack range of the Cliff Sword.

There were even five stone thorns from the Cliff Sword at the same time, all poking at Rayquaza's body.

Ouch! Ouch!

Fortunately, even in this situation, Mega Rayquaza could still adjust his snake-shaped body and twist it into an extreme bend, so that several cliff sword shots could only stick to the surface of his body and could not effectively hit his body.


Rayquaza quickly rose into the sky again, this time looking at Groudon with a bit of fear.

This red-shell turtle is not simple.

Although he was defeated by his own men, he really couldn't be careless.

As a flying Pokémon, he didn't want to be hit by such a ground move, it was really detrimental to his face!

Then he glanced down again and received a powerful cliff sword. Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, and even Kyogre looked uncomfortable and struggled to fly again.

Just the damage dealt by this Cliff Sword alone was more than Groudon's own!

"Sure enough, our ancient god from Fangyuan must be even more powerful!"

In this regard, the black Rayquaza was still a little happy, and the little tail at the end was swaying slightly.

What three Sinnoh dragons and three clowns!

The sudden Cliff Sword made both Xiaozhi and Demon God Hupa a little dumbfounded.

This time, the situation of the battle became clearer.

"Damn it, this idiot!!"

Demon God Hupa clenched his fists and looked angry.

Could it be that this guy Groudon was not actually controlled by his mind at all, but was actually an undercover agent from the opposite side? !

But the one with the most complicated emotions in the audience had to be Lugia, the former Poseidon on the battlefield next door.

The battlefield distance between him and Little Lugia was a hundred meters away. Although he felt part of the effect of gravity, the effect was not obvious.

Just this feeling made Lugia subconsciously tremble and his body trembled.

Back then, he was hit hard on the back by Groudon's Knockdown + Cliff Sword combo, and his faith was completely defeated in an instant!


At this moment, seeing the ancient god lying on the ground in the distance, Lugia subconsciously took a breath of cold air.

I even felt that my back was starting to hurt inexplicably again!

The cute little Lugia across from him didn't understand the pain in his back. After seeing his old father being inexplicably absent-minded, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"good chance!!"

Little Loki Adam immediately jumped up, half-holding his broad wings, and the black-purple energy covering the surface turned into the shadow of sharp claws.

Whoops! !

A shadow claw hit Lugia's chest hard, and the effect was outstanding!


Even Lugia, who was extremely durable, could not withstand such a powerful shadow claw. He groaned after being beaten and could only take a few steps back quickly.

Now not only does my back hurt, but my chest also hurts...!

"There is such a good thing!"

Taking stock of the situation in front of him, Xiaozhi couldn't help but his eyes lit up and he laughed.

One second he was worried about the enemy's Five Gods Alliance. The next second, the opponent was attacking him, and the formation was completely destroyed.

And mega Rayquaza's power is still almost at its peak!

And at this moment, all the ancient gods who were flying in the air have fallen into the desert, and some people have even placed their hatred on Groudon.


Groudon is a reptile, with his feet always attached to the desert.

"good chance!"

Mega Rayquaza's dragon eyes shine brightly. It's hard for them to attack together in the sky, but if they all fall on the ground

He suddenly opened his mouth towards the sky and sprayed out a huge black-purple light ball.


The meteor swarm suddenly exploded at the highest point, forming countless falling meteors and meteorites.

Like the end of the world, the sky was suddenly covered with flaming meteorites, overwhelming the sky and falling towards the positions of the ancient gods in the desert!

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the desert surface seemed to be carpet-bombed by continuous rocket launchers. There were endless explosions. The soil on the surface seemed to have been lifted off, and the energy aftermath rose crazily into the air!

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