He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 273: The Bond of the Old Opera and the Photographer

"Tsk tsk, this kind of Pikachu is not uncommon in the Kanto region..."

Archer looked curiously at the new Pikachu in front of him.

Generally speaking, Pikachu in the Kanto area are fat and fat, with a head like a big pumpkin, short and fat.

But this Pikachu is indeed quite well-proportioned, a robust body, and its head is between a round and an oval with a bit of an exotic style.

It was Chi's pensioner Pikachu.

I saw that the round-faced Pikachu landed on all fours as soon as he appeared on the stage, with a stern expression, several extremely dangerous electric currents shot from his cheeks, and in just an instant he assumed a perfect posture that was most suitable for attacking, obviously he was well-trained.


The round-faced Pikachu roared loudly, the fire in his eyes splashed everywhere, and he was suddenly full of fighting spirit.

Let the mouse see today's opponent, is it Fengwang's hairless bird, or Lugia's hairless bird?

Wouldn't it be better to have a few flashing Suicune electric shocks?

The incomparably terrifying power enveloped the entire area, making it hard to breathe, and even the nearby creek and river stopped rippling...

"Intimidating... a Pikachu with intimidating characteristics?!"

The three of Xiaozhi were still on guard, but Archer, who was in contact with him for the first time, couldn't help taking a few steps back, and sat down on the ground with a face full of surprise.

It's just that the aura came and went quickly, and soon, without noticing the existence of any enemy, the round-faced Pikachu raised its forelegs, and its expression suddenly became unfriendly.

I saw it jumping onto the high platform in two steps, sitting on its buttocks, stretching out its two small paws to support the stone slab, its stomach stopped forward, its two thighs were swaying in the air, and its mouth grinned. Looks like a gangster.

At this time, if you give it another cigarette, it will be very in line with the current style of painting.


The round-faced Pikachu looked at Xiaozhi with some dissatisfaction. It was different from the Muggle Pikachu below. Although he had retired, he still wanted to come out to fight occasionally.

"Ah this..."

Seeing Archer's bewildered expression, Xiaozhi quickly explained:

"Haha, this is the inheritance of the elders in my family. It is a real old drama. You can shoot with confidence!"

Then it turned its head and explained to the round-faced Pikachu:

"Don't fight, don't fight. Please come out as a photo model this time. My Pikachu is too hip, and I can't operate it in front of the camera. You can set a good example."



Seeing the eyes of the round-faced Pikachu, Xiaozhi Pikachu still faces down, maintaining the shape of a "wood" lying corpse on the ground, not daring to move a little.


The round-faced Pikachu immediately became angry. As an actor Pokémon, the electric mouse clan would even have electric mice messing up in front of the camera? !

Especially this junior it values ​​very much?

“Picka Picka!!”

It pointed to the camera in Archer's hand, and signaled to quickly point the camera at him, and he had to learn a lesson today.

"Ah, oh."

Archer raised the SLR camera with a dazed expression.

That's right, the private order I received at the time was just to capture Xiao Zhi's Pikachu, and this one should be considered...



And as soon as the camera locked on the round-faced Pikachu, a strange thing happened, which surprised the three of Xiaozhi very much.

I saw that Pikachu on the high platform made various poses, the interval between each pose was less than half a breath, one after another, the movements were smooth and natural.

If you didn't look carefully, you might think it was dancing a mechanical dance.

Every movement seems to be ingenious, and it seems to be a long-prepared movement, which fully demonstrates the image characteristics of Pikachu, a Pokémon.

But this Pikachu was obviously not prepared for anything before!

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The shutter sounded again and again, as if stepping on the spot rhythmically, Archer's face was extremely flushed due to shortness of breath, and his body couldn't help shaking.

He and the round-faced Pikachu seem to have entered into some kind of special fetter connection, supporting each other and connecting with each other.

Photographers and actors also have a bond!

A perfect actor can coordinate with the photographer's movements while posing in various poses, and the photographer can accurately record the actor's movements on paper in a short time gap.


Archer was completely obsessed with the filming. In less than half an hour, [biquge520 www.biquge520.co] even his 10G hard drive was completely filled, but his fingers were still numbly pressing the shutter button .

And that round-faced Pikachu is even more extraordinary, none of the 10 G movements are repeated!

Even at the back, gravity can't stop it, and the round-faced Pikachu even soared into the sky, controlling the thunder and dark clouds in mid-air, holding the thunder of the nine heavens, and the unicorn is unrivaled, like a demon god in the world!


Even Xiaozhi's Muggle Pikachu below was completely stunned, his jaws couldn't close.

Turtle, is this the highest level an actor can reach?

copy copy...

At this moment, Pikachu's eyeballs are spinning rapidly, even stained bloodshot, looking from a distance, it seems that there are a few more hooks...


"Hehe...I really can't do it anymore..."

Half an hour later, Archer's face was flushed, and he fell to the ground after showing an expression of extreme excitement. His eyes were rolling, but his fingers were still moving in the void.

"Pickup? Picca! (This is the orgasm? I haven't moved yet!)"

The round-faced Pikachu just stretched his muscles, secretly thinking that the photographer's level of experience is still a bit low, and he didn't feel comfortable serving him completely.

Then it jumped off the high platform again, and gave Muggle Pikachu a stick, signaling the latter to watch and learn, not to insult the reputation of the actors of the electric mouse line.

"Pika pickup..."

Muggle Pikachu nodded again and again, indicating that the work has been copied, and it will definitely be a qualified actor next time.


Hearing that the round-faced Pikachu nodded in satisfaction. Although there was no fight today, it would be interesting to release the actor's soul once in a while. Then he greeted Xiaozhi, and his body turned into red light with a "whoosh". Go back to sleep in the poke ball.

This is the natural limitation of the electric mouse family.


Sleepy in spring, tired in summer, tired in autumn and lack of hibernation, all the year round, every day is a good day for sleeping.

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

Before the three of them could do anything, Archer stood up again like a dead body. Although his expression revealed great fatigue, his eyes became flat, and everything seemed to lack a little bit of pyrotechnic emotion.

After strenuous exercise, in addition to looking tired, you will also enter a sage state, with no desires or desires in your mind.

Three people: "..."

Archer held the video camera in his hand, secretly thinking that this private order acceptance should be officially over, and the old couple who wanted to get Pikachu's photo should be satisfied.

No, with a photo of 10 G, he will also win the gold medal in next year's Yuan Zhufeng Wang Photo Contest!

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