He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2780 The unexpected three brothers from the ninja village!

"Speaking of which, isn't Alola a peaceful and peaceful area...?"

Citron was also a little puzzled.

It is said that there is not even a Pokémon League there, and they are not keen on fighting. The local trainers live a leisurely life.

Temporarily putting aside their suspicions about Guzma, several people continued to watch the game.

The female elite trainer who uses Absolu, and the grandiose uncle who uses Bite Land Shark both advanced successfully.

During this period, Xiaozhi also saw an unexpected acquaintance.

"Bulbasaur, use the Jutsu of Kogakure!"

When the familiar commanding voice fell, I saw a Bulbasaur on the field, with a massive whirlwind of flying leaves blowing around its body.

On the opposite side was a double scabbard. He raised his sword body and waved the "Holy Sword" to split the flying leaf whirlwind from the middle!


But as all the flying leaves were scattered, the huge Bulbasaur flower completely disappeared.

Unconsciously, he arrived behind the double scabbards.

"Blood inherits the limit, the sun escapes and the fierce flames!!"

With a flurry of cries, the sun's blazing energy was fully charged behind the Bulbasaur flower.

Boom! !

The blazing sun's flames suddenly burst out and hit the backs of the double scabbards. The scene was like the sun melting a demon...


As the light dissipated, the double scabbards had turned into an unconscious ancient sword, falling to the ground feebly.

"Two draws from the Ninja Village advance!"

The referee immediately said loudly.

It was the new jounin of the ninja village who had an encounter with Xiaozhi, and they were even.

"Hey, I didn't see two draws in the last round...?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but said in surprise, he didn't expect that the ninja village would come out to challenge the alliance conference now.

And after listening to the referee's decision, he read out the name of the Ninja Village openly... It is estimated that this isolated village has officially planned to leave the mountains and forests and connect with the outside world.

"But...since Liangping is here, is Mr. Yiping also here?!"

Xiaozhi suddenly became excited. The new leader of the Ninja Village was probably as powerful as the King of the Alliance!

"The words of Mr. Yiping..."

Thinking of this, Serena's face became nervous.

Although Mr. Ippei's Koga Ninja Frog is not as powerful as Xiaozhi's... but it is equally difficult to defeat the opponent.

If the other party enters the competition, he might be another "Ai Lan"!

Beside him, Citron took out his phone and searched it quickly, then heaved a sigh of relief:

"Don't worry Serena, I checked, only Erping came to the Ninja Village, and I didn't see Mr. Ipping's name."

This actually made Serena let out a sigh of relief. If it was this Bulbasaur, her Demon Fire Red Fox could still handle it.

"Wait a minute, since Mr. Yiping did not attend the alliance meeting..."

Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something and raised his head suddenly.

As if he felt a line of sight, he subconsciously turned his head, and sure enough, he saw a familiar figure in an auditorium dozens of meters away.

Both of them were wearing dark blue ninja uniforms, one large and one small, and their appearance seemed a little out of place with the surrounding audience.

The younger one is about the same age as Xiaozhi, and they are old acquaintances. It is Sanpei who has just been promoted to chuunin.

Due to Sanpei's inability to collect badges in a short period of time... I could only feel itchy and watch my second brother perform on the stage in the audience.

Next to him was a man in his twenties, with handsome features and a resolute and mature face... He was the new leader of the ninja village, Ippei.

Sure enough, it came!

And the other party seemed to have a telepathic connection, and through the dense flow of people, he met Xiaozhi's eyes.

After nodding politely, Yiping took out an invitation with a familiar cover from his arms.

"I see, what Mr. Yiping wants to attend is not the alliance conference, but the strongest trainers conference!"

Xiaozhi suddenly realized, and then his expression became more and more excited.

There seem to be more and more strong players!

I really want to end the alliance conference right away, directly to the strongest trainers conference!

Xiaozhi can't wait!

Beside him, Citron smiled and comforted:

"Don't worry Xiaozhi, this is not reading a novel. Can you drag the progress bar to the next few chapters at once... No, dozens of chapters?"

The Miare Conference will be fought for a while.

The conference was still going on. In addition to the unexpected ninja, the strange trainer who was noticed by Xiaozhi and used the Squid King also successfully advanced.

"The name is X? Strange, what does it mean...?"

The name is obviously just a code name.

As for the green-haired woman who commanded the Squid King, Xiaozhi felt that the more he looked at her, the more familiar she became.

It seems that you often encounter it when walking on the street...?

"I know, it's Miss Junsha!"

It was Korni who reacted first, stood up from her seat and exclaimed.

This woman with long cyan hair is clearly Miss Junsha!

She and Junsha from Salo City are old friends. Sometimes when they meet, the other person will untie her long hair and let it fall down.

In addition, he was not wearing his normal police uniform at the moment, and his face was still wearing exaggerated heavy makeup, so normal people really couldn't tell the difference.

"It's really...Miss Junsha."

"I just said, why are you so familiar?"

Several people around him suddenly came to their senses.

Just like Junsha Joy in other areas... Miss Junsha in the Carlos area also has the same face.

"So Miss Junsha from who knows which city also wants to challenge the alliance conference, and deliberately wears hot girl makeup?"

Serena put her finger to her lips and wondered.

Is it possible that the Pokémon League prohibits Ms. Junsha and Ms. Joy from competing, so they are deliberately pretending?

"No, I still feel something is weird..."

Xiaozhi frowned and shook his head, staring closely at "Hot Girl Junsha" who was commanding the Squid King and finishing the battle.

It's not so much that Miss Junsha is commanding this squid king...

Why did he feel like the Squid King was commanding Miss Junsha? !

It seems that there are some Pokémon with super powers that are good at illusion and hypnosis, right?

But he wasn't sure... maybe it was just a bellicose Miss Junsha?

Let’s watch a few more rounds first.

The strength of this squid king is quite good, and it should be able to enter a few rounds of competition.

In addition to this strange Miss Junsha, in the second round of the competition, Xiaozhi also discovered a new trainer with good strength.

The man with short green hair looked handsome and dashing. He was wearing a college-style white shirt and trousers. He received a lot of cheers as soon as he appeared on the stage and was very popular.

The Pokémon he used was an equally handsome Elledo. With his continuous slashes with his sword, he easily eliminated his opponent and advanced easily.

"Your name is Rin Dou...Isn't this guy quite powerful?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and powerful trainers began to appear in this alliance conference. (End of chapter)

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