He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2779 The battle between the top 64!

At the end of the first round, there were suddenly fewer contestants left in the Miare Conference.

However, the enthusiasm in the audience increased and even became more enthusiastic.

All the old Carlos people know that the main purpose of the Miare Conference is to catch up with the progress. The winner of the entire competition will be determined in a short time, and the excitement of each day's competition will be far more exciting than the previous day.

"Please, Super Armored Rhinoceros!!"

In the second round, Serena fielded the powerful Super Armored Rhinoceros.

Although he has just evolved, he has outstanding endurance and explosive power due to his long-term participation in armored rhino riding competitions with his mother Saki.

"Super-armored rhinoceros, rock cannon!!"

Following Serena's command, the Super Armored Rhino raised one arm. There was a hole like a cannon barrel in the palm of his hand, which was now filled with high-hardness rock...

Boom boom! !

There was a deafening explosion, and the rock cannon roared out, unstoppable along the way.

"Fire Lion, use the big characters to explode the flames!"

Even on the opposite side, a female flame lion also released a fire-attributed big move. The large-scale explosion of flames came overwhelmingly, but it was still smashed into sparks by the rock cannon.

boom! !

The rock cannon, which continued to move, accurately hit the side of the flaming lion, and the rock exploded like a grenade in an instant.

Outstanding effect!

The power of the rock cannon is comparable to the ultimate move like Explosive Flame.

Even in the wild, the super-armored rhinoceros will directly grab small wild fist stones and force them into their own cannon holes.

Every time the rock cannon is fired, a small fist stone will be lost, which can maximize its power!

"Contestant Serena from Chaoxiang Town, advances!"

In the second round of the game, Serena was still unstoppable. This time, she used a violent super-armor rhinoceros to complete the feat of one through three.

"Super Armored Rhinoceros!! So awesome!!"

In the distance, enthusiastic cheers could be heard from one side of the auditorium.

Serena's mother Saki also came to the scene to cheer her daughter on.

As an armored rhinoceros rider for many years, Saqi is not like the usual gentle and kind mother, but more bold and bold, and has even stood astride the seat and shouted loudly.

"Really, Mom..."

This made Serena lower her head as she left the scene, and her cheeks turned red.

There was no interval in between, and the second round of competition was staged one after another.

Doroba's battle was smooth. In the second round, she relied on Mrs. Hua Jie and the fossil pterosaur to defeat her opponent and advance smoothly.

The battle in Tierno was still dangerous, a three-on-three match. This time Raichu and Lotte Kappa were defeated and reached a desperate situation.

Of course, there was also a man dressed as an elite trainer across from him. He also had only the last steel cannon arm shrimp left, but his small body had an extraordinarily huge crab claw.

The front end of the crab claws opens like a dangerous rocket launcher.

"A desperate wave, Blastoise! ​​Mega evolution!!"

At the end of the road, Tierno could only use his unique skills.

He wears a keystone pendant on his collar, but it is not shared with Doropa...

Taking advantage of the last month, the two of them practiced together and looked for the key stone everywhere. They actually found the second one, so they no longer had to share it awkwardly.


As the Water Arrow Turtle shouted, a huge turret appeared on its back, and two small turrets appeared on its arms...

mega water arrow turtle!

The characteristic is transformed into a super launcher, and the power of all wave-type moves is increased!

"Blastoise, Cannon Blister!!"

However, Tierno did not choose a wave-type move...

Mainly, there is only one water attribute move, Water Wave, which belongs to the wave type. Even if the power is increased, it is not much higher.

Coincidentally, the steel gun arm shrimp opposite also has the characteristics of a super launcher.

The elite trainer on the opposite side chose a wave move——

"Dragon Wave!!"

The Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp raised one crab claw, and the dangerous dragon energy gathered and formed at the front end. With the blessing of the super launcher characteristics, the power continued to increase...

Boom! !

Finally, a shock wave shaped like a giant dragon blasted out!

On the other side, the mega water arrow turtle stabilizes its lower body. There are a total of three turrets on the cannon on its back and arms, blasting out three strong and powerful streams of water at the same time!

Boom boom boom! !

The two fierce moves collided wildly in the center of the arena, causing surging air waves in all directions.


In the end, Mega Water Turtle's power was even greater. The cannon's attack dispersed the Dragon Wave and collided head-on with the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp.

The latter's small figure was suddenly blown away by the current and fell heavily to the ground.

Although its attributes were not restrained, it was like being hit by a dump truck. The shell cracked and the lobster died suddenly on the spot.

"The Tie Yueruo player from Chaoxiang Town has advanced!!"

Hearing the referee's voice, Tierno gasped and his chubby figure suddenly fell to the ground.

"Huh... It was so dangerous. I thought I was going to be eliminated in the top 64..."

Although the scene is not as beautiful as Serena and Doropa... in short, as long as you can advance!

"This guy Tierno really beats me to death..."

In the audience, Xiaozhi was also worried about this fat man.

However, the top 64 has been so exciting...the road ahead is uncertain.

"Hmm~ Serena is still awesome, and she is still crushing the game so far!!"

Yulijia stepped on a handful of them beside her.

Since Ash is not on stage at this conference...she is now Serena's biggest fan!

It seemed that Serena's opponent was not weaker than Tiereno's opponent, but she was still easily defeated by the former.

"We are only the top 64 now... don't worry, Yulijia."

Serena could only laugh dryly, but she couldn't open the champagne in advance!

Unlike other areas, there will be rest days in the middle of each stage...

The schedule of the Miare Conference is very tight and lasts until the finals, with only one intermission day.

In the past few days, Xiaozhi and the others were a little overwhelmed watching the battles!

For example, the Guzma player from Alola still fights extremely fiercely and fiercely. He once again achieved the quick one-pierce-three achievement using that armored warrior.

One of the opponent's Pokémon was even beaten so much that Ms. Joy put it on a stretcher and quickly sent it to the ICU.

Normally, there is no need to go to the emergency room for treatment during Pokémon battles, unless it is a life-threatening injury.

"This guy is really violent, he's completely obsessed with fighting to the death..."

This made Xiaozhi frown.

I take back what I said before, this man is nothing like Shinji.

It's more like... deliberately causing trouble, specifically breaking the existing battle rules?

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