He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2771 Arrival in Miare City!

Among the high-altitude clouds, a plane bound for Miare City was flying slowly.

This is a luxurious private plane. It is much smaller than a civil aviation aircraft. There are only about ten seats inside, and an area in the middle is used as a leisure area.

At this moment, Xiaozhi and his party, as well as the Saliman brothers and sisters, were all whispering to each other in their seats.

Saliman is still holding the magic pot in his hand, and he plans to bring the demon Hupa to the alliance conference to watch the ceremony.

Tomorrow is the day of the opening ceremony of the Alliance Conference, so it’s just the right time to fly there.

"The finals of the Miare Tournament have begun. The contestants on stage are Ai Lan and Shota..."

On the small TV in front of them, the scene from the finals of the last Miare Conference was being replayed.

It was still a battle between Ai Lan and Shota. The former defeated Shota with a crushing force.

"No matter how many times I watch it, this player Ai Lan is always so fierce~!"

Saliman was also paying attention and couldn't help but sigh.

He was still a big fan of Ai Lan before.

But now, he admires Xiaozhi's fighting skills even more, and is not as enthusiastic about Ai Lan as he was at first.

Xiaozhi was also watching the replay, especially the last scene where Mega Charizard

With one move of explosive flames, he defeated Shota's Mega Lizard King like a beast...

"I really miss it...!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi leaned on the soft chair and couldn't help but sigh.

When he first arrived in the Kalos region, the first thing he saw was the live broadcast of the finals... Now it's the day when the new conference will be held.

From knowing nothing about the human geography and Pokémon of the Kalos region, to now traveling all over Kalos, I have seen almost all the local Pokémon...

Time really flies by.


While Xiaozhi was lamenting the time, Serena, who was sitting next to him, had her eyes fixed on the screen.

Ai Lan is obviously a better player than the ordinary tournament winners, and he may not encounter such a player in the league tournament for five or six years.

"I wonder if such a master will appear in my conference this time...?!"

Serena's heart was beating.

If her opponent is Shota next to her, she will be confident in dealing with even the powerful Mega Lizard King.

Now I can only work hard!

"Haha, plane, plane~! Xiaoruan, look, there are white clouds outside!!"

Yulijia, on the other hand, was holding Z1. She looked out at the high-altitude scenery through the window and said happily.

As the core individual of Zygarde, Z1 is known as the monitor of the earth. At this moment, his legs are off the ground, but he feels a little guilty.

His face turned green with fear!


Citron has been sitting next to his sister and observing secretly.

However, it seemed that the ancient god didn't seem to have any hostility towards Yulijia, so Citron just let her go.

After all, if my sister can really subdue an ancient god... this will definitely be a great event for the ancestors!

After crossing most of the Kalos map, the plane successfully landed at the airport in Miare City.

There is no private airport here. Placed side by side with normal passenger planes, Seliman's private plane seems a bit small.

However, as soon as they saw the unique sign about Desert City outside the plane, many tourists at the airport came close to watch.

Desert City is a wealthy place. It is said that the average person is extremely rich.

Moreover, a demon god who can grant wishes was recently born there, and the news has spread throughout the Kalos region... This makes Desert City a hot period.

Many people are curious, will there be any wealthy princes or princesses on this private plane?


As the cabin door opened, Saliman was walking at the front, wearing a gorgeous royal white robe and a crown-like turban, with a luxurious temperament.

And he was holding a gray-pink bottle with a strange shape in his hand...

"He's the prince of Desert City...no, he's officially the king there!"

"Then he must be holding the Aladdin pot that can make wishes. I really want to snatch it from him..."

"It's useless to grab it. It is said that in order to use the divine pot, you must first collect all the components of the divine pot... But these small components have been scattered all over Kalos. It is not easy to gather them together."

The airport suddenly became bustling and noisy.

Now is the day when the Alliance Conference is held, and the flow of people transferring at the airport is several times that of the past, blocking the entrances and exits.

"There are so many people..."

Citron, who came out behind, couldn't help but sigh.

It is rare to see so many tourists gather in my hometown.

Then he started looking for it in the dark crowd picking up the plane. Although it was crowded, he only needed to look for the conspicuous yellow color among them...

"found it!"

Citron's eyes lit up, and he saw an electric dragon holding a pick-up sign high in front of him. The latter's body was still glowing slightly, which was quite eye-catching.

Next to the electric dragon was a rugged middle-aged sweater with a beard on his cheeks, wearing work clothes, and waving with a friendly expression.

It is Limone, the father of the Citron brothers and sisters!


"Ah daddy!"

Citron and the two ran over excitedly. With Limone's strong physique, he was able to hold his children steadily at the same time.

"Dad, look, this is the little softie I conquered! It is said that he is the ancient god of Carlos!"

Yulijia also showed off immediately.

"Ah, what ancient god...?"

Limone was confused and didn't know what the palm-sized green clay in Yurika's hands was.

"Dad, let's find a place with fewer people...it's too crowded here!"

Citron smiled dryly and changed the topic, turned around and waved to Xiaozhi and others, dragging Limone out of the airport.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention...

It’s better not to say the word ancient god casually in such a mixed place.

After all, as long as this word is not mentioned, the appearance of Xiaoruan's puddle of green slime will only be regarded as a weak Pokémon from outside that has never been seen before, and people will not take a second look at it.

With Fat Hali's lessons learned, Citron is still very cautious about Zygarde now.


Limone scratched his head. Before he could figure out the situation, he was dragged forward by his son.

"By the way, Citron, I heard that your electric dragon has fully evolved and can even mega evolve. Remember to show it to me later..."


The two father and son walked in front, while Xiaozhi and his group followed behind.

After pushing through the crowd, we walked outside the airport. The view here was wide and the crowd was much smaller, which made everyone feel relieved. (End of chapter)

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