He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2775 Serena’s first battle!

After the random matching results were announced, the venue quickly entered the first round of eliminations.

Since there was only one battle arena in the entire Miare venue, the schedule was very tight, with almost no delays in between.

"Is it finally about to begin? Serena's first battle!"

Looking at the girl slowly taking the stage at one end of the arena, Xiaozhi cheered up and said in anticipation.

Serena's battle order was very high, and there were only a few battles in the front.


The ground of the arena also sank. There seemed to be some special device under the ground. After a dull mechanical operation, an intact arena composed of lawns and rocks rose up in the center of the venue.

"Hey, I also participated in the invention of this arena replacement device~"

Citron smiled and pushed up his glasses, a little proud.

Rocks, grass, woods, rivers, glaciers...these natural environments are randomly combined.

When the current arena is damaged to a certain extent, the old one will be sunk and replaced with a new one, without much delay.

"The power of science is really great!"

Xiaozhi nodded in wonder, his eyes falling on both ends of the field.

The position where the players are standing is a protruding suspended platform that can be firmly nested with the raised arena ground below to form a complete plane.

On one end is Serena, and on the other end is a trainer named Apen, carrying a guitar, wearing a rock-style midriff-baring top and tight pants, but also wearing a thick blue coat, which looks a bit different. .

She has short brown-red hair and a delicate face, and it is somewhat difficult to tell the difference between male and female.

"Is it a three-on-three battle at the beginning...? If you lose in every round, you will be eliminated directly."

Korni sat next to him and watched the battle with interest.

Serena had defeated her before and was a trainer who was very good at using strategic battles.

It's completely different from her and pure passionate trainers like Xiaozhi.

The referee is a yellow-haired uncle, riding on a strong shield sword monster, as if driving a flying machine, he can move flexibly in the air for observation.

"Then, the battle begins!"

As the referee shouted loudly, Serena and Apeng threw the elf balls at the same time.

boom! boom!

Serena directly sent the ace demon fire red fox, and the opposite party sent a familiar Qixi blue bird.

"Is it also an ace? It's interesting!"

With sharp eyes, Serena noticed at a glance that the Tanabata Blue Bird had a mega stone hanging around its neck, which was obviously the opponent's trump card.

Like her, they all plan to show off their momentum at the beginning!

"Then, let's mega evolve!!"

A Peng was not polite, he raised his arm high, and the key stone on the back of the glove suddenly burst into dazzling light.

The next moment, a gorgeous mega Tanabata bluebird spread its wings and hovered, revealing a brand new attitude!

This scene also made the venue agitated. Unexpectedly, in the first round of the competition, mega evolution had already appeared! ?

However, Serena was also very familiar with Mega Tanabata Blue Bird and did not panic at all.

"Tanabata blue bird, high-speed star!!"

The mega Tanabata Blue Bird spreads its wings and flies out with countless pink energy stars, kicking off the battle.

With the addition of fairy skin characteristics, all high-speed stars with general attributes are converted into fairy attributes.

"Magic Flame!!"

Not to be outdone, the demon fire red fox also condensed countless flames with one move of the wooden staff and threw them out together.

Boom boom boom! !

Intensive moves bombarded the center of the arena continuously, and smoke and dust rose up, obscuring the field of vision.

However, before the Qixi Blue Bird could react, a water bomb suddenly came out of the smoke and was thrown straight towards it.


Caught off guard, it was hit by a water balloon.

"Huh? Does the Demon Fire Red Fox also have water-type moves?"

In the spectator seats, Korni said doubtfully.

At one end of the smoke, there was clearly a demon fire red fox waving a wooden staff, as if a witch had cast a "water balloon spell".

"You only know that one trick, so pour cold water on it."

Next to him, Xiaozhi still knew it and explained.

Serena's Demon Fire Red Fox only knows this water-type move, and its power is very low, not even as good as a water gun.

It can slightly reduce the opponent's attack power...but more often than not, it is just used by Serena to smash other people's faces and cover their sight with water spray.

But if the target at this moment is Qixi Blue Bird, it will be completely different!

As the smoke and dust dispersed, I saw the Mega Tanabata Bluebird falling from the sky. Its whole body was soaked, and the fluffy cotton greatly absorbed water and shrank together. Its gorgeous figure instantly changed.

Really drowned rat!


It was even difficult to fly for a while, and it whined when it landed on the ground.

"Hey, Tanabata Blue Bird's weakness is water~!"

Serena raised her lips, this is weakness restraint that is different from attribute restraint!

So now it's her turn to attack!

"Demon Fire Red Fox, use magic to shine!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the demon fire red fox raised the wooden staff high, and the front end flashed with an unusually dazzling light, which dazzled the Qixi Blue Bird for a moment and made it difficult to raise its head.

Immediately afterwards, a bright pink energy light group approached very quickly...

Boom boom! !

The demon fire red fox was wrapped in a magical shining coat, and hit the Qixi Blue Bird's chest hard, knocking the latter's entire body backwards.

Outstanding effect!

Although he is a traitor to the dragon clan, possessing both dragon and fairy attributes... Tanabata Blue Bird is still restrained by the fairy's moves.

"Ah Tanabata Bluebird!!"

The sudden change in the situation also made the opponent A Peng panic.

Why is it that this girl's Demonic Fire Red Fox, which has no mega evolution, can still beat her mega Tanabata Blue Bird? !

"The victory has been decided."

In the stands, Xiaozhi shook his head, and the expectation in his pupils temporarily disappeared.

Although it is a mega evolution... there are differences in strength and weakness.

Obviously, the level of the Mega Tanabata Blue Bird on the opposite side is not very high, and the improvement is not that big either.

At this moment, the ace duel against him at the beginning, once he loses, he will naturally be defeated like a mountain.

The ending was no surprise either. After the Demon Fire Red Fox defeated the Mega Tanabata Blue Bird, he quickly defeated A Peng's other mounts, the Goat and the Fragrance Essence, in a powerful one-to-three victory!

"Contestant Serena from Chaoxiang Town, advances!"

The referee on the Shield Sword Monster immediately announced his decision loudly.

On the field, Serena breathed a sigh of relief, took back the demon fire red fox and turned to leave.

However, this good start also completely stabilized her confidence.

"Okay! Let's wait until we reach the finals!"

Kerni, who had not been in contact with Xiaozhi and his group for a long time, was quite surprised, covered her mouth and exclaimed:

"Wow, is Serena so strong now?!"

Isn't Serena a little bit stronger than when she fought against her? !

He doesn’t look like a trainer who is traveling in his first year at all!

"Hehe, Serena's strength hasn't been fully unleashed yet~"

Next to him, Xiaozhi chuckled, very confident in the latter.

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