He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 275: Magic Wall Puppet and Circus

The middle road between Zhenxin Town and Changpan City, which is the original No. 1 road, Xiaozhi and his party have already arrived here. This is a vast grassland without rocks or woods, and it is very peaceful and comfortable.

From afar, one could even see a corner of Zhenxin Town.

"Wow, is this the real new town? It's kind of nice."

Archer immediately picked up the camera and took pictures again and again, like a treasure.

Zhenxin Town is a pure white town without any pollution, and the scenery naturally has this characteristic, which can give people a sense of comfort and relaxation.

Seeing that the flowers in his hometown seemed to be blooming again, Xiaozhi finally couldn't bear the eagerness in his heart, and picked up Pikachu's neck to sprint for a hundred meters, and let go of his feet to start the dash!

"Be careful!"

"Be careful with the hammer, I can run from this place with my eyes closed!"

Xiaozhi replied confidently, and even closed his eyes during the 100-meter sprint.

"Pika pickup!"

The same is true for Pikachu, it is really familiar in Zhenxin Town, and it is no problem to close your eyes and use the electric light to flash.


Suddenly, one person and one mouse who were still running at high speed seemed to have hit something, their bodies stopped suddenly somewhere, and they fell backward tactically. There was a sound of hitting the wall in the air, and they hit the wall with their heads The two of them are both out of their minds...

"The void hits the wall?"

The three people in the back didn't dare to be careless, they hurried up and walked to Xiaozhi's side, but there was nothing in front of them, it was very unreal.

Wouldn't he have a sudden myocardial infarction because of being too excited?

Then they tried to touch with their arms, but they magically touched a mass of substance in a mass of air, similar to a wall.

"A wall of air...?"

The three of them were stunned. In this world, even the air can become a spirit...?

"Ba Liba Li~~"

The sound not far in front attracted everyone's attention. When I looked up, I found that the source of the sound was a humanoid Pokémon, with several pink sources on its white body, slender limbs, and gray-blue feet. The boots look like a human child, and the face is like a clown in a circus, so cute.

"Magic Wall Doll!?"

Everyone recognized this Pokémon immediately, and only then did they know that the air wall was not born naturally, because the magic wall doll is a Pokémon that is good at making air walls.

"Damn it, is this guy the one who made me hit the street...?"

Xiaozhi rubbed the red and swollen bump on his head and got up from the ground, angrily took out the illustrated book and scanned it.

"Didi. For the Pokémon that have been tested, I will not answer here. I will check the history by myself."

The illustrated book replied, cold and heartless.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Only then did he remember that in Golden City that day, Nazi seemed to have used this kind of Pokémon, which caused him a lot of trouble.

It is said that there is still cold knowledge. The magic wall doll is a human wearing a clown headgear. After forgetting to take it off and going to sleep, I found that I really couldn't take it off the next day.

"Pokémon with super power attributes... so alive, I will forgive you!"

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened suddenly. At this moment, his team happened to lack a super-type Pokémon. It seemed that this was a treasure given to him by the heavens.

I want to subdue you!

"It's up to you, Pikachu, to use Flash!"


Pikachu with the big bag on his head nodded, with a bad expression on his face, he dared to let it lose all face, and immediately landed on all fours and turned into a beast mentality, his body was covered with bright white light, and he rushed up with his forehead.


The lightning flashed less than half a meter, and Pikachu hit the transparent wall. The strong impact made it bounce back immediately, stuck out his tongue and passed out.

Everyone: "?"

This should be the same wall, right?

Touch porcelain?

Or is it that the brain of the current electric mouse is just like this, and they don't know how to dodge after being hit once?

"Hey Pikachu, you're stretching your hips again!"

Xiaozhi shook his head, with a look of hatred for iron, and then he stopped seeing Pikachura's fainted appearance, and immediately decided to make a move himself, throwing a poke ball with his backhand, crossing the barrier wall in front of him, and quickly projecting away.


The elf ball hit the second transparent wall, and even because of the excessive power of Xiao Zhi, the elf ball shattered into slag on the spot.

"Let's go, let's go~~"

The magic wall puppet just stood there harmlessly, with its palms spread out and moving perpendicular to the ground, as if it was cleaning the glass.


Xiaozhi was short of breath, and was about to use Bull Rush immediately, but when he was about to directly smash the transparent wall in front of him with his body, a female voice came from behind, the voice was quite low and powerful, interrupting his attacking action .

"Several trainers, can you give me this magic wall puppet."

Before everyone could react, the magic wall puppet saw the person coming, and took the lead in moving. After a few small jumps, it dodged towards the side of the grassland, and disappeared after a while.


Xiaozhi subconsciously wanted to go forward to catch up, but once again forgot that there was a transparent wall in front of him, and hit it again, his body fell backward tactically, and fell together with the electric mouse with the word "wood" on the ground, unable to fight.

One person and one mouse, both rushing to the street.

The three of Xiaogang: "..."

This way, it seems more harmonious...


"So and so..."

Afterwards, the four of Xiaozhi, who regained their sobriety, communicated with the woman who appeared later, and only then did they know the ins and outs.

The woman is about 17 or 18 years old, and her name is Ajin. She has long dark blue hair tied into a ponytail and wears a men's dress with boots. In fact, she is the head of a Universal Circus.

"Our troupe travels in various regions. Wherever we go, we stop to perform circuses, earn enough travel expenses, and then continue to perform in the next place..."

The eyes of Xiaozhi and the others who said this showed great envy.

"And this week we went to Zhenxin Town in the Kanto region, which is touring the circus on this grassland."

Speaking of which, Ajin led the three of them to the other side of the grassland in a direction parallel to Zhenxin Town. From a distance, there were indeed many tents stationed on the grassland, and the rope locks were all novel, like It doesn't look like they've been stationed for long.

Interested, and since he couldn't run away from his hometown, Xiao Zhi simply followed him out of curiosity.

This circus tent area is composed of seven or eight small tents, surrounded by a big tent in the middle. The big tent is half the size of a church, with a big signboard full of Pokémon hanging on it, and the most conspicuous one is It's a magic wall puppet.

"That's where we officially perform, and the other small tents are places for rest and training. As for why I wanted to capture that magic wall puppet, you come with me..."

Speaking of this, Ajin sighed, his expression darkened, and he led Xiaozhi and the others to the most remote tent. Looking inside through the side window, he saw a sofa and a Pokémon inside. Meng was lying sideways on it, with a relaxed and relaxed expression, and there were a few human beings fanning and feeding beside him, like an earth emperor.

Another magic wall puppet.

It's just that this magic wall doll looks extremely fat and bloated, with a protruding belly, a greasy face with double chins, and even the originally slender limbs have become extremely fat.

It seems that even getting out of bed and walking is probably very difficult...

Xiaozhi quickly shook his body, hugged his Pikachu, pointed to the fat magic wall doll inside and said:

"Pikachu, you have to take this as a warning. If you continue like this, don't talk about being in charge of the Nine Heavens Thunder. Whether you can bend over is a question mark. From now on, you can eat 1 floor full."

Pikachu: "?"

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