He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2753 Cursing Latias!

"What an incredible scene..."

Watching the gods leave, Xiaozhi sat on Latias' back and couldn't help but sigh.

Except that Groudon is a bit stretched...

At this moment, the other ancient gods were spreading their wings and flying high. Only Groudon was walking slowly and cumbersomely, starting from the north of the desert and stepping into the open sea of ​​Kalos.

However, after walking a long distance in the sea water, it stands to reason that even a body five or six meters high should have sunk long ago.

However, Groudon's body was still red and warm, steaming with water mist, as if he could walk on water like Suicune.

"Did the lava solidify instantly? It's really amazing."

Xiaozhi squinted his eyes and found that Groudon's lower limbs were surrounded by solid lava land, enough to support him walking on water.

Looking from a distance, there is a long brown stone road on the sea, which is quite spectacular.

"But we have to walk back to Fangyuan area...how long will it take?"

Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, not to mention that this Groudon was still a road fool.

It is estimated that with the big international news in the past two years, everyone is paying attention to Groudon's return home...


Xiaozhi looked up and found that Giratina had torn a space-time rift, and not only Lugia was the only one who went in with him, but even Kyurem, who was dangling, also flew in with him.

"I see…"

Xiaozhi nodded suddenly. All Kyurem needed was a deep cave to sleep in, and he would release the power of ice and snow to transform it into a suitable large ice cave.

There is nothing else in the reverse world. There are many abyss and caves, but it is a shortcut.

Anyway, there is a passage directly to the reverse world in the backyard of Zhenxin Town. If Brother Chi wants to find Kyurem, he will not have to go to the Hezhong area.

As for the other ancient gods, Palkia and Dialga followed suit, blasting (splitting) a space-time rift in the air and escaping into it.

The place they live in is not in the real world, nor in the reverse world, but in their own space-time gap.

Lugia, on the other hand, imitated Kyogre's example. After flying a certain distance, he plunged into the deep sea.


A rolling tsunami was also set off, washing towards the other side of Groudon's body that had not been washed away by Kyogre.

Xiaozhi: "..."

He could finally see that among these ancient gods, only the black Rayquaza left, and he really needed to fly high.

The other ancient gods don’t even need to spread their wings and fly high...

I always feel like I’m maliciously targeting Gu!

Watching the last Gurado figure gradually disappear into the distance of the sea, Xiaozhi finally looked back.

Well, now he has only harvested a broken silver feather from Lugia, and it doesn't feel like it contains much energy.

In the desert, there is still a piece of thousand-year-old ice more than two meters wide, and I don’t know what to do with it.

This kind of material doesn't seem to be of much use in building the body or anything like that!


Facing the eager eyes of Big and Little Hupa below, Xiaozhi rubbed the back of his head vigorously, feeling at a loss for what to do.

At this time, a blue luan bird flew in the distance, and a worried cry came from the distance:

"Xiao Zhi! Are you okay...?!"

Xiaozhi glanced subconsciously and found Serena flying over on the Mega Tanabata Blue Bird, breathing heavily and with a burning look on her face.

But when the figure of the Qixi Blue Bird came closer and settled down, she came back to her senses and looked around with some confusion.

By the way...why is it so quiet around here?

When the group of them separated, Demon God Hupa summoned several magnificent and terrifying ancient gods!

As a result, now, all the ancient gods have disappeared.

And the demon god Hupa, who originally looked violent and dangerous, is living in harmony with little Hupa in the desert below...

With the big and little Hoopa so close together, is there really no need to worry about the little Hoopa being swallowed by the former?

Xiaozhi is so fast, is it already over?

"Hey Serena, why are you here...?"

Xiaozhi was also stunned and said in astonishment.

Is it because you are too worried about yourself?

Xiaozhi couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, this is the strong bond between partners!

But the next moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he rode Latias close to the side of the Tanabata Blue Bird.


Turning half of his body, Xiaozhi put both hands on Serena's shoulders.

"You're here just in time, Serena, it's you!!"

Serena: "?"

Suddenly being approached and holding her shoulders, her cheeks instantly turned red to the extreme, her beautiful eyes widened and she was at a loss, wondering what Xiaozhi was going to do.

The latter seemed to have experienced a big battle before and was sweating a lot. She even smelled Xiaozhi's breath...


Beneath him, Latias let out a low groan of dissatisfaction, and even shook his body, dragging Xiaozhi half a meter away from the Tanabata Blue Bird.

Just chat, don't get so close, and don't touch me!

Xiaozhi didn't realize it, thinking that Latias was impatient because he had been ridden for too long today.

After all, for the past few hours, even if I have been traveling among the ancient gods who are full of pressure and aura, I must have been under tremendous pressure, right?

"Don't worry Latias, I will send you back to rest now!"

Latias: "?"

Before she could explain, Xiaozhi had already rolled over and jumped onto the back of the Tanabata Blue Bird next door. The latter was the evolved form of a mega, and was much larger, enough to carry two people flying.

Then he shouted down at the top of his lungs:

"Please, little Hoopa, help me send Latias back to rest!"

Latias was teleported by Little Hupa using a golden ring, and Xiaozhi did not have Latias' love ball on him.

"give it to me!"

When the matter came to an end, little Hupa was now in high spirits, smiled a few times with his cunning little face, and soon flew to the side of the two of them.


Just when Latias was about to say something in defense, a golden ring that covered her entire body quickly passed through her body like an X-ray scanning machine.

The next second, Latias had appeared thousands of miles away, over the backyard of Zhenxin Town.

Latias: "..."

After a moment of silence, she immediately started cursing in the air in anger!

And in the sky above the desert, only the two people on the Qixi Blue Bird were left.


Little Hupa fell from the air, got into Xiaozhi's arms, and rubbed the latter's chest hard.

Originally the two were just friends...

But after this fight between gods, Little Hupa's favorability towards Xiaozhi was immediately maxed out, and he was very dependent on him!

"Let's go, Serena, let's go to the Valley of Creation first!"

Ash held Little Hoopa and Pikachu in his arms and said happily.

Because the two were riding too close together, Serena's ears turned red, she lowered her head and said a subtle "hmm", commanding the Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird to turn around and fly towards the Valley of Creation...

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