He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2770 The succession ceremony and making a wish with the divine pot!

Xiaozhi and the others naturally happily agreed to Saliman's invitation.

In the last three days, they did not continue high-intensity special training, but slowed down the pace and finally enjoyed the feeling of vacationing in a wealthy city.

Of course, Citron needs to be more careful and needs to secretly monitor Zygarde in Yurika's small satchel.

He even installed a lot of surveillance equipment on his sister...

It's just that these electronic devices made Z1 quite unhappy, and he recalled the various experiments done on it by Team Flare.

Soon, three days passed in a flash, and it was the day when Saliman officially took over the throne.

In a modern city, it is quite strange to hold such a royal ceremony.

At this moment, a large number of pedestrians and tourists gathered in the central area of ​​Desert City.

Today Saliman also deliberately opened two bridges so that people in civilian areas can walk across and celebrate together.

The location is the tallest building in the city——

This is a cylindrical stone tower, nearly a hundred meters high, standing in the center of the city and reaching into the sky, as if connecting heaven and earth.

"Guigui, I really built it for this guy..."

Xiaozhi and his party also arrived at the bottom of the Babel Stone Tower, looking up and unable to see their heads.

The surface of the stone tower is generally grayish-pink, and there are many patterns on the walls that are unique to Demon God Hupa, except for a big sign that says "Demon God Hupa Building".

However, such physical flattery naturally made Demon God Hupa very happy, and he even directly agreed that this place would be his hometown from now on.

After all, the demon god Hupa planned to travel around the world and enjoy the world after making a wish... but he was forced to stay with Saliman.

The place where the throne succession ceremony was held was on the rooftop of the Tongtian Stone Tower...

Only some of Desert City's royal dignitaries, high-ranking officials, and some important guests from other places can sit in the upper position.

Ordinary citizens and tourists pay attention from a few floors below, or directly on the street.

Xiaozhi and his team were naturally the special guests and sat at the front.

After a burst of desert-style music sounded, the ceremony officially began——

Dressed in a royal robe, Saliman walked through the red carpet aisle in the middle with a serious expression and climbed onto the high platform in front.

On the high platform, a five-meter-tall demon giant was standing there.

"Well, this guy Hupa..."

Xiaozhi curled his lips. Demon God Hupa was actually wearing a royal robe of the same style, which looked a little nondescript.

But this is the demon god in the local legend, a great being who brought wealth to Desert City...

The local royal family and nobles did not dare to show any disrespect. They all looked at the demon god Hupa with excited expressions, picked up a turban-like crown, and put it on Saliman's head.

The divine right of kings suddenly raised Saliman's reputation and status.

After the ceremony was completed, there was warm applause from all around, and many salutes rose in the sky.

"Hupa~~!! Come out here!!"

Hupa made a big move, and the six golden rings flew into the air and enlarged, and then the figures of Flame Bird, Lightning Bird, and Frozen Bird flew out from them.

Stretch your wings and dance...

At this time, the stone tower rooftop and even the surrounding area became agitated.

It’s unbelievable that a second-level god like the Flame Bird came out to dance and celebrate?

Isn’t the level of the ceremony too high? !

Xiaozhi: "..."

He was so close that he could see the confused expressions on the faces of the Three Sacred Birds from his hometown after they came out of the golden ring.

The golden ring summoning is to summon the mythical beast to help fight...

Called to dance, this is the only one!

call out…!

Before the three-sounding birds could recover, the golden ring covered their bodies and passed through them again, sending them back to their original places.

"Hip!! This is the power of this demon~!"

Hupa stood up and laughed. If he hadn't been worried that the summoned ancient gods would damage the surrounding buildings, he would have wanted to summon Kyogre and perform a whale spraying show for everyone.

"This face is invincible!"

Wearing a turban crown, Saliman quietly gave Hoopa a thumbs up.

Like Hupa, he is a person who is keen on saving face and image... His takeover ceremony should be the coolest in the history of Desert City, right?

not enough!

Saliman suddenly took out a small box and opened it carefully. There were six tentacle corners lying inside...

It is the six components of Aladdin's pot.

"Huh? Have you collected them all?!"

Even Hupa was a little surprised, this speed was a bit fast.


Saliman touched his nose, feeling quite proud.

He memorized the six scattered locations in advance, then launched a carpet-like search by the entire city, and easily gathered them together in a short time.

If the scope is expanded to cover the entire Kalos region, it may take three to five months.

Saliman held the box and came to Hupa, and said with excitement:

"How about it, Lord Demon God? Now is the time when the number of people in Desert City is the highest. At this time, if you can show your power of wishing, the whole of Carlos and even the world will be crazy for you!"

Likewise, his succession ceremony will become a great ceremony that has never been done before and will never come after!

"Hehe!! Boy, I seem to like you more and more!!"

The demon Hupa immediately looked up to the sky and laughed. This stage in front of everyone was exactly what he expected.

Then he suddenly opened his arms, a burst of crimson light glowed all over his body, and his body turned into a palm-sized divine pot.


Steadily, he landed on the high platform.

Saliman naturally understood, and quickly stepped forward and installed the tentacle corners in his small box on both sides of the divine pot one by one.

It is symmetrical from left to right, with a total of six curved horns, shaped like the six arms of the demon god Hupa.

Then he picked up the divine pot, walked to the edge of the stone tower, and raised it high.

With everyone watching, gently wipe the bottle.


The divine pot trembled for a while, and then a black-red mist floated out of it, gradually condensing into the form of a demon giant in the air.

Hupa made his official appearance, raising his arms high and looking solemn:

"Ah, the human who summoned me, you can start making wishes. This demon can grant you a wish~!"

Sounds and images spread to every corner of Desert City through surrounding equipment...


The whole city was in shock again!

Unexpectedly, not only the demon Hoopa is real, but also the Aladdin pot that can make wishes!

Xiaozhi and his group: "..."

This pair of prince and devil are really fancy!

The content of Saliman's wish is not important, as long as it is spread.

As a pampered prince, the former lacks everything... He can't let Hoopa turn him into a Groudon and ride him?

After watching the entire ceremony, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously glanced at Serena beside him.

Now it’s time to calm down and face your own competition!

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