He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2778 The strange squid king? !

Sky Trainers, as the name suggests, are fought high in the air.

The trainers will also wear flight suits and conduct commands together in the air or at high places.

It's just that at this moment, the alliance conference is just a battle on the ground, and it is impossible to fully utilize the advantages of the sky trainers.

On the opposite side is a destroyer from Alola...

"Come out, armored warrior!!"

Guzma sent a tall and strong hard-shelled insect. It stood upright and was covered with a blue-gray hard shell that looked like a warrior's armor. The sharp claws on its arms emitted an astonishing cold light.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, his momentum caused the face of the Sky Trainer opposite to change.

She even had a feeling that this armored warrior might rush up at any time and tear her apart as a trainer.

The same goes for the trainer opposite, with a fierce look in his eyes, like a bully who does everything he can?

She is an academic trainer and does not like fighting this type of opponent.

"Damn it... Colorful Pink Butterfly! Let's go to battle!"

Misora ​​gritted her teeth and sent her Pokémon, which was naturally a flying Pokémon.

But both of them are insect attributes.


The armored warrior shouted in a low voice, which frightened the pink butterfly to death, and it flapped its wings and took a few steps back.

"In terms of momentum, I completely lost..."

In the audience, Xiaozhi shook his head. In terms of momentum alone, this Pokémon called Armored Warrior simply crushed the pink butterfly.

So this is the bug from the Alola region... Very domineering!

"Hell Thrust!!"

Even as soon as the battle began, the armored warrior rushed out, and the sharp claws attached to them were attached to black light, turning into a bunch of sharp spikes.

Phew! !

The Hell Thrust directly hit the vital part of Cai Pink Butterfly's throat, causing the latter to let out a miserable whine, and its petite figure was thrown backwards and fell.

"Useless guy... missile needle, end it!!"

Guzma sneered disdainfully and said in a deep voice.

The armored warrior immediately retracted his arms and raised them in front of him. His sharp claws were like flame cannon barrels, continuously shooting out missile spikes!

Boom boom boom! !

The dense missile needles directly covered the pink butterflies that had not yet reacted to the hell thrust, and bombarded them continuously!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the originally gorgeous and beautiful butterfly had been completely beaten into an insect shape and fell to the ground miserably.

"Colorful Pink Butterfly!!"

Meikong's face also turned pale, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

He even looked to the other side angrily.

Crazy, this foreign trainer, I have no grudge against you, why are you so violent? !

"Hurry up, next one! Is Carlos's trainer the only one with this level?"

Guzma put his hands in his pockets as a matter of course and urged him dissatisfied.

There was no other way, Misora ​​could only keep a livid face and continue to release the next Pokémon.

It's just that the strength of the two is obviously a different level.

Next, whether it was her Electric Flying Squirrel or Fierce Arrow Eagle, they were all defeated by the armored warrior with overwhelming power, powerfully piercing three!

The speed at which the game ended was even faster than Serena's previous one-through-three!

Winning easily, Guzma took back the armored warrior, glanced disdainfully at the sky trainer in front of him, and then turned around and left.

"Hmph... Carlos is only at this level, look at me destroying you all!"

It seems like that guy from Ilima is not that good either. He feels complacent about participating in a competition like this.

I didn’t even get a winning trophy!

Guzma's strong performance caused the venue to burst into warm applause.

The audience naturally couldn't hear Guzma's provocative words, but this overwhelming and fierce battle turned many people into fans instantly.

Strength is justice!

"Wow, this guy's strength is not simple!"

Even Xiaozhi in the stands couldn't help but marvel.

I wonder what level this guy is in the Alola region... How does it compare to the Royal Masked Man he fought against before?

But why did this man's demeanor remind him of Shinji inexplicably?

"It should not be underestimated..."

Serena's eyes also became serious, especially the armored warrior's battle, which was completely beating the opponent to death, which was not the normal battle habit of the public.

She must be careful, if her demon fire red fox is hit by that hell thrust, it may be in danger...

The first round of the battle was coming to an end. Apart from this Alola player, Ash didn't see any other noteworthy players.

Of course, it was only the first round, and the strength of the players was uneven, and some masters had not yet shown their true strength.

Let’s talk about what’s worth paying attention to…

She is a beautiful and hot female trainer.

She looks like she is in her twenties, has long blue hair, and is wearing heavy makeup... Just this woman's face, Xiaozhi always feels like he has seen it somewhere before.

"Indeed... Yulijia also feels a bit familiar?"

Yulijia also scratched her head and couldn't help but interject.

She used a squid king, which was wrapped in blue light and suspended in mid-air. Her eyes were half-squinted, looking very sinister.

His strength was not weak either. The Squid King glared and used his mental strength to control his opponent.

Or wave the squid tentacles and throw out sharp spiritual blades...

It didn't take much effort and easily completed the achievement of one wearing three.

“This year’s alliance conference has quite a few occasions where one wears three”

Korni couldn't help but comment sharply.

It is estimated that the real exciting moment will be in the quarter-finals!

Just watching the green-haired trainer take the Squid King back, Xiaozhi frowned, always feeling that something was strange.

It's not so much that the trainer with the weird name "X" is strange, it's more that...

Is this squid king weird? !

There is an inexplicable sense of incompatibility between this pair of trainers?

At the same time, in a VIP box at the Miare venue, a humanoid Pokémon was sitting on a big chair, paying attention to the progress of the competition.

Of course it’s Mewtwo!

Although he is confident in his own strength... as a trainer, he is actually still in the "new trainer" stage.

I have never fought against a human trainer, I have only simulated command battles in my mind...

It just so happens that through this alliance conference, I can roughly understand the level of human trainers and confirm my intracranial simulation!

"The Squid King?"

Unlike Xiaozhi, who is a master of superpowers and is also proficient in hypnotic illusions... Mewtwo saw through all the details of this Squid King with just one glance.

Then he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, revealing a sneer.

Unexpectedly, I am not the only Pokémon who wants to become a trainer...?

This kind of method is naturally extremely naive in front of him...

But if it's just used against humans, it's more than enough.

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