He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2776 The first round of battles!

Serena's clean and tidy one-and-three attire made the venue burst into warm applause, and many people immediately remembered this beautiful and sassy girl.

"Look, look, Serena is wearing one and three, she's so handsome!!"

In another seat in the auditorium, Shana was holding her two childhood sweethearts, shouting and screaming.

However, the expressions of Tierno and Doropa were not so excited.

Instead, he lowered his head and his face became more solemn and nervous.

"Has Serena become so strong..."

"If I faced her..."

They are also new trainers who are taking the stage for the first time, so they are equally nervous!

Before it lasted long, Doropa stood up first.

His first battle is coming soon, and he has to go to the backcourt in advance to wait.

"come on!"

Tierno could only cheer for his fellow sufferers, but he also seemed to be speaking to himself.

Although there are no perverted players like Ai Lan in this tournament... it is still stressful.

No, the game has just begun. Who knows if a second Ai Lan will appear? !

After a few rounds, it was Doroba's turn.

"Hey, is it Doropa?!"

Xiaozhi was looking a little bored. After all, it was only the first round, and the quality of the competition was not too high.

But seeing an old acquaintance immediately cheered him up.

As for the player opposite, he is also a familiar face——

A young girl who may not be of legal age as a trainer.

Wearing a gorgeous princess dress, with curly pink hair, and holding a lady's fan in her hand, she looked a little arrogant.

"Oh~ Is this princess's opponent in the first round going to be you, Jarhead?!"

Princess Ali was quite disdainful of Doropa, who had a weak temperament and did not look like a strong man at all.

"Princess Ali...?"

Seeing the appearance of this arrogant little princess, Xiaozhi came back to his senses. She was the little princess he had met in a luxurious palace in Gumu Town, right?

"Humph, it's this annoying guy again!"

Yulijia turned her head away in displeasure.

Although he is about the same age as himself, he is able to participate in the alliance meeting... Is this a back door? !

"Maybe it's due to strength..."

Citron said, he remembered that Princess Ali started training Pokémon battles when she was very young. Although the tactics were immature, she was still pretty good.

But when it comes to Doropa, it won't be that simple.

"Game start!"

As the referee's voice fell, Princess Ali took the lead in throwing the elf ball, a Dolymia in the shape of a lady.

Facing the aggressive little girl, Doroba couldn't help but weaken a little, and also threw his elf ball.


When the red light fell, Doropa also directly dispatched his ace fire-breathing dragon.


It's just that the Charizard, which was obviously handsome and fierce in appearance, suddenly lost its momentum just like its trainer when faced with Princess Ali's mean and fierce eyes.

He even held his tail and let out a low cry.

This is a rare and timid Charizard.

Xiaozhi: "..."

No matter how many times I see this scene, I am always curious.

"A weak fire-breathing dragon? Hey, I got promoted for nothing!"

Princess Ali flapped her fan, sneered, and took the initiative to attack:

"Dolemia, charging beam!!"

At first glance, she has attribute restraint. She is not the ignorant little girl she looks like on the outside.


Dolymiya opened her mouth, and a beam of current laser suddenly blasted out.

When the battle began, Doropa also cheered up, and his voice became much tougher without realizing it:

"Fly, Charizard!"

The fire-breathing dragon spread its wings and avoided the current while opening its mouth:

"Spray flames!!"

The next moment, a blazing flame beam spurted out from it and shot towards the target in the air.

"Dodge and move at high speed!!"

Dolymiya moved quickly and ran quickly on the field, dodging the flames easily.

However, Doropa's expression did not change and he continued to attack:

"Then... the flame vortex!"

The fire-breathing dragon continued to output in the air, and this time the straight flames turned into winding and curved flame tornadoes, constantly attacking Dolymia.

It seemed that all the moves were dodged, but before he knew it, the surrounding area of ​​Dolymiya was surrounded by flames.


The noble collie finally came to her senses and found herself with nowhere to hide.

However, Doropa's command remained calm, as if he was finishing his battle, and said in a deep voice:

"The last one is...big characters Explosive Flame!!"

Charizard understood, and the flames at the end of the tail held in his hand surged.

Opening her mouth as wide as possible, a beam of blazing large-character explosive flames came down suddenly, and Dolymiya, who had nowhere to dodge, could only choose to fight head-on with a sacrificial impact...

Boom boom! !

At one end of the arena, there was a violent explosion of flames!

As the fire gradually dissipated, Dolymia fell to the ground, her whole body charred and black.

The originally well-groomed lady's look was completely burned, and it took a lot of money and time to recreate it with a blow-dry...

"Dolymia, you have lost the ability to fight!"

The referee immediately said loudly.

This scene also made Princess Ali bite her lip, quite annoyed.

Damn it, this Jarhead looks weak, but he is so strong!

Are you pretending to be so timid on purpose? !

"Then it's you, come on to this princess!!"

Princess Ali sent a second Pokémon, this time a huge Kirby, which even made a dull sound when it landed on the field.

"Kirby zz..."

It's just that this Kirby is in a sleeping state, sleeping with its belly facing the sky.

"Good opportunity, Charizard, use Flame Vortex!!"

Doropa did not choose to let go of this opportunity and took the opportunity to attack, intending to use the continuous damage of the flame vortex to consume it.

"Hey, hey, that's a foul! I have to wait until my Kirby wakes up before we can start fighting!!"

Princess Ali immediately stamped her feet in anger.

Damn it, it's all the housekeeper's fault, she fed all her Pokémon before the competition started...

It's not a big problem if other Pokémon are fed, but Kirby will just sleep until it dies!

A 30% full Kirby is in perfect condition!

"Kabi uh..."

Kirby, wrapped in firelight, could not help but whine even in a deep sleep state, its face wrinkled as if it was having a nightmare.

Doropa did not give him a chance and shouted:

"Zhenqi bomb!!"

This fighting move originally had a very low hit rate, but Kirby, who was sleeping soundly at this moment, directly increased the hit rate of the Chi Bomb to 100%!

Charizard rubbed his hands in the air, and an orange light bullet was suddenly thrown out.

Boom! !

The infuriating bomb hit Kirby's face head-on, causing another loud explosion.

Outstanding effect!


Even though Kirbymon is extremely durable, it completely lost its ability to fight in its sleep before it fully woke up...

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