He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2754 Chaomeng is about to counterattack again!

Xiaozhi didn't understand why the girl in front of him had such red ears, and thought it was caused by the local tropical desert climate.

But Serena's arrival reminded him.

If you have no direction for the time being...but the people in the Valley of Creation may not be helpless!

They are believers of Arceus, the god of creation, and they know how to use the magical power of superpower to seal the demon god Hupa. Maybe they can also create a body for the latter!

Having made up his mind, the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird turned around and flew back towards the Valley of Creation.

Demon God Hupa also levitated his tall and mighty body and followed behind.

In the desert below, there are still Prince Saliman and two strong door gods on the left and right staying in place.

It seems that everyone has forgotten them?

Tu Tuyun: “…”

Although it didn't help at all, he did use his glaring trick a few times from a distance.

It may not have any effect, but it can be regarded as an assist with the eyes!

Are you not planning to send him back to the various regions? !

He doesn't know how to get back to the Zhong area from the Kalos area!

"Don't worry, let's go check out the situation too!"

Prince Saliman comforted him, his face glowing red at this moment, as if he had entered the state of a sage.

To be able to see such an unprecedented grand occasion, even if I am buried in the royal mausoleum in Desert City now, I will die without regrets!

Then he put away the rock god pillar, looked at Tutu Yun and winked.


After the latter was silent for a moment, his cheeks turned slightly red. He stretched out his hands and gently picked up Saliman like a princess.

The two people's body shapes can barely be considered the cutest couple.

Tu Tuyun then took advantage of the wind and chased in the direction where Xiaozhi and his party left.

And for the first time being carried up high into the air like a princess, Saliman was a little embarrassed. He could only turn his head and raise the topic hesitantly:

"Speaking of... have you considered a bodyguard job? I can give you the highest price in the world?"

Tu Tuyun: “…”

This area where gods were fighting became completely quiet as the earth clouds rose into the sky and left.

However, there is still a sense of oppression in the air that has not dissipated for a long time, making the nearby wild Pokémon in the desert afraid of this area and not daring to approach.

On a raised sand dune, a cloaked figure slowly stood up.

"Is it over...I saw something incredible."

Chaomeng couldn't help but sigh, with a complicated look on his face.

Although he only arrived halfway, he still witnessed a battle that reached its peak.

This provided him with good data to measure the strength comparison between himself and other ancient gods.

Whether it is the domineering black Rayquaza or the two gods of Fang Yuan who can enter the original state of return, they cannot be underestimated...

The Dragon God in the Hezhong area who combines the power of several attributes is also very dangerous.

Even that dark, weird-looking little Lugia is something to be wary of...

Looking at it this way, the previous self was a little bit like watching the sky from a well, thinking that he was the most powerful and invincible existence in the world.

"But this is what makes it interesting!"

Chaomeng was not angry but happy, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised on his face under the cloak.

He knows that he has not yet reached his true peak.

With so many powerful enemies, the days ahead won’t be boring!

"First of all, it's that human!"

Chaomeng looked towards the direction of the Valley of Creation, and he could feel that Xiaozhi was getting away from him little by little.

The blood in his heart was boiling uncontrollably, making Chaomeng have the urge to rush over and defeat Xiaozhi on the spot.

He is more and more eager to fight Xiaozhi!

In the end, Chaomeng endured it, but his face showed a bit of madness and enthusiasm, and the muscles in his arms were trembling faintly.

"Don't worry, this human being will be completely destroyed in no time...!"

he whispered to himself.

Starting from this human being, he wants the entire world, and even all the ancient gods, to witness his terrifying counterattack!

After a while, Xiaozhi and Serena had returned to the Valley of Creation.

He crossed the surrounding mountains and flew over the town.

"What the hell, is it the devil?!"

"Are you coming to take revenge on our Valley of Creation?!"

"Why are there two humans in front...I know, their will must be controlled!"

In an instant, everyone in the Valley of Creation who could look up to the sky was completely in chaos.

You must know that in the past, it was their ancestors from the Valley of Creation who sealed the demon god Hupa. If you have to find the biggest enemy, it is really their Valley of Creation.

By the time Xiaozhi and Serena landed in the open space in the middle of the town riding the Tanabata Blue Bird, a large crowd had already gathered here.

"Huh? Are you all here to welcome us...?"

Xiaozhi was stunned. Why was there such a big movement? The huge square was completely surrounded.

"Um...it doesn't seem like a welcome."

Serena looked around worriedly, with obvious alertness on everyone's face.

Until the demon god Hupa also fell from the sky behind them...



In an instant, all the residents of the Valley of Creation raised their arms, and their superpowers gathered together to form orange magic circle shields on their hands.

From a distance, it was as if everyone had turned into a mage and had a half-meter-wide round cake shield in their hands.

This is the basic application of superpower, these small shields can barely resist some attacks.

"Turtle, all of us are really superpowers."

Although he had known it for a long time, Xiaozhi was still surprised to see it with his own eyes. The Valley of Creation was really unique.

"Hehe! They all have that old guy's nasty smell!"

The demon god Hupa crossed his chest with six arms and made no secret of his disgust.

If he hadn't accepted Xiaozhi's proposal...he would have wanted to use the wave of evil to level the entire valley!

"Wait a minute, everyone has something to say!"

"Actually, Hupa is not here for revenge!"

Xiaozhi and Serena quickly stood in the middle, trying to ease the tense situation.

It's just that the demon god Hupa has the ability to confuse and even control consciousness. Not many people believe what Xiaozhi and the two are saying at this moment.

"Humph, a bunch of brainless humans!"

The demon god Hupa was too lazy to explain, tilting his head and snorting in disdain.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, a clear shout came from behind the crowd.

"Everyone, wait a moment, leave this to me!"

Immediately, the crowd retreated to both sides to clear a path, full of energy, as if they had seen a savior.

At the end of the crowd, Balza strode forward with his head held high, holding a strangely shaped magic pot high in one hand.

He succeeded!

Being able to make a Pot of Punishment with your own hands means that Balza is already the most skilled person in the Valley of Creation with the power of overcoming, and his popularity is as popular as the leader here!

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