He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2768 Secretly conquering Zygarde?

"Hey! Xiaozhi, do you want me, the Demon God, to get you some sparring partners!!"

Behind him, the demon god Hupa was still lying on the chair enjoying life, raising his waist from time to time and asking with a smile.

Xiaozhi quickly declined politely.

The current rhythm is very good. Don’t bring in some ancient gods to have a fight with gods...

And the God of Earth, Gurado, has been harmed by you to the point where he hasn’t even reached home yet!

It is said that it is still wandering in the offshore area of ​​Carlos, circling in circles like a ghost beating a wall, but it cannot reach the high sea area between the continental plates.

"It's a pity...it's rare for this demon god to be elegant~"

Demon God Hupa showed a disappointed look, then ignored Xiaozhi, levitated, and flew in one direction of the city.

What he has to check in every day now is to supervise the decoration progress of the "tallest building in the city" that Saliman promised.

Fortunately, Desert City has plenty of sunshine and rarely rainy weather, so the decoration process was not delayed at all.

Together with the repairmen that Saliman mobilized from all over the city, powerful fighting Pokémon such as Wei Li were able to lay the bricks.

There are also some dream-inducing tapirs, and Charem uses mental power to assist...

In just a few days, a magnificent building nearly 100 meters tall was built in Desert City and began to take shape.

The demon god Hupa is extremely satisfied with this. The rooftop at the highest point will be his nest from now on!

There were also rumors about Aladdin's Pot, which Saliman also used his own channels to spread.

But so far, it has only spread in the desert city. Many people in the city have become restless and scattered in the surrounding desert in search of the divine pot artifacts...

People outside Carlos didn't pay much attention to this.

"It's not a big problem. As long as the first wish-making ceremony is completed, everyone in the Kalos area will naturally respond."

Saliman is still very confident about this.

And as someone with first-hand information, Saliman had already found three of the artifacts and collected half of them before spreading the news about the pot.

"I can just spend a lot of money to offer a reward for the remaining three artifacts... Hehe, I want to be the first man to climb a tall building and wipe Hupa's body!!"

Saliman is gearing up for this and is full of confidence.

Compared to the entire city, which was gradually becoming restless, the movement inside the royal palace was much quieter.

At this moment, in the Pokémon Center dedicated to the royal family, in front of a Pokémon exchange device, Serena and Princess Sarah stood on both sides, each holding a Pokémon ball in their hands.


Exchange once.


Exchange it back again.

"It should work, Serena!"

Sara grabbed her elf ball again. She was just a pure tool.

"Well! Let's go outside and try it quickly!"

Serena grabbed the elf ball with excitement and pulled Sara outside.

When she came to an open space, she took a deep breath and threw the elf ball in her hand.


The red light fell, and a huge creature appeared in front of the two of them.

The gray-brown rock body, the chest and back of the head are covered with orange-red lava hard armor, and the face has two horns, one large and one small.

The momentum is suddenly several times stronger than before!

Super Armored Rhinoceros!

Serena evolved the armored rhinoceros from her mother through communication and reached its complete form!

"Search the house!!"

At this moment, the super-armored rhinoceros raised its cannon-like rock arms and let out a burst of excited shouts.

Now if you find a chance to strengthen it, it can really rob your opponent's house all at once!

"Great Serena, now all your Pokémon have evolved!"

Sara slapped her hands and congratulated with a smile.

Serena was also overjoyed and beaming.

Not only the super-armored rhinoceros...she also completed the final evolution of her flower leaf not long ago.

Before, she just held the Graxitia flower in her hands. After the evolution, Mrs. Huajie merged herself with the Grasidia flower. The blooming wreath around her head was full of pink petals, which was in harmony with Grasidia. Tia flowers are similar.

If Serena released all her Pokémon at this moment, they would basically all be large-sized beings.

Coupled with the delicate and lovely trainer in the middle... the visual impact is extremely strong.

"Now, my preparations for the Alliance Conference are complete!"

Serena clenched her fists, now waiting for the official opening of the conference!

At the same time, Ash and Serena were actively training, and Citron was not idle either.

During this time, he investigated most of the power systems in Desert City and benefited a lot.

Conveniently, it also helped Saliman repair some electrical problems.

"Citron, the second best brother in my life! In order to thank you, as long as there is no Pokémon in the backyard that I have tamed, you can take away one at will!"

Saliman immediately waved his hand and planned to give Citron a Pokémon as a thank you gift.

He has collected Pokémon from all over the world in his backyard. Only a small number of them will be captured by him and join the team...the others are free-range.

"Well, in that case..."

Citron did not refuse. He had long been interested in an electric shock monster with a tiger head and a tiger brain in the backyard these days.

This kind of Pokémon is not very common in the wild...

It was not difficult. After a battle, Citron successfully subdued this naughty electric Pokémon.

"The evolved Shock Monster's characteristic is an electric engine... This is a powerful Pokémon!"

Citron secretly thought, very satisfied.

Even in daily electrical engineering, the Electric Shock Monster's cable-like tail can transmit current in real time, or cut off and absorb current in time, making it an excellent working partner.

As for Yulijia, Saliman also treated her equally.

With a wave of his hand, he indicated that he could also give the former a Pokémon.

"Ah!! Brother, help me choose a Pokémon!!"

Yurika was overjoyed and immediately ran around the garden, hoping to find a cute Pokémon to tame.

Hehe, now she has not officially become a trainer, but she already has two animals, Dongdong Rat and Variety Monster.

"Run slower..."

Citron followed behind, panting, unable to keep up with his crazy sister. After a while, the latter's figure disappeared into a small forest.

Yulijia was very interested and moved the rocks away from time to time to see what Pokémon were underneath.

From time to time, he darts into the bushes and grass, looking for rare existences.

Not to mention, she actually saw a strange-looking Pokémon in the bushes.

"This Pokémon is...?"

It is extremely small, huddled in the bushes, its body is like a few balls of green mud, and its eyes are very simple in structure.

There is a strange red hexagonal pattern on the abdomen, which seems to be the core of the body?

The two couldn't help but look at each other, both staring straight at each other.

But the next moment, Yulijia was elated, and the strange-looking latter inexplicably touched her cuteness.

"Ahhh! You're so cute. I've decided to conquer you!!"

Youlijia immediately hugged the latter into her arms and couldn't put it down.

It feels soft to the touch...then call it soft!

Zygarde Core: "…"

After the Z1 individual was silent for a moment, surprisingly he did not struggle, but instead leaned into Loli's arms...

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