He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2769 There is an ancient god before you become a trainer? !

"This Pokémon is...?"

After a while, everyone saw Yulijia coming out holding a Pokémon, and everyone gathered around her curiously.

Yulijia hasn't learned how to subdue through battles, right? She actually accomplished the subjugation on her own?

Saliman also looked puzzled. Most of the Pokémon he had here were rare and had average personalities. Although they would not actively attack humans, they would not just follow strangers casually.

Until Yurika spread out her hands, revealing a Pokémon that was slightly smaller than Tongdong Mouse.

"Uh, when did we introduce this Pokémon here? Do you know, Sara?"

"This is also my first time seeing you."

The Saliman brothers shook their heads in confusion.

However, after seeing the green clay-looking Z1, Xiaozhi's expression instantly became serious. blurted out:

"It's Zygarde!"

He has not seen the core individual appearance of Zygarde, but he has absorbed many Zygarde cells using the polyhedron.

They all look roughly the same, except that there is still a hexagonal core in the abdomen of the core individual...

"Zigerd, are you talking about our local ancient god in Kalos?!"

"I actually saw an ancient god again, but he looked like this..."

The Saliman brothers and sisters were surprised and suspicious, but they all trusted Xiaozhi and believed him immediately.

"So where did you do my fat Harry?!"

Xiaozhi asked anxiously. His fat Hali was possessed by Zygarde's core individual in the Termination Cave and was taken away.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually showed his true colors today and appeared in front of him openly.

Z1's head stood up, and a pair of asymmetrical eyes stared at Xiaozhi with a somewhat wary look.

Obviously this is a Pokémon that can think independently, not just a brainless piece of mud lying on the ground like the cellular individuals on the roadside.

"Xiao Zhi! Don't scare Xiao Ruan!"

Seeing that Xiaozhi's tone suddenly became serious, Yulijia quickly protected Z1 in her hands.

Didn’t Fatty Hali defect on his own? How could he be related to her newly conquered Xiao Ruan?


And this Z1 individual was very straightforward, lying directly on Yulijia's body, pretending not to understand anything.

It seems that this human being knows Z2 and thinks of himself as the latter?

"Z2 was caught by those evil humans in order to save me... Maybe by following this person, I can rescue it?"

Z1 secretly made up his mind.

It was originally captured by Team Flare and forcibly detained for research.

Not long ago, the base was suddenly forcibly breached by an outsider. It was a Brikalon wearing a cloak and raising his hand to release a green light beam.

Z1 knew that this Brikaron was probably mentally controlled by Z2.

But before it could be happy for long, the Flare Team arrested Z2 on the spot.

Being physically weak, it could only barely transform into 10% of its hound form, and escaped from Team Flare's base with the help of vigorous movements, preparing to find an opportunity to rescue its brother again.

After coming out, the Z1 individual fled eastward and unknowingly came to a desert, and then found an oasis courtyard in the desert.

Then, Yulijia was found by pushing aside the bushes.

"I'm not sure whether this group of humans is good or bad. They might be people like Team Flare... In short, I'll stop my activities and don't expose my power for the time being."

Z1 closed his eyes calmly.

Although it does not have a strong resistance to humans like the Z2 individual, after the incident with Team Flare, Z1 has also become wary of humans.

Maybe as Z2 said, human beings are inherently evil?

It's just that this innocent little human girl has a very warm smile...

"Haha, Xiaoruan, are you tired? Let me sleep in my little bag for you~!"

Yurika smiled and opened her small satchel and put the Z1 individual inside.

This was originally a place for Totoro to sleep, and the space is enough to fit both Pokémon in... Later, I will ask Serena to help sew a separate bag so that the two Pokémon will not be crowded together.

Citron quietly pulled Xiaozhi aside and whispered:

"Xiao Zhi, it shouldn't be the same Zygarde...?"

As Dr. Bratano mentioned at the beginning, there is not only one core individual of Zygarde, and each core has its own independent personality, memory, and emotions.

Xiaozhi nodded, but he was still a little worried about the purpose of this Zygard core suddenly appearing here.

Is it possible that he plans to control Yulijia this time?

And the way the latter looked at each other just now, the other party obviously had enough wisdom to communicate... Maybe the other party knew the whereabouts of the core individual who took Fat Hali away?

"Anyway, Citron, you have to keep an eye on Yulijia. Don't let her act alone."

Xiaozhi warned.

"Well, I understand."

Citron swallowed and nodded.

He didn't want Yulijia to be like Fat Hali and suddenly leave alone...

"Well~ this is a good thing too!"

Serena came over and interrupted with a smile:

"If the other party really doesn't have any ill intentions, it means that Yulijia has really conquered Zygarde!"

Speaking of which, Yurika hasn't officially become a trainer yet, so she may be carrying an ancient god with her!

So scary!

"Hiss, is this little girl more powerful than this prince?!"

Saliman was also eavesdropping and couldn't help but be surprised.

There are actually experts? !

He starts with a Rock God Pillar. Isn't he still at his peak? !

He has never kept any Zygard in his courtyard... It seems that the other party broke in accidentally.

But he doesn't have that much time to deal with these things. The most important thing now is his throne succession ceremony!

"Everyone, the day after tomorrow is the day when this prince will officially become the leader of this city. Remember to come to my ceremony~!"

Saliman's expression changed, and he handed the invitations to Xiaozhi and others with a smile.

"The day after tomorrow...the time is just right."

After receiving the invitation, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up.

Speaking of which, they have been in Desert City for a long time.

That terrifying fight between gods almost happened last month...

The opening time of the Alliance Conference is approaching soon, so it stands to reason that they should be ready to set off.

"Don't worry, everyone, there is more than enough time. After my takeover ceremony is over, we can take a private plane directly to Miare City on the second day. The third day happens to be the opening ceremony of the conference~!"

Saliman calculated the time very accurately, and there was no extra day.

By then, he plans to go to the scene with his sister to cheer for Serena and Xiaozhi!

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