He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2774 Korni joins the team!

"By the way...Miss Pansy, what seed player did you just say...?"

Seeing Pansy pointing the camera at her, Serena's cheeks turned red and she asked awkwardly.

"Oh, our magazine will recommend a few favorites to be on the cover in advance... I think Serena, you are very promising~"

Pansy replied with a smile.

This time in the league meeting, there was no outrageous player like Ai Lan.

With Serena's strength, maybe she can really get into the soul with one shot and win the championship at the beginning.

Of course, Pansy believes in Xiaozhi's strength... and being able to travel with Xiaozhi, Serena's strength must not be underestimated.

"Haha, how can it be so dangerous..."

Serena straightened her hair awkwardly. It was not a good thing to set the flag before starting the game.

Although they are both photographers, compared to my sister, I like to take humanistic photos...

Violet next to her prefers to take photos of Pokémon, so her camera is always on standby.

When the competition starts later, it will be her time to take pictures!

"I have to go to other places to shoot... Let's make an appointment to get together later~"

After saying hello, Pansy waved her hands and prepared to leave, not intending to disturb Serena for long.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, I'm also looking forward to your performance in the strongest trainer conference later~!"

Before leaving, Pansy winked at Xiaozhi.

Although this conference is held somewhat inexplicably, and the people behind the scenes are also very mysterious... But if Xiaozhi participates, Pansy will still put all its treasures on Xiaozhi alone.

After witnessing the entire United World Championships, she was extremely convinced of Xiaozhi's strength.

I’m a big fan too!

Even if the champion Karuna is here now, Pansy won't think it will be difficult for Xiaozhi to deal with it...

"Haha, Miss Pansy, are you more confident than myself...?"

Watching the photographer sisters leave, Xiaozhi scratched his head and laughed dryly.

But according to Pansy, in addition to the contestants, there are also many people outside the competition who are paying attention to this mysterious competition...

During this trip in the Kalos region, Xiaozhi and his team made many friends, many of whom they had deep friendships with.

Within a hundred meters of entering the venue, I had already greeted several acquaintances.

"Xiao Zhi has a wide network of contacts in the outside world..."

Saliman watched all the way and couldn't help but sigh.

And most of these people have absolute confidence in Xiaozhi...just like themselves!

After witnessing the battle between gods, Saliman also believed that Xiaozhi was invincible!

"Well, let's go to the private viewing area in Desert City first... and we'll get together after the game is over."

However, the Saliman brothers and sisters had no intention of watching the battle with Xiaozhi and his group.

The Kalos region has just become popular, so the Kalos Alliance also specially reserved a VIP position for them in Desert City.

He had just taken over the throne and had to show his face there.

"Hey, I also want to watch the game and listen to Xiaozhi's critical comments~"

Saliman lowered his head in frustration, while Sara beside him covered her mouth and chuckled, pulling her brother forward.

"Then come on, Serena! My brother and I will cheer for you from the other side!"

It's just that they have just sent away the rich brother and sister, and they haven't moved very far yet.


Xiaozhi suddenly raised his eyebrows and felt a whirlpool of energy coming from behind, and the breath was somewhat familiar.

It’s the power of waveguides! ?

But the power is very small, it can only blow the brim of his hat.

Turning around, I found that there was already a girl wearing a red and white practice skirt behind me.

She has a well-proportioned figure, long golden hair tied into a high ponytail, fashionable sunglasses on her forehead, and long bangs hanging down from both sides of the glasses...

"Kerni!? Why are you here?!"

Xiaozhi and others exclaimed in unison.

Is it possible that the gym leader also wants to challenge the alliance conference?

There is also a heroic Lucario standing next to Korni. The previous waveguide cyclone was naturally released by the latter.

"Hehe~! I'm here to participate in the competition, but it's not the Miare Conference~!"

Korni took out a familiar invitation letter from her arms with a smile, and shook it proudly:

"I'm here to participate in the strongest trainers conference!"

At that time, she was still practicing on the beach in Saluo City...but suddenly a dragon broke through the waves in the distance and rushed towards her at a very fast speed, which even startled Kerni at the time.

It turned out to be a messenger dragon, delivering her the invitation to the competition.

Worried about not having any place to challenge for exercise, Kerni naturally went to the appointment happily.

Thinking that Serena would also attend the league conference, she came to Miare City in advance to watch the conference games for a few days and relax.

"Oh~ In other words, this time, Kerni's opponent is me?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but raise his voice, and he also took out an invitation letter from his arms.

"Sure enough, I knew Xiaozhi must have this too!"

Seeing this, Korni's eyes instantly lit up and she became excited.

In fact, she has never fought against Xiaozhi.

When she was in Salo City, she fought against Serena, while Xiaozhi had a passionate fight with Xiaomao, who happened to be traveling. She had no chance to intervene.

But it’s different now!

"My Lucario has fully mastered the power of waveguide!"

Korni looked excited and confident.


Lucario next to him also had firm eyes and clenched the dog's paw, looking like he was determined to win.

"Interesting...I'm looking forward to it!"

Xiaozhi grinned. He was now looking forward to the start of the conference more and more.

Coincidentally, Korni came to Miare City alone, and Grandpa Cocobul was staying at the Salo Gym.

He simply joined a group of people and formed a temporary team.

Anyway, in the past few days, she and Xiaozhi were just spectators.

"Oh~ Pikachu has become cuter~! Hey, Yurika, what kind of Pokémon have you conquered? It looks so weird?"

So everyone walked into the venue while chatting...

As everyone sat down in an orderly manner, the Nada venue was gradually filled with people, and the opening ceremony of the Carlos Alliance Conference officially began.

The opening ceremony here does not need to have all the contestants stand in the center of the arena to receive the attention ceremony like in other regions.

After the officials gave a brief opening speech, the Miare Conference officially began.

On the huge electronic screen above the arena, more than a hundred player avatars began to randomly change and match, choosing their first-round opponents...

Serena sat in the audience, staring intently at the flickering big screen.

Until the picture freezes... her expression also becomes fixed.


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