He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2766 Training match, Koga Ninja vs Demon Fire Red Fox! (Down

The flame at the front of the demon fire red fox wooden staff began to burn brightly.


As the Demon Fire Red Fox gave a low shout, he pressed the wooden staff down, and all the flames roared out in an instant, turning into a large flaming character halfway!

But Koga Ninja still hasn't woken up from the chaos, and is about to be hit hard...

"Koga Ninja, use black mist!!"

However, Xiaozhi suddenly spoke.

As he shouted in his mouth, the power of the wave guide in his heart was activated, and he also shouted in the mind of Koga Ninja.

In a state of chaos, sometimes the trainer's voice alone will make the Pokémon hear just a meaningless chaotic noise.

But the sound of the power of the wave guide made the Koga Ninja immediately hear the command.

Although it is still in a state of confusion and cannot tell the direction... then it is simply indistinguishable.

The Koga Ninja raised one arm high to make a knot seal, and at the same time spread his scarf and tongue, revealing his open mouth.


A large cloud of thick black mist suddenly spewed out of his mouth, covering most of the field of vision in almost the blink of an eye.

The figure of Koga Ninja also disappeared into the black mist.

Secret Technique: The Art of Kirigakure!

Unfortunately, the large-character Explosive Flame, which had a low hit rate, did not hit any entity in the mist.


He just passed through the mist neatly, and nothing happened except for a fierce hot wind along the way.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to succeed...!"

Serena secretly felt pity.


Just a moment later, five flying water shurikens suddenly shot out from the black mist, aiming directly at the demon fire red fox.

"The chaos was lifted so quickly!"

Serena was shocked, and the five flying water shurikens shot at almost simultaneously were aimed at the demon fire red fox's head and vital parts of its limbs...

This shows that Koga Ninja is proficient in using this move.


Unable to do so, the Demon Fire Red Fox could only wave his wooden staff and forcibly gather a green light barrier in front of him, neutralizing the flying water shuriken's attack.

call out! !

A figure once again emerged from somewhere in the black mist, charging forward, as if about to launch a dangerous water wave knife.

"Big characters Explosion!!"

Serena couldn't help but lose her sense of caution and responded hastily.

There was nothing she could do about it, the gloomy black mist around her always gave her an inexplicable feeling of fright.

The demon fire red fox also concentrated its energy with all its strength, and once again threw a huge flame energy bomb from the front end of the wooden staff.


However, after the large-character explosion hit the "Koga Ninja", it was directly smashed into a ball of debris, with some white foam splashing around the edges...

"Is it the bubble clone!?"

Serena suddenly came back to her senses, and the body of the Koga Ninja appeared behind the Demon Fire Red Fox without anyone noticing.

Like a mass of shadow, his movement is extremely strange...

"Is this... a shadow sneak attack move with ghost attributes?!

Citron, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but be surprised. Has the Koga Ninja Frog learned this trick?

Compared to Giratina or Little Lugia's shadow stealth attack, it was really sneaking into another dimension and launching a strange attack.

As for Koga Ninja's shadow sneak attack, the principle is much simpler.

It simply takes advantage of the opponent's focus, which is all in the black fog in front of it, and calculates where it will come out... It will use extremely fast movement skills to sneak around behind the target, waiting for an opportunity to launch a fierce attack!


The Koga Ninja kicked the Demon Fire Red Fox in the back. The latter suddenly lost its center of gravity and fell forward.

As a long-range interference mage, Demon Fire Red Fox is not good at melee combat, especially this kind of melee sneak attack from behind.

"Water Wave Knife!!"

Xiaozhi's attack was so fierce that a ninja sword instantly formed in the palm of Koga Ninja's hand and struck forward!

boom! !

The Demon Fire Red Fox had no time to defend himself and was hit hard in the back by the Water Wave Knife. His figure collapsed again and fell forward.

Outstanding effect!

And...hit home!

After this move, the demon fire red fox started to sweat profusely.

Serena's expression also became panicked, and the balance of victory and defeat began to tilt.

"Don't give her a chance to breathe! Flying water shuriken!!"

Xiaozhi continued to attack without any mercy.

Once he enters a battle, he is absolutely indistinguishable between male and female...

Of course, I don’t usually tell them very much.

Serena's current strength is already outstanding, but no one knows whether there will be any serious opponents in the alliance conference.

He planned to use the most violent attack method to make Serena feel confident.

If you lose badly now, you will naturally be mentally prepared for the next alliance meeting, and it will be difficult for you to be beaten by your opponent.

The last lesson from senior Ash!

Whoosh! !

Sure enough, under the intense bombardment of flying water shurikens from the Koga Ninja, the Demon Fire Red Fox could barely resist the first few shots, but after being hit on the body for the first time, it was completely unable to withstand the next one and was completely defeated.

boom! !

Several flying water shurikens hit the demon fire red fox's chest head-on, and the water mist exploded, blowing the latter's body back several meters again.


But this time, the demon fire red fox couldn't hold it any longer, and fell down suddenly, completely losing consciousness.

The outcome is decided!

"Demon Fire Red Fox!"

Serena was startled and quickly stepped forward to check the status of the demon fire red fox.

Fortunately, it was nothing serious and I could recover after a short rest.

"I lost. Xiaozhi...is no match at all."

Serena's eyes dimmed and her tone became much lower.

Originally, she thought that if the Koga Ninja didn't use the bond to evolve, the Demon Fire Red Fox wouldn't be much different...

When it comes to fighting, you didn’t expect the gap to be so big? !

Today's Koga Ninja, even under normal conditions, is extremely skilled in all kinds of basic skills and moves, and his combat is smooth and smooth, and he can't find any breakthrough at all!

"Hey, this is the result of my previous training in the statue of Arceus~!"

Xiaozhi touched his nose and just spoke proudly. Seeing that Serena's morale was a little low, he quickly put away his emotions and comforted:

"But your demon fire red fox is also performing very well... Now you guys, the Alliance Conference should not be a problem!"

"It's the back of the demon fire red fox. Remember to pay attention to your opponent's surprise attack..."

Serena's mood recovered quickly, she wrote it down carefully, and then she smiled again.

That's right, there is no need to compete with Xiaozhi. There is nothing to feel disappointed about losing to him.

She should compare herself with opponents of the same level.

After all, I am just a newcomer who has just started traveling this year!

But soon, Serena's eyes fell on the Koga Ninja who had begun to close his breath next to him.

By the way, this guy, like me, can be considered a newcomer...

How do you feel that after traveling for less than a year, the Koga Ninja is already able to challenge league champions? !

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