He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 274: Flame Bird Information

"Yuanzhu Fengwang Photo Contest?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking curiously.

"Well, this is a competition specially set up in Chengdu to commemorate the great local god, the legendary Phoenix King. It means to look at everything in the world from the perspective of the Phoenix King."

When Archer said this, there was a bit of sacredness in his eyes.

Although it seems that God Phoenix King has lost trust in human beings now, and has not appeared in the human field of vision for a long time, holding this kind of competition also has the meaning of redemption.

Take a look at the photos that everyone took for you. These can reflect the bond between people and Pokémon.

After reading it, everyone's misunderstanding is resolved, and they are still good brothers.


"Phoenix King..."

Xiaozhi thought of the rainbow feather in his arms, which seemed to come from a Pokémon named Fengwang.

Looks like a high status?

She lost hair again, and was described as scum by old brother Chi. His status in his heart before was actually not as good as that of the toucan on the rotten street.

"Chengdu area? If I have time in the future, I can go there and visit this photo contest..."

Xiao Gang next to him narrowed his deep eyes, and there was a little excitement in his eyes.

Ever since he recorded the precious video of the human-bird battle for Xiaozhi on Red Lotus Island, he had the urge to be an action film director.

"Oh? Is this foreign friend also interested in photography...?"

Archer couldn't help asking.

He thought that Xiaogang's body shape and skin color were actually more suitable for playing basketball in the Hezhong area.

Xiao Gang: "..."

He wants to use Archer's head as a basketball.

"Hey, don't underestimate our teacher Gang! He is a man with rock will!"

As Xiaogang's best brother, Xiaozhi naturally defended him immediately.

"And the video he made for me at the beginning is now popular all over the Internet! It has millions of views!"

Xiaozhi immediately took out the illustration book, and sacrificed the precious video of the human-bird battle. Archer's eyes almost popped out when he saw it. Just let him know what it means.

"Fuck, so you guys took this picture! Brother Hei nb!"

Archer's face flushed again, the sage mode faded, and he stood up and scored twice.

Xiao Gang looked at the side with a little touch, he didn't expect that he had such a high status in Xiao Zhi's heart.


"Of course we are hxd!"

While Archer was still watching the video, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang couldn't help giving each other a big bad hug, which made Xiaoxia next to him like a big light bulb.

Of course, Xiaozhi has a second meaning.

Like the ancient emperors, there was an eunuch and historian beside him to record his great life, so why couldn't he have a black uncle beside Xiaozhi to record this magnificent life for him? !

"Brother Hei is really talented. Although the shooting techniques are a little immature, they can vividly show the bond between humans and frozen birds, which is very vigorous!"

Then Archer looked at Xiaozhi again, with an expression as if he was looking at some monster.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't expect that my brother is still a humanoid weapon, and he can shoot a special film with Frozen Bird..."

Suddenly, he had a bold idea.

"By the way, can I join your team?"

Seeing that the three of them were immediately entangled, Archer quickly added:

"I'll just join the team and stay for a while! And you've seen Frozen Bird, don't you want to meet another legendary divine bird? I have a source of information!"

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened immediately, and he took a rough breath:

"Another divine bird?"

"That's right, it's the legendary god of thunder and lightning, Lightning Bird! Isn't it amazing? Haha, let me tell you, I know the target is in the unmanned power plant northeast of Ziyuan Town!"

Archer patted his chest, and said with a high spirited expression.

Photographers have their own sources of information to some extent, but he just got gossip from the work group recently, and he can't wait to take a full-body portrait of Lightning Bird right away.

However, his own strength is mediocre, maybe the bird has not seen it, and the person has already rushed to the street.

In front of him, Xiaozhi, who can fight frozen birds hand-to-hand, is a good choice...


Why do they look at me like they are looking at a fool...?

"We have already rushed over the Lightning Bird, hee hee."

Xiaozhi took out the lightning bird's feathers casually, and secretly pretended to be a big one as if effortlessly.

Sure enough, this action really stunned him, Archer's eyes were full of surprise again, and he scored three times.

The three god birds have seen two of them...

Immediately, his eyes became more and more fiery, which proved that as long as he followed Xiaozhi, he would definitely have a chance to capture the last divine bird!

"hxd, I still have specific information about the God of Fire, the Flame Bird! Please let me join the team until we find its trace!"

Hearing that Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, the three of them looked at each other, and immediately said in unison:

"Good job, welcome to the team!"

Flame bird, the last of the three god birds in the Kanto region, this is what Brother Chi once said, he was looking for an opponent for his fire dinosaur.

The fire dinosaur is about to evolve. If it can fight the fire god at this time point, there may be a qualitative ascension.

"But I only know an approximate location, and the rest is up to you."

That's what Chi told him.

In the electronic world, the flame bird is just a wild chicken, staying on the champion road of the Quartz Plateau, so there is no need to look for it.

But it is different in this world. The specific location of the Quartz Plateau, when it will appear, and whether it will go south and hibernate are all question marks, and Xiaozhi has to find out by himself.

"Good life."

Unexpectedly, he almost forgot what brother Chi had told him, but the answer came to him automatically.

"Ahem, as far as I know, there has always been a flame bird in our quartz plateau, but it only appears in March and September of a year, and it won't stay there at other times."

Archer looked at the time on his phone and explained:

"I estimated the time, and the next time it will appear should be... one month later."


Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened even more, because one month later, he was going to the end of the Quartz Plateau, which is also the venue for this year's Quartz Alliance Conference, and unexpectedly, he happened to be on the way again.

"The world doesn't revolve around me, does it? Don't disgust me..."

Of course, this thought is fleeting, he is just a country boy, how could he be the center of the world?

Archer officially joined the team. Together, the four-person team planned to go to Zhenxin Town first, and set off for the Quartz Plateau a few days earlier in a month, looking for the flame bird...



On the other side, at a secret base, the Rockets trio are enjoying a leisurely tea time.

"By the way, is it really okay for us to take such a leisurely holiday, meow?"

"It's okay, we have hired a Pokémon hunter from the Internet at a high price to capture Pikachu with the head of the imp. The other party just sent a message that the target has been completely captured in his hands, and now the courier will probably deliver it."

"You really have Kojiro, as expected of a krypton gold player!"

Hearing this, Kojiro smiled triumphantly, and secretly remembered that he was surfing that day, when a small pornographic website popped up unintentionally, Kojiro naturally reported it backhanded after three minutes of watching it.

Unexpectedly, another interface popped up, which attracted his attention.

The website says that it undertakes all kinds of Pokémon capture business and seals them in a square inch.

Kojiro rushed to vip13 immediately. In order not to arouse suspicion, he even disguised himself as an old lady who was eager to get Pikachu. He wanted Xiaozhi's Pikachu, and he must not expose his existence, trying to hide his existence. The other party naturally agreed. , indicating that he will immediately go to capture Pikachu.

"Is there anyone, there is your courier."

There was a knock on the door, and the three of Kojiro were overjoyed. Didn't expect the express delivery service to deliver live Pokémon now?

Haha, the strange Pikachu is finally ours! !

The three of them beamed as they accepted a courier in the shape of an envelope, and their expressions began to freeze slowly...

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