He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2765 Training match, Koga Ninja vs Demon Fire Red Fox! (superior

Little Hoopa and Diancie were sent away one after another, and even the two Little Diamonds each carried their own baggage and said goodbye and returned to their hometown.

However, Xiaozhi's life has become more noisy.


"Drink hahaha!!"

The rough and inexplicable laughter of the demon god Hupa is always heard in my ears.

Whether it's by the swimming pool, on the backyard lawn, or on the indoor driving range... every time you look back, you'll most likely see Hoopa lying on his back on a sun lounger, relaxing.

It seems that his exercise scenes are treated as a sketch show for dinner.

There is no need to place an extra table next to it.

call out…!

With a simple move, the golden ring will grow bigger, and Hupa can grab delicious snacks by putting his palm in, or stick the straw directly into the refrigerator and taste the perfect ice-cold Coke.

To a certain extent, this should be the most comfortable phantom beast ability, right?

Xiaozhi: "..."

Forcibly ignoring the funny demon behind him, he looked in front of him. Serena was standing more than ten meters away from him, with a pretty face that looked particularly solemn.

At the moment, he and Serena were training one-on-one on the lawn in the backyard.

boom! boom!

The two of them threw the Poké Ball at the same time. On one side was the Koga Ninja Frog, and on the other was the Demon Fire Red Fox. They were both their respective generals!

"Is it Koga Ninja vs. Demon Fire Red Fox today? It's interesting...!"

This kind of battle made Citron couldn't help but become interested, and he sat next to the Demon God Hupa and watched the battle.

After getting along with each other for a few days, several people no longer had much resistance to the previously violent demon god.

Much like little Hoopa, they both have playful and delicious personalities.

It's just that little Hoopa's playful pranks are cute, but when placed on the giant demon Hoopa... it's more like a weird giant baby?

"Wow, can you see Ash's version of Koga Ninja!"

Youlijia also moved a small bench with great interest and gathered around to watch.

She is a big fan of Xiao Zhijia and Ninwa!

After seeing each other's Pokémon, Ash and Serena couldn't help but smile at each other, and they had a tacit understanding.

Although these two Pokémon have been used in double battles before, they have never really fought one on one.

Since the next conference competitions the two of them will participate in do not overlap...this competition is a rare opportunity!

"In terms of attributes, the Demon Fire Red Fox is completely inferior..."

At some point, Princess Sarah also came up and commented with concern.

The Yusan family in the Carlos region pays attention to "double absolute restraint"!

For example, the water and evil attributes of the Koga Ninja restrain the fire and super attributes of the Demon Fire Red Fox respectively.

The latter also restrains Brikaron's grass and fighting attributes respectively.

Brikaron restrains the backwater and evil attributes, forming a closed loop...

"Come on, Demon Fire Red Fox, show us the results of our training!"

Serena clenched her fists and said with high fighting spirit.

Attribute restraint is not omnipotent, Xiaozhi taught her this truth!

As the battle began, Serena took the lead:

"Demon Fire Red Fox, exchange characteristics!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Demon Fire Red Fox waved the wooden stick in his hand, and the light of Qiyi fell on himself and the Koga Ninja respectively. Something wonderful happened.

The characteristic of the Koga Ninja Frog became Fierce Fire, while the characteristic of the Demon Fire Red Fox became the Tie Transformation!

As soon as she came up, Serena planned to seal the unique bond transformation of Koga Ninja.

The attributes are already very inferior. If the opponent's ability can be greatly improved, this battle will be completely meaningless.

Tie transformation is an effect from the trait...

This is Dr. Buratano's guess. After all, Xiaozhi's Koga Ninja Frog has never shown the property of fierce water, or it may be a very versatile property of changing freely.

Maybe it's an unprecedented new feature that produces an effect similar to mega evolution? Dr. Burratano named it Tie Transformation!

"You are very motivated, Serena!"

Ash grinned and praised.

Even though this strange transformation comes from characteristics... the bond between him and Koga Ninja cannot be sealed by a simple exchange of characteristics.

He could feel that as long as he wanted to, the Koga Ninja at this moment could still complete the bond transformation smoothly and freely...

But indeed, that would be too bullying.

Simply treat it as if it is really sealed, and compare the strengths of Changchunyu Sanjia with each other!

"Koga Ninja, Flying Water Shuriken!!"

So Xiaozhi shouted loudly, and the Koga Ninja in front of him stretched his hands to his waist, quickly condensed several water shurikens, and fired them with fierce movements!

"Demon fire red fox, magic flame!"

Serena showed no sign of weakness and also faced him head-on.

The demon fire red fox waved the wooden staff in his hand, and several fireballs suddenly condensed in the air. With a thought, they all shot towards the incoming shurikens.

boom! boom! boom! !

In an instant, dense small explosions arose in the center of the arena, and the continuous collision of fire and water moves caused water mist to rise between the two Pokémon.

"Now, Water Wave Knife!!"

Under the cover of the mist, the fast-moving Koga Ninja rushed in. The blue skin of the same color instantly seemed to be invisible, disappearing in the mist.

Da da da…!

He suddenly appeared in another direction, sprinted as fast as a ninja, and rushed in front of the demon fire red fox in almost the blink of an eye.

The water ninja sword condensed in his hand was drawn out and slashed straight at the target's vital parts.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, use the reflective wall!"

At the critical moment, the demon fire red fox raised the wooden staff horizontally and protected it in front of him, and a translucent air wall barrier was instantly formed.

The water wave knife struck the reflecting wall, and its power was instantly reduced by half.


After that, it was used on the demon fire red fox. Although the effect was outstanding, it only forced the latter a few steps back.

"Have we started? The wall tactic that the demon fire red fox is best at...!"

Xiaozhi pressed his hat and laughed dryly. It was indeed the type of superpower he didn't like to deal with.

Serena suddenly smiled slyly and said offensively: "Ah... the demon fire red fox, use strange light!!"

Although her demon fire red fox also knows how to use hypnosis, its hit rate is not high.

Then simply switch to chaotic moves, which can also expose the target's flaws!

The demon fire red fox quickly waved his wooden staff and threw an erratic ball of light.


Due to the close distance between the two at this moment, the strange light successfully hit the Koga Ninja Frog and shattered like a bubble.

Although it didn't have any power, it made Koga Ninja's eyes suddenly blurred, and his lower body movements also staggered...

"Now, the demon fire red fox uses big characters to explode!!"

Serena was not polite and directly shouted out her ultimate move.

She knows how powerful the Koga Ninja is. If she doesn't go all out, she and the demon fire red fox will soon be defeated... Now that we seize the opportunity, we must attack with all our strength!

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